| 22 October 2010 (USA)
Pure Trailers

Katarina is 20 years old. With a troubled past in a dreary suburb, her life seems to be already set in stone - until she discovers music. Everything changes when she hears a performance of Mozart’s 'Requiem' at the Gothenburg Concert Hall that sends her reeling and opens up a beautiful new world. She feels that she has to change her life and get as far away from her ugly reality as possible. But the path she has to follow proves to be a treacherous one, filled with lies, betrayal and a dangerous liaison with the married conductor Adam. Yet Katarina is ready to do anything to gain her new identity.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
directorgod-2 First I tried to find this film because of the actress Alicia Vikander. She is one of the two actress I truly love. One is Mélanie Laurent and the other is Alicia Vikander. Alicia is a bit luckier so far then Melanie. She has been in great movies and is now more famous then Melanie. As watching this movie, I felt that this movie is more then just the debut movie of Alicia Vikander. It is a great film that should be released all over the world. I don't know why it was so hard for me to actually achieve this in my hand. It was so pain for me to take so long. The story is not that new. Alicia has some kind of mental problem and especially when it comes with her mother, she even hits her sometimes. I don't know what exactly what it is but there must be something going on with her mother before. She has a boyfriend and they live together and he seems to understands her well.But that was not enough for her. She needed something else. One day she heard the classsic music from a concert hall and she was just enchanted by it. At that spot, this woman approached her and she thought that Alicia was there for the interview for a front desk job. She tells her a little lies and she was hired. There she experienced listening to classic music. That opens her mind and soul. Not only that. There she also met the comducter, a middle aged man who had a family. He fond Alicia and gives her all kinds of books to read, makes jokes. They made love in the room inside the concert hall, even in the man's house during his wife was not at home. Alicia deeply was effected my the man. She even thought that he truly loved her. She even broke up with her boyfriend. That was the time the man said that I have a family and a job. I cannot risk them both. Our relationshio shouldn't go on. Alicia then becomes mad. He old habbit comes out from her inside. The conductor then tried to dump her by firing her. She lost her job. But she cannot help it and kept followed the conductor. When the conductor succeeded the concert, that day when Alicia comes back to the concert, the conductor says you are not my class, something like that. She was mad and pushes him from the window. She dies instantly. Even the unstable, mentally problem woman like her vomits seeing his deaths. Some time later, when everything was forgottened and she served for the institute and released, the woman who hired her from the concert hall, rehired and she is now working for the children for the concert for kids. At the very end, we see her happy face working for the concert again. The music is a powerful thing that can cure most anything.When I was 14, I went out from home for 6 months without anything in my hand. There was only one thing which was a cassette player and two casettes. Two music are all I can hear. Being lonly and hungry, I listened to the song again and again till the battery is out. But during listenting, I had no worries. The music seemed everything to me at that time.For her music saved her soul and her life. There's an old saying if you have an art, that can make your life keep moving. If you don't have, then you need a religion. You will be so lucky if you have art in your life. Alicia in this movie is lucky and the music saved her life. She has nothing to be afraid of. I hope you will find this movie from somewhere and be able to watch. The music are so great and make the movie even a better one. Alicia as always is so pretty and graceful. I cannot but to love her for 2 houres. I cannot believe that this was her firt movie.
jputte Well, the script might raise some questions at some points but this doesn't really matter. The intensity, the power and credibility of Alicia Vikanders' performance in this movie blows away the story lines. The sober direction of the movie underlines her performance. One of the best performances I've seen in the last years. The script is touching many subjects such as poverty, coming-to-age and gender issues, without digging deep in any of them. It is the acting which gives the depth of the emotion to this movie. When she is asked to dance in front of the conductor in a most humiliating way, the scene is so painful that the buildup to the climax feels almost logical emotionally. This is not about ethics, but during the movie, you get dragged into the wild emotions of Katarina. And this is to me the essence of the movie: a young wild women fighting her way through a very troubled life. I don't think the director intends to ask our approval or even sympathy, but wants us to take a journey on the emotional roller-coaster of Katarina, so brilliantly performed by Alicia Vikander. Simply breathtaking.
celluloidkiwi About music? Or what, exactly.Glam? Music is an art form.To make a film about music, one should respect the subject and performers within the confines of the script.Pretty faces do not music make.Nor does production values film make. Scripting is story, production is canvas,direction is product.Any musician would see, any at all, poor research on behalf of the writer(s).Go for it with gusto next time, practice, practice, practice.Makes perfect.It is with dull merit that I had to include more lines than needed to get this review submitted. So be it. This film does not express what it tried to say, but follies about with faces and drama.
coiffuremixte Music can change your life.Everyone has experienced this at one time or other and this is the heart of Pure.In this edgy immensely engaging drama a working-class girl with a borderline personality finds her life's passion in classical music.The story is not what you could call enticing however the film is a triumph. Next to more prestigious and lauded films, such as Black Swan and Fish Tank, Pure is hands down the easy winner in terms of acting, directing and all round film-making. Alicia Vikander is now breaking out internationally as an actress in Anna Karenina and Royal Affair but once you see this film it is no surprise, she is heart-breaking and awesome in this.I actually applauded in the screening I saw, this was during the film because of a plot twist and reflected the quality of the film and the brilliance of the script.Catch this underrated gem as soon as you get the chance. Ken Loach should be worried, there's a new kid on the block and her name is Lisa Langseth.