Pulse 2: Afterlife
Pulse 2: Afterlife
R | 30 September 2008 (USA)
Pulse 2: Afterlife Trailers

The world has been reshaped by the invasion of ghosts via the wireless internet. Cities are deserted, technology has been destroyed and the few remaining human beings eschew anything electrical in order to avoid a confrontation with the soulless ghosts that now wander the planet. Most of the ghosts are doomed to a repetitive loop of something they did while they were still despairing humans (a man repeatedly hangs himself, for example), but there are some ghosts so locked in denial, they do not know they are dead. They continue to haunt their homes, wrapped in fear that their souls will soon be torn from them.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Vomitron_G So the apocalypse has been brought forth by ghosts who want to suck the lifeforce out of the living (as the first film sets things up). That's a pretty neat concept for any horror movie. Except, in "Pulse 2" not too much is done with it. Instead the story focuses on a divorced man trying to protect his daughter from his ghostly ex-wife, trying to get her hands on her. It's applaudable that the scripts takes different routes, presenting us new protagonists (instead of trying nothing new by whooping up another bunch of teenagers), but it hardly makes up for an exciting movie. The plot is oddly structured too, as the first act exists solely to lead the viewer up the wrong garden (after about half an hour, it gets clear who the real protagonists are). There are a few entertaining moments - like the scene with the naked woman half melted into a black goo on the floor - but they remain nothing more than just moments. The story is pretty thin and the ghostly images are severely underwhelming. Nothing ever gets scary in this film. And what on earth was up with all those obvious green screen effects? A lot of backdrops were used for both exteriors and interiors (the sequences in the cabin were just a bit too much of all this). On the one hand it created a weird look & feel for the film, but on the other hand it's just too distracting for the viewer (I spent most of the running time figuring out how they composed all those shots, instead of getting involved with the story, acting, etc). So, "Pulse 2" turned out a strange viewing experience: interesting from a technical point of view and a bit offbeat in some ways, but way too average and unconvincing as a scary movie. Still, it's good the producers didn't go flat-out for what could be expected in a nowadays sequel. "Pulse 2" turned out something 'different', and while not all of it works like it should, it's not as bad as most people claim it is.
Horrorfan1995 I"m a big fan of the horror genre, and watching this movie from beginning to end was one of the stupidest things that i've ever done.The first PULSE movie in 2006 wasn't perfect, but it was a good movie. This is just another bad sequel that shouldn't be made. The acting is wooden, the characters were complete and utter idiots, the story is extremely weak, and the effects are slapped on in the laziest way possible.My biggest complaint (and you will agree with me) is that 90% of the film is green screened. That make the movie even lazier.Please do me a favor and don't watch this movie.1/10
Klovemovies Well here is the sequel to the remake of the korean movie Kairo. As if the first one was bad enough dimension went on to make two more pulse films DTV. Lets first look at the positives the story sounds good and promising it takes off where the first one left off (except with nobody from the first one) the dead have found a way back to our world- through cell phones and WiFi- and the human survivors have take to remote ares to escape, when a young girl ends up missing, both her mom and dad cross the infected city in search of her. It also has a great start with the red man (this guy wearing all red to keep the ghosts from getting him)walking out of his apartment through an ally to the street you see some of the few ghosts and near dead people that this movie has to offer, then its gets slowwwwwwwwwwwwww........ yeah very slow and one of the most irritating things about this movie other than the acting, and lack of common sense the characters have the CGI o my goodness were they really serious like this looks just fine? I continue to ask myself in disbelief cause of how much this makes my head hurt is how did they even this this would be OK i'd say about 80+% percent of the screen time is green screened, i mean even the backyard scene was cgi the trees all of the area and walking through the house all fake and its so obvious. There is nudity if it matters to you I mean the chick is OK she has a nice body but its got the black stuff anyways so it gets gross very quickly. Thats about it cause this movie is just plain boring it has a lot going for it but falls flat on its face terrible terrible movie i don't recommend it even if you liked the first one this movie is terrible. And as far as the third one goes i have not seen it yet i probably will just because i am the type of guy to finish what he starts. And i bet there will be a 4th and 5th this series isn't over yet
Matttttttttttt Wow, there are so many bad things to say about this one that I don't know where to begin. Let's start with the obvious: the excessive use of green screen. I'm not lying to you when I tell you that about 90% of the scenes take place in front of a green screen. The use of it in Pulse 2 is just absolutely unnecessary. Do we really need a green screen background when a woman is walking down the street or someone else is walking down the steps? Even just sitting down in a cabin...you guessed it, green screen. It completely detracts from the film because it uses up all of your focus and it's done horribly. When you're watching a film and the background looks like an old video game and DOESN'T MOVE, it's a little ridiculous. The budget on this film must have been a couple thousand dollars since they definitely didn't use any money on the sets or effects.Now, on to the story...also pretty bad. Not only does this film come as a sequel to a horrible remake (Who asked for Pulse 2 by the way?), but it doesn't really fit in with that film too much. In a nutshell, we're given a story of a woman searching for her child who is now with her husband and these computer creatures are chasing them and yadda, yadda, yadda. You begin to realize quite quickly that the story makes little sense and most of the acting is rather awful.There are very few redeeming qualities in Pulse 2. Even when you find something about the film that you might enjoy, it's completely ruined by the constant green-screening of EVERYTHING. Let me say that I'm being generous even with a 3/10. Don't even give this one a rental unless you're desperate to see just how bad it is. And Pulse 3 is on the way soon...God help us all.