Quackser Fortune Has a Cousin in the Bronx
Quackser Fortune Has a Cousin in the Bronx
PG | 13 June 1970 (USA)
Quackser Fortune Has a Cousin in the Bronx Trailers

In Dublin, a working class family has been unsuccessful in convincing their son to get a real job: the son prefers his job of scooping up horse's dung and selling it for flower gardens. An American exchange student almost runs him over and gets to know him. The dung man has ignored warnings from his family and suddenly the horses have been banned from Dublin. His new love is leaving for America and he must find a way to cope with the new reality.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
mark.waltz For a man who whistles while he collects the piles of horse manure then sells it for fertilizer, Gene wilder enjoys a job that others would turn their noses away from. He is stopped by Irish matrons tending their garden, grabs a slab, sprinkles it generously around, and collects a coin. On occasion, he even gets lucky with the lonely and over heated customers he "serves". On one of these excursions, he encounters young American Margot Kidder who wants to make amends for accidentally causing him to tip over his cart and admits her fascination with his position. A unique friendship is formed, and the viewer gets an insight in on a man who is simply happy living simply. But when he finds that the horse drawn delivery horses have been replaced by trucks, he fears his livelihood that he loves will disappear with them.This sleeper of a light comedy/drama might be a tough decision to give a chance, but films like this end up with cult followings and subjects for film students. Don't expect Quackster to be an earlier version of Forrest Gump or "Rain Man"; he's just unspoiled and free of soul stealing ambitions, and unaffected by the judgmental world around him which is probably why he is so well liked. Sporting just a hint of an Irish accent, Wilder shows why he was one of those unique finds as cinema began to change in a changing world. Filmed on location in Dublin, this was set apart from the truly filthy films of the time that seemed straight out of some writer's drug overdose. The only other adult story I can think of to put in the same category with is "The Sterile Cuckoo" where Liza Minnelli was singularly as innocent and free of the trappings that tear people from who they really are underneath.
moonspinner55 Waris Hussein is a talented director but not someone I would pick to helm a quirky, romantic comedy-drama. Hussein's films, such as this one or "The Possession of Joel Delaney", clearly pinpoint the stamp he likes to leave: peculiar plot structures, depressed or otherwise forlorn characters, bleak and muted surroundings. In "Quackser Fortune" (how's that for a title?), Gene Wilder is self-employed in Dublin, scooping up horse droppings from the carriages to use as fertilizer; he eventually meets university student Margot Kidder, who is sort of a displaced hippie. I saw this in 1975 when it played a double-bill with "The Other Side Of The Mountain"; it came on second and proceeded to empty out the theater. I was glad I stayed to watch because it's so very unusual. However, it is such an oddity that even when A&E's Biography did an hour on Margot Kidder's career, it wasn't even mentioned. ** from ****
smatysia An odd little film. A romantic comedy, I suppose, but the comedy is more whimsy than anything else. Good job on the accent by Gene Wilder. And Margot Kidder was so beautiful then. She and Wilder both turn in good erformances, and the photography of Dublin is fairly interesting. I found the film slow and not terribly interesting. Recommended only to fans of the two principals.
Scoopy This is a really odd and somehow compelling movie. Gene Wilder is an independent and none-too-bright guy in a working class Dublin family. He does quite a good job in the role. I never much liked him away from Mel Brooks, but I have to admit he was just right in this part. I'm no expert on the working class Dublin dialects, but he fooled my ear. I couldn't even tell it was his voice!Anyway, Wilder doesn't want to spend his life working in a factory like his dad, so he creates a profession for himself. He follows the horse-drawn delivery wagons, shovels up the horse-dropping from the streets, and resells it from a pushcart, as fertilizer. ("Get your fresh dung"!) He loves this, the city loves him for it, and he is generally loved by everyone he meets along the way.The problem is that the modern world is encroaching on the world he has built for himself; the horses are going to be shipped off to unpleasant fates, and Wilder has no skills to find another profession. He can't even read or write.Margot Kidder is the love interest of sorts, an adventurous American college student, and she was really college age (21) at the time it was filmed in Dublin, nearly a decade before she hit the big time as Lois Lane. She was very beautiful. Her character gradually seduces Quackser, and he thinks it's love. For her it's a frolic, which she regrets by the time they actually sleep together.Just when things look bleakest for Quackser, without job or girl, there is a deus ex machina happy ending which spoiled for me an otherwise realistic and bittersweet movie.
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