People are voting emotionally.
Kaydan Christian
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Brennan Camacho
Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
One thing you'll notice if you watch only a handful of 1980s Italian genre films is the way they rip-off
I mean borrow from whatever the popular fad was at the time in American movies. Movies like Conan the Barbarian, Escape from New York, Dawn of the Dead, and The Road Warrior inspired countless Italian imitators. While few of these movies can be called "good" in a traditional sense, many are at least fun in their own weird and unique way. The Atlantis Interceptors is one such movie. Director Ruggero Deodato throws everything but the kitchen sink into The Atlantis Interceptors. Bits and pieces from movies as diverse as the previously mentioned Escape from New York to Raiders of the Lost Ark are used in the movie's nonsensical storyline. It's a mishmash of ideas with one set-piece after another strung together with the bare minimum of a plot thread. Some of it works and some of it fails miserably, yet it somehow comes out as an entertaining time waster at its worst. It's best to just turn your mind off and go with it.The plot (at least what I could make out of it) involves a group of scientists raising a derelict Russian nuclear submarine from the ocean floor. By doing so, however, they unwittingly bring Atlantis back to the surface as well. The Atlantians (is that what you call them) send forth an army of post-apocalyptic looking thugs to take over the surface world. A small group of survivors must band together, defeat the Atlantians, and save the world. That may be the plot, but The Atlantis Interceptors is really just one gun battle or car chase or explosion after another.I guess my biggest surprise came from the number of recognizable faces in the small cast. Ivan Rassimov, George Hilton, Christopher Connelly, and Gioia Scola will most certainly be familiar to fans of Italian genre films. I'm not sure how Deodato was able to assemble a cast like that, but it does add to the movie's appeal.
With post-apocalyptic action (Mad Max 2, Escape from New York), gritty urban thrillers (The Warriors), and escapist adventures (Raiders of the Lost Ark) all the rage with early 80s cinema-goers, it wasn't long before the Italian movie industry jumped on the bandwagon, keen to cash in before the fads fizzled out.Former king of of the cannibal movie, Ruggero Deodato, joined in the fun in 1983 with The Atlantis Interceptors, a decidedly silly film which is essentially an exercise in ripping off as many recent blockbusters as possible within an hour and a half.Christopher Connelly stars as Mike Ross, a soldier of fortune who must do battle with vicious motorcycle-punks from Atlantis, after the sunken civilisation is accidentally brought to the surface by a radioactive leak from a Russian submarine (I said it was silly, didn't I?). The film also features Tony King (Cannibal Apocalypse) as Mike's sidekick Washington, Ivan Rassimov (star of several Italian cannibal films) as helicopter pilot Bill Cook, and the gorgeous Gioia Scola as token bit of totty Dr. Cathy Rollins.With umpteen gun battles, several gruesome deaths (including a nifty beheading, a dreadful 'arrow through the head' gag, and a cannibal movie style jungle booby-trap scene), loads of explosions, a tidal wave (featuring some truly awful miniature work), and even a few lasers for good measure, The Atlantis Interceptors might never be boring, but it is still utter garbage. The action scenes are poorly choreographed, the bad-guys are laughable (they sport Mad Max style mohicans and new-wave make-up), and the plot is utter nonsense.If you're a huge fan of Italian sci-fi action schlock, then there is a slim chance that you may find this film worth a go, but to be honest, there are better post-apocalyptic action adventure movies out thereeven Italian ones!
Jon Gillett
This film is in a league of it's own: I won't bother to re-state what every other person has already posted regarding the plot. Needless to say it makes no sense what-so-ever in the big scheme of things, but there is plenty of violence and preposterous characters such as the "Crystal Skull" liven things up no end. The best line in the whole film has to be "We can't move; we're immobilised" (by an invisible force field), so how come he can still move his jaw to speak? As I say ultimately in a league of it's own and one of the best examples of how practically any script was considered during the 80's as a potential blockbuster!
WARNING: MAY INCLUDE SPOILERSCan you imagine a movie including a Russian submarine, the ancient continent Atlantis, a evil Punk-Rock-Gang trying to capture the world and some Vietnam veterans fighting against them? No? Nor do I, till I saw "Atlantis Inferno" yesterday - This is trash at it's best! The story is so funny, you can't believe anyone took this crap serious not even the director of "Atlantis Inferno". Some American Scientists try to get a sunk Russian submarine from the ground, without the UdSSR recognizing it. I can't believe this was possible in the years of the cold war. Also, I don't understand why they use a oil platform to lift the submarine But, whatever. Unfortunately, the atomic rockets inside the submarine somehow (??) wakes the continent Atlantis, which rises from the ground. Why? Well, who cares? At the same moment, Punk-Rockers from Atlantis (please, imagine it! Punk-Rockers from Atlantis! Who ever thought that a Punk-Rock-Gang lived in Atlantis and their Leader is a weirdo with a Glass skull as Face??) arrive in the USA and start killing every human they find. A massive storm destroy the platform, and some of the soldiers, the scientists and a pilot get saved by two retired Vietnam-Fighters, now working as soldiers-of-fortune. These bunch of survivors now fight against Mr. Glass skull and his none-human (but look like humans) army of rockers. I don't wanna spoil everything, so watch the movie and enjoy the Indiana-Jones-meets-Alien End by yourself.The Action is bloody, real bloody, sometimes even disgusting. The Special effects don't deserve the word "special", they were made with models from a toy-steam-train, maybe in the bathroom of the director (e.g. the storm scene). The Acting is standard for a B-Movie.If you really love trash movies with a REALLY strange story, this is a must-seen! All others should avoid "Atlantis Inferno" at all costs.