Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes
Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes
R | 28 October 2006 (USA)
Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes Trailers

He threw their loved ones into a swamp. Now they want revenge... But when a demon does their dirty work, it comes at a price.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
atinder Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes (2006)12 years after the second sequel, We actually got True sequel to the first movie and I do think it was better then Blood wings. It took me bit of time to get in this movie but when the movies get going, it never lets upI really liked how they connected to first movie and I really liked how they brought the Pumpkin head back,Creature did look a little different but not by much, I think the death were bloody there last two movies.A lot of fast pace action scene in this movie, some decent turns in the story.The acting was not bad at all, decent acting from most of the cast. 6 out of 10Off to see number Blood feudNot a horror bad series at all,
TheLittleSongbird I did enjoy the 1988 Pumpkinhead, without it being one of my absolute favourite horror films. While I didn't care for Ashes to Ashes all that much, it is at least better than Blood Wings. It does have some good points, Lance Henrikssen has a rather small role but he does do a great job with what he's given, the score is suitably eerie,the Romanian scenery is beautiful and atmospheric, Doug Bradley also gives a good performance with at least some charisma and there are a few nice surprising turns in the story. On the other hand, the rest of the acting is an uneven mix of over-acting and under-acting, some of the camera work is rather frenzied which further cheapens the already slapdash effects, the dialogue felt stilted and the characters I never felt anything for. The story does have some surprising turns, but of any effective scenes and such the only one to leave any lasting impression was the Ed Harley's Ghost sequence. The rest, not helped by some sometimes tedious pacing, lacked any true horror or suspense, and has lapses in logic. The titular character has his moments, but perhaps here too generic and ruthless, which was the opposite effect in the original. Overall, not as good as the original and has a lot of problems, but it also has redeeming values and is at least better than Blood Wings(then again a lot of movies are). 5/10 Bethany Cox
suspiria10 Rating…3 / 5 Genre…Horror, Pumpkinhead Series Director…Jake West Stars…Doug Bradley, Douglas Roberts, Lisa McAllister, Tess Panzer, Emanuel Parvu, Ioana Ginghina, Lance Henriksen, Radu Iacobian, Catalin Paraschiv, Dan Astileanu Synopsis…The Demon of vengeance once again crawls out of the swamp when he is summoned by village folk seeking retribution for a doctor (Bradley) who found a unique work around for keeping his fellow townies safe. By selling the organs of their loved ones on the black market. The ghost of Ed Harley (Henriksen, returning from the 1988 original) tells them not to do it but you know they will do it anyway.Thoughts…Jake West (Evil Aliens, Razor Blade Smile) does a pretty decent job getting the third film of the series back in line with the original after a rather bad sequel. The special effects also beat out the second outing. Doug Bradley (Pinhead from the Hellraiser series) is always fun to watch as a baddie and it was cool that they worked Lance Henriksen back into the mix even though it was more of an afterthought than anything else.In Conclusion…If you thought "Blood Wings" was bad but did enjoy the late Stan Winston's original Pumpkinhead than give this one a shot. For a SciFi Channel original it's not half bad.
scrapmetal7 PUMPKINHEAD: ASHES TO ASHES is the third Pumpkinhead movie. It connects to the first film very well and follows it up very well. The film's strengths are its style, painted in such heavy colors and settings that you can smell the burning wood and night air, its rural feel, which is essential to the concept, and it's lack of stock characters.Lance Henriksen returns as the ghost of Ed Harley. Having the monster appear in both human form (as a ghost) and in his monstrous form is a good new idea for the character, and gives the story added dimension and scariness, as well as giving the actors more to do. Doug Bradley (Doc Fraser) is great as a creepy, deceitful town doctor, who can smile and reassure the same people he preys upon. In fact, the film goes out of its way to avoid having the same old boring crew of victims. All of the characters in this movie are different and unexpected. Compare the human community of this film to any other in almost any horror film you've seen and you'll see that these are different and more interesting people.At the center of the Pumpkinhead concept is vengeance, which is a primal, basic facet of the human condition. The idea of a monster driven by vengeance opens up a lot of story possibilities. In the first Pumpkinhead movie, Ed Harley summoned the demon of vengeance to avenge his murdered son, which is about as basic and archetypal as you can get. The vengeance in this movie is invoked in response to a more modern crime, based on the real Tri-City Crematorium incident which horrified the nation in 2002. This is a unique premise, indicative of the effort to make this movie something unique and special.Pumpkinhead is at heart a rural legend. The broadly painted small town setting adds a lot of atmosphere to great effect, making this film a classic rural horror story.The monster's design is also good, using newer technology, while staying true to the original look. It is taller, a little more detailed, and darker in color, but definitely Pumpkinhead.Special mention also goes out to the always interesting Douglas Roberts (Bunt), and to Emannuel Parvu (Oliver), who turns in an interesting performance as the film's reluctant hero, being entirely ordinary in appearance and demeanor while at the same time radiating a quiet strength. Also to Ioana Ginghina (Ellie), a stunning beauty, and one of the most interesting new faces to come along in a long time.Horror fans looking for a good Halloween thrill will not be disappointed!
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