R | 28 January 2011 (USA)
Prowl Trailers

Amber dreams of escaping her small town existence and persuades her friends to accompany her to find an apartment in the big city. When their transportation breaks down, she and her friends gratefully accept a ride in the back of a semi. But when the driver refuses to stop and they discover the cargo is hundreds of cartons of blood, they panic. Their panic turns to terror when the truck disgorges them into a dark, abandoned warehouse where blood-thirsty creatures learn to hunt human prey, which, the friends realize, is what they now are... Written by Svetlio Svilenov

VividSimon Simply Perfect
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Micransix Crappy film
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
starsteamer Having just watched this film I am trying desperately to think of a word or words to describe it and the only thing is: it's alright. There is nothing particularly bad about this movie but nothing particularly good either. It attempts atmosphere and tension but not particularly well. The characterisation is relatively bland and the so called jumps don't really well make you jump. The main problem is not the film itself as such but that it has been done so much better in many different other movies. It really is a poorly done Near Dark remake. In fact, I have watched episodes of Supernatural that were better. To summarise, watch the originals instead and don't bother with this.
fedor8 The moment the kids find themselves in a slaughterhouse, surrounded by vampires (not again), it becomes very unexciting. Two cheer-leading blonds vs. dozens of gravity-defying (why have vampires become related to birds in recent years?), hungry vampires: it's such a mismatch that it cannot generate any excitement because the outcome is a foregone conclusion. Sort of like placing Mike Tyson in the ring against a three-year-old girl. Not much of a match-up.OK, fine, both blonds survive. The movie's somewhat redeeming feature is that it does give us that surprise twist: Amber is a vampire too. However, the ending isn't clear. What are those scenes of her running through the woods? Going back to the vampires? Rarely-done steak not good enough for her anymore? Actually, who the hell cares.What I do care about is what happened to Amber's "big-city" flat, the one that is at fault for her having helped have all her friends slaughtered. Was it rented out to someone else or did she get there in time? All these loose ends the movie leaves. Ts, ts.What a dumb, dumb scene with that old hobo attacking Amber's friend, right after they'd escaped from the vampire lair. Dumb to the umpteenth. Just an excuse to have Amber sink her newly-polished fangs into some human flesh.How about that English actor's (Bruce Payne) phony-baloney Southern accent. Wow. Was that lame or what. A piece of advice to modern film-makers who think it's the height of ingenuity and "artistic brilliance" to hire Brits to play Americans and vice versa: don't. Just don't. Keep it simple.Sure the mobile phones didn't work. Did you expect any different?
scottmannen1 I confess I am a vampire movie buff. I don't like certain vampire movies that are just ugly looking unintelligent zombie vampires. Rather I enjoy a vampire movie that contains some lore and back story that explains why the vampires are there, who they are and what they are up to in the movie.What I liked about this movie is that it appears as though a bunch of dumb teens are just dropped off in a wharehouse complex full of mindless zombie vampire automaton's ready and willing to consume the teenagers in a burst of blood and gore. In fact thats exactly what does happen to about half of them. Then some storyline appears when the head vampire shows up, explains what she is doing here and why these vampires are all in one location. I really liked that some story was brought into the movie at this point. We learn that the mother vampire has collected vampire children that are orphans and placed them all in this wharehouse complex in the middle of nowhere as a means to train them how to kill, how to survive and how to feed. This is fantastic! One by one the teens are killed off until we reach the final teen who for some reason has been able to survive the onslaught of vampire attacks. It is then that we learn that the protagonist is not only a survivor, but someone special who has abilities and powers not dissimilar to the vampires themselves. We learn that her heritage is tied to that of the vampires and that she is 'special'Fantastic twist at the end! While this movie isn't a blockbuster, go into it expecting a solid B vampire movie and if you enjoy these types of films then I think your hunger will be satisfied!
TheHrunting This starts out like a coming-of-age drama with a young woman named Amber who's sick of small town life in Famfield despite her close friends, mother and part time job. There are some unexplained snippets with ominous visions that include people chasing her and decomposing bodies. Is something calling her, or is it just the stress and mounting pressure of cabin fever? She wants to move away and get her own apartment in Chicago but first she has to get there with a deposit before another prospective tenant. Her five friends tag along for the road trip, until right outside of the city limits their car breaks down. As chance would have it, a friendly semi-truck driver pulls over and they beg him to take them to the windy city, but not before telling him they want to snap his picture, that one should ride up front and, of course, their family should know who they're with for safety's sake. Can never be too careful, or can you? They hang loose in the back cargo area by playing games, drinking and smoking drugs. Suddenly they take a nasty swerve and get thrown about. They call the driver and he gives them the run around to stop, which makes them suspicious enough to call 911, though where they just entered the signal doesn't go through. The driver backs in to a loading area of an abandoned warehouse that looks like it used to be a slaughterhouse. After the back door opens, everything turns into chaos when they step out into the factory with no visible way out and strange creatures who fly through the air, crawl on the walls and want to consume their flesh sooner than they can rip it off. From then on out it ends up being something like "The Most Dangerous Game" as these victims are treated like not only lunch but challenging sport. "Prowl" is a director's film first and foremost. It has a steady pacing that keeps up a certain element of mystery without laying out a full view of its blueprints, as well as it manages to escalate the story to different levels while still slowing down in a few areas to catch its breath and explain. The dialogue also dances around and doesn't lay it all out for the audience, which gives it some challenge and curious questions even after the credits roll. It manages to cover up its plot holes--sometimes after the fact, which makes you wonder about a few in the meantime--such as certain physicalities. It gradually unveils the blood-craving beasts from quick shots to extended, which keeps a viewer guessing as to what they are and what it all means while--thank the horror Gods!--doesn't fold in on itself and make what they have going too cheesy. This is more intriguing and mysterious like a thriller than it is continually scary like a horror, though there are still a few jumping shocks used to rile one's pulse, even if not terrifying. What at first seems like it's only prolonging the inevitable, comes full circle and turns into a tale of finding out what Amber's life means before she even gets to her promised land. The blood is more watery than the truly crimson looking stuff and there are frantic camera shots that go a little overboard. Though this was a quick, basic and entertaining piece that could have been a run-of-the-mill movie with different direction, less measurement and passion put into, not to mention it's a simple story that only has a few conventions tweaked around and isn't the most original out there, but the way it carried itself was turned into an effective experience that urges forward. One where it's a little more unexpected than other don't-take-rides-from-strangers fare.