Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators
Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators
| 05 September 2013 (USA)
Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators Trailers

A group of mutant gators attack the cajun people. Pouring blue chemicals in a Louisiana swamp causes the alligator population to morph into monstrous creatures including a clan of cajuns living in the bayou.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
heilmanlynn If you want a serious movie don't watch this one. If you want fun and entertainment without having to do too much thinking this one is for you. One of the better SyFy B-flicks I've seen in a while and I love me some SyFy B-flicks. Yes its campy and the effects could of been better but there is worse out there. If you're a Lake Placid fan (the SyFy ones not part 1) then this is definitely worth watching. Bonus is that Jordan Hinson from Eureka (Zoe) is in it which makes it worth watching. The acting isn't too terrible and the story could use a little more omph. But the premise for the movie is original and comedic. Not a lot of gore which is good if you're not into buckets and buckets of blood and guts. One of the better monster/animal horror movies that SyFy has put out. Better than Piranahconda and Sharktopus.
Michael_Elliott Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators (2013) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Not only does this film have one of the greatest titles in the history of cinema, it also manages to be one of the most entertaining movies to appear on SyFy. The story is pretty simple as a girl (Jordan Hinson) returns home to see that her family is still feuding with their neighbors and worst of all is that these neighbors have been dumping bad moonshine into the swamps, which has created large, redneck gators. Once again I find myself reviewing a SyFy movie and wondering why so many people go into a movie called RAGIN CAJUN REDNECK GATORS and are expecting some sort of quality material. Again, if you're wanting CITIZEN KANE then don't watch a film called RAGIN CAJUN REDNECK GATORS. It should go without saying but this is a pretty bad little movie but thankfully there's enough camp to make it quite entertaining. I think the best thing going for this are the horrendous CGI alligators, which are among some of the worst things you're ever going to see but thankfully they're funny, which adds to the entertainment. The scenes of the gators attacking are so poorly done and the blood so fake looking that it's impossible to take these scenes serious, which is another good thing. The performances are quite mixed at best but I thought Hinson was good enough in the lead. The film manages to have quite a few funny moments, which is about all you can hope for when watching something like this. The direction is pretty good throughout since he does manage to keep things moving at a nice pace, which, again, is about as much as you can hope for in a film like this. With that said, this is still a "C" level horror movie that aired on SyFy so obviously the material is very thin, runs out of gas before the conclusion but it's a creature feature that has enough entertaining moments.
Babbling-Idiot A movie this bad can't be a mistake...I'm going to assume that Syfy is doing this on purpose. If you thought "Ghost Shark" was scraping the bottom of the barrel, you obviously haven't seen this one. Other reviewers have covered the story line, so I won't repeat it all here. Just be warned that if you're a Louisiana Cajun, you'll be disgusted by the bad accents and EVERYONE will be disgusted by the "redneck" stereotypes including an inbred banjo player who thankfully gets eaten early in the movie. Believe it or not, there are one or two bright spots. The Candy Doucette character was great and I died laughing when her little dog got tossed into a gater's mouth as a diversion! The gater CGI was pretty good (by Syfy standards). There are lessons to be learned from this movie...stay away from bad moonshine!
Clay Loomis I've probably seen a few dozen of these SyFy "original" movies now, and I've even reviewed a few here at IMDb. So I know you can't compare them to anything other than previous SyFy movies. The low budgets, grade C actors, crew and SFX are to be expected. Before this, I thought Alien Tornado and Sharktopus were about as bad as they got. I was mistaken.The director, Griff Furst, has done a number of these movies. Most recently, Ghost Shark, which only came out two weeks ago. I think the kindest thing I can say about his directing ability is "journeyman-like".Let me give you the short version of the silliness that is Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators. Two Cajun swamp-dwelling families are having a feud and one of the families makes some tainted moonshine and dumps it in the swamp. This mutates some alligators. If you get bit or scratched or eat the meat of mutant gators, you turn into one. Every member of the other family eat the mutant meat. Meanwhile, a la Romeo and Juliet, one young member of each family are in love with each other.Juliet's Cajun dad turns into a gator, but keeps his gold tooth, which is now a big gold gator fang (no explanation of how THAT happened, of course). Romeo and Juliet have sex, then Romeo turns into a gator too. Towards the end, the leaders of both clans have a duel. One has a shotgun, the other has a gold fang and a tail that shoots spikes. Both die. All the mutant gators are lured to a warehouse and blown up. Only one escapes- Romeo. Cut to a year later and Juliet comes out of her shack with her new baby. Romeo gator comes crawling up out of the swamp to join his wife and baby. The end. (One note here about actor Abbie Gayle, as "Bloody Girl". She wears blood extremely well, and runs off camera with grace and charm. Truly an Emmy-worthy performance.)Too many other crazy things went on to include here. Suffice it to say, it was all pretty ridiculous. Don't know where all the actors came from, but the accents in this thing were all over the map. This WAS a SyFy channel movie, so it got a two star rating from me because at least I could follow the story.Oh yes, and the mutant gators actually had red necks.
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