Dead and Deader
Dead and Deader
NR | 16 December 2006 (USA)
Dead and Deader Trailers

Lt. Bobby Quinn is a Special Forces commando killed during a recon mission in the Cambodian jungle. But when Quinn interrupts his own stateside autopsy, he discovers that the rest of his dead squad has been resurrected with a ravenous apetite for human flesh. Now with the help of a wisecracking cook and a sexy film geek, the part-zombie Quinn must stop the plague before it can infect the entire nation. Who holds the shocking secret behind this blood-crazed carnage? And what happens when Quinn stops gnawing on raw steak and starts chomping on the hot chick?

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Paul_Rudd_has_a_sweet_ass I caught the start of this on the Sci-fi channel a while back but I fell asleep before the end (not a testimony to how bad it was or anything, it was on at 3am). Much to my delight I found it for £3 online so I happily added it to my zombie collection.The story revolves around Dean Cain who is dead, a zombie but not quite the evil kind unless he gets hungry (good idea to carry a bag of steaks around in his presence). He wants to get to the bottom of why he's dead yet alive.There are some incredibly silly parts including the fact Dean Cain heals instantly every time he is hurt. How would his cells regenerate if he was dead? That and the overacting from his sidekick who steal's Will Smith's number one catchphrase.If you're expecting a hardcore zombie film you'll be sorely disappointed. If you want a lighthearted look at the living dead with some nice green splatter special effects and Dean Cain flashing his man-boobs then this is exactly what you need.A slightly above average 6 out of 10.
plum I'm new to this genre, and "Dead and Deader" was a nice intro to it. There's a lot of instant gratification in this movie. The movie is well paced; so I was constantly entertained. The "good guys" zoom from unexpected place to place, which I enjoyed – an army kitchen, a morgue, a funeral parlor, a creepy bar with girl dancing in a bikini top, inside a huge freezer, a boutique with cool costumes, etc. etc. The "bad guys" get massacred in creative ways you haven't seen before (antlers and meat grinders come into play). I thought the writing was creative. I liked that the zombie infection was mixed up with Cambodian scorpions called "Jindoo" (great name).No matter how disgusting and threatening the surroundings, that fine triumvirate of Bobby, Judson, and Holly actually seem to be enjoying themselves more than they are terrified of the experience. They have great chemistry and make the audience enjoy the ride too. That's the real charm of this movie. Despite life and death being at stake, there is zero forced drama. The conversations are funny. There's some sexual tension, which is nice. Holly moves her face and body in alluring ways. Dean Cain is perfectly heroic. I couldn't help smiling at Judson's comedic delivery. Terrifically, Colleen Camp even shows up. She's like "You're off to find a dead body? Count me in!" I'm paraphrasing. But you get the idea -- even the serious moments are fun. I watched the DVD special features, which tell you about inside references that hard core fans of the genre will appreciate. I think it's the type of flick you can watch over and over; enjoying it more each time as you catch subtle details.
Evaluator This is a good one. Considering it's a TV movie it preforms really well and keeps the entertainment going throughout the movie. Some scenes tend to be bothersome, for example when the military truck breaks down. There was no scene that lead to that, it went from sitting there in truck to standing outside the broken down truck. It's almost like there was a scene before that and it was removed. Good movie with graphic violence which tends to keep people watching whether they want to admit it or not. Lots of random action /graphic violence scenes that happen out of nowhere. Caine always has something cocky to say after achieving something further in the story like killing a zombie. The only reason it didn't get a higher rating is because it wasn't a major motion picture. But it should have been. It surely doesn't compare to Dawn Of The Dead or like 28 days later, but it's still worth the watch. One thing I found interesting was they never used a whole load of CGI graphics like most TV movies do(excessively). For example the zombies are people dressed up as zombies not computer generated images. Even gun shots and things like that seem real. In one scene where Caine(Bobby) first meets the character "Johnson" and Johnson shoots the insect on the tile floor. The insect is destroyed but the tiles are left clean. You would think a double barrel shotgun would mark any floor in some which way or form. Enjoy the flick.
wrlang Dead and Deader is about some insects that infect humans who then become flesh eating zombies. The star is infected, but cuts the insect out before it can fully infect him and helps the living get ride of the infected. I expected the film to be a real bomb, but it wasn't too bad for a cheap TV movie. Not too dark and not too gory as a small group of heroes take on the zombies and the don't ask don't tell military to save the world. Flakey fight scenes and poor fight camera work just make you dizzy watching it. I think I can attribute the film's appeal to the seasoned actors and a lighthearted storyline. It's not too serious and not the best technically, but not a total waste of time.