Queen Kong
Queen Kong
| 10 December 1976 (USA)
Queen Kong Trailers

A female film crew journeys to Africa where a giant ape, Queen Kong, falls in love with the crew's male star.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
trashgang Frank Agrama, the director of this spoof on the King Kong theme is better known for his wildly searched horror of 1981 Dawn Of The Mummy. But before that he left us with this weird British remake of King Kong on a extreme low budget. Just look at Kong, just a man in a suit. And there is singing in it, there is a bit of inside jokes in it, this isn't a horror to be honest even as it is stated on the box, full uncut. But everything you see in the original King Kong they remade, the fight with the Tyrannosaurus Rex is unbelievable, it isn't done in stop motion but it's again, well, a man in a suit. But being so stupid and badly done you really want to see this cheesy piece of stupidity. The acting is okay, really, if you can catch this than you just wont believe that this kind of flick could be made in the seventies, really looks like a Carry On...but still, it's out there to be seen, well, see it.
Steamcarrot Hidden away for many years, Queen Kong is finally gained a DVD release, probably to the embarrassment of the stars, but also to the joy of fans of low budget seventies comedy. The film follows the 1933 King Kong remarkably closely and has fun poking fun at many films of the time. The film is clearly not to be taken seriously and has it's tongue firmly embedded in it's cheeky cheek and is by no means difficult to sit through. The women's lib overtones are quite laughable though as there are plenty of scantily clad (no nudity though) females exploiting the gender and prancing around for the men of the audience to have a right good ogle. A lot of the jokes may be of the 'groan' variety but in my book there's no such thing as a bad pun. One particular scene that gave me a hearty chortle was where a priest on a plane decks an annoying lady passenger because of her annoying laughter, and the singing nun on the plane raised a smile too. Of course film snobs will poo-poo it as film snobs are want to do and that's fine. It's not a film made for them, but for those who like ever-so-slightly risqué knockabout farces will get a lot from it. And from a strictly male point of view, any film that has Valerie Leon in a skimpy bikini for the entire length of it has to add a little something. It also looks better than it should do really, even if the white cliffs of Dover are now to be found on the African coast.
lordzedd-3 When they announced the first remake of King Kong in 1975, other Countries scrambled to make they're own Kongs. There was China's Mighty Piking Man and Thailand's APE, both sucked to high Heaven. But one of these Kong wanna-be's stand out and that was Queen Kong. While the rest of the world went out of there way to rip off the classic Kong storyline and fail. The British decided to go another direction, not imitate, parody. Thus Queen Kong was born, of course made quickly and cheaply there are some production value issues. But it is clever and funny and I feel that Benny Hill had a hand in it somewhere. I find the story hilarious, the effects passable and the acting over the top, in the funny way. In my book as Kong rip offs go, you can't go wrong by doing right. This is the best of the rip offs, it's clever twist makes it not only worth watching, it makes it worth owning. 9 BIG STARS.
Nozz This was a scene-for-scene parody of the original King Kong, with a merry but uncomprehending wink at the women's liberation movement. The better you know the original, the more you'll enjoy the in-jokes.