Rabbit Seasoning
Rabbit Seasoning
NR | 20 September 1952 (USA)
Rabbit Seasoning Trailers

The cartoon finds a row of signs saying it's rabbit season ("If you're looking for fun, you don't need a reason. All you need is a gun, it's Rabbit Season!"). Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck again are arguing over which of them is “in season” (it is really Duck Season, as Daffy says in the beginning), while a befuddled Elmer Fudd tries to figure out which animal is telling the truth. Between using sneaky plays-on-words, and dressing in women's clothing (including a Lana Turner-style sweater), Bugs manages to escape unscathed, while Daffy repeatedly has his beak blown off, upside-down, and sideways by Elmer.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Hitchcoc Bugs Bunny almost always gets the last word, and this cartoon really promotes that. In this one, Daffy Duck has convinced Elmer Fudd it is rabbit season to deflect the fact that it is really duck season. Of course, he never has a chance against the clever rabbit. Since Elmer is no Rhodes Scholar himself, he falls for every verbal trap put forth and Daffy ends up paying for it with buckshot dismantling him. On several occasions, the clumsy hunter shoots the poor duck, usually rearranging his head in some way. There is the obligatory scene where Bugs dresses up as a Southern Belle and Elmer goes bonkers over him/her. Good animation. Nowadays, all the shooting and talk of death would never allow this to be shown to children the way it was in 1952.
TheLittleSongbird If you overlook the fact that the plot has been done many times, this is a hilarious and gleefully enjoyable Looney Tunes cartoon. The animation is wonderful, the backgrounds so detailed and a lot of audacious colouring too. The writing is razor sharp, and the sight gags especially Daffy constantly getting his head blown off are brilliantly timed. I really did love the arguments between Daffy and Bugs, and that Bugs wins every time. I also love it that Daffy is really greedy and nasty while being uproariously funny. I do prefer him when he's manic but he is great fun here too. Bugs is still his charming and rascally self, and Elmer is funny if rather dumb too. In short, this is absolutely brilliant, and actually my personal favourite of the Hunting Trilogy for sheer entertainment value. 10/10 Bethany Cox
Michael_Elliott Rabbit Seasoning (1952) **** (out of 4) It's duck season but Daffy puts up "rabbit season" signs so Elmer goes after Bugs. Here's another classic from the series with the always wiser Bugs pulling several tricks, which get Daffy shot over and over. There are countless classic scenes including Bugs mixing up Daffy where he asks to get shot, Bugs dressing as a hot woman to distract Elmer and the constant gag of Daffy's mouth being shot around to various sides of his head. This short really features the three characters are the top of their game, which means plenty of laughs and great, violent action.
Robert Reynolds This is the middle cartoon of the three (between Rabbit Fire and Duck! Rabbit, Duck!) and is the weakest of the three, while still being quite funny. It simply depends on one gag for too much of the action. Still a good cartoon. I feel a definite sympathy for Daffy in this one, which is rare for me. Daffy is so clearly overmatched that it almost becomes painful to watch at times. Good cartoon in an excellent series. Recommended.