Stolen Women, Captured Hearts
Stolen Women, Captured Hearts
| 16 March 1997 (USA)
Stolen Women, Captured Hearts Trailers

Kansas, 1868. A wagon train is attacked by a band of Lakota Sioux led by the young and athletic warrior Tokalah. The attractive, red haired Anna Brewster-Morgan and her friend Sarah White are on this wagon train too. When Tokalah noticed a terrified Anna with a Bible, he thinks this is an omen. Despite killing the other passengers of the wagon train, only Anna and Sarah may continue their voyage. The next day Anna and Sarah are kidnapped by Tokalah. At first terrified of her captors, the unhappily married Anna eventually falls in love with the noble, honorable Tokalah. After a year's captivity, Sarah is returned to her own people. Anna now must choose between her new life with Tokalah and her previous existence as the wife of farmer Daniel Morgan.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
uyuysan When I watch movies, no matter what kinds of movies,I suppose there should always be a coherent and consistent story. Therefore, I am writing this review with a view to criticizing of an opportunism lacking the appropriate story. It may be off the mark for those would like to watch this kind of film for a temporary eye candy without an elaborated scenario, if so, then, just skip it over. First of all, regarding this movie, needless to say, it should be consumed as "Falling love with a beautiful guy".I am well aware of it, but I can't concentrate on the love story because the actress who plays the leading female role pretends to be a victim all the time, that irritates me so much. I suppose this lead role unconsciously has an idea "virtuous wife like me generously permits savage to take me away." she's just going on an ego trip.If not, What kind of magic did she use to get such luck (elopping with the beautiful man) more than she deserves? Empty dream based on pre-established harmony with one sided concept.The other girl who was kidnapped together sticks to her way of thinking to the end: superiority as a conqueror. She is fully aware of her standpoint of being a kidnapped hostage, having an elitism and arrogant superiority against indians. Even though it is not true, it would be tolerated because she has good reason to think so.However, the lead is committing adultery.No matter how plausibly she tries to cover it up,that is an undeniable fact.It is a sin can not be erased : succumb to temptation for young flesh better than her husband. Even if you make it fuzzy and let the story take a good appearance, I think it's impossible for het to escape from the charge of cowardice, cheating, shamelessness. Despite of showing her reluctance at the begining (just a pretence),suddenly she began to fool around without reasonable excuse.After all, this woman is just a slave to her passions. That's totally unacceptable. Can't she do a little better than that, if she strives to be a "virtuous wife"? !!!!!I repeat. The lead pretends to be a chasteful wife who is actually obsessed with a young, beautiful and hunkey man far better than her husband makes me sick!!!!! While this is a childish content such as cartoon for girls, it is a very grotesque thing to reveal woman's filthy desire.It seems like it justifies the history of invasion. Oddly the indians began to speak fluent English!!That is not a case. Moreover, how come did she accept a rapists kidnapping women. "It's okay. Because he is a handsome guy!" Is it enough? What he did would have been equal to a crime, if it had done by creepy dirty old man.At the beginning, the subtitles say "Based on a true story".What kind of "historical fact" !? It must be a "historical fact" full of opportunism and justification from the invader's side.It is an undeniable fact of abduction and rape! Why did they conceal the fact and then make up as a true love story?Such an imagination I looked up to. Is it possible to fall in love with a stranger who tried to rape you?What they tried to do is to justify the history of invasion of America (perhaps the parties oncerned are unaware), which ends in just embrace the opportunisticism. However, the role of the male is beautiful, that deserves rate 10.
dbellmyer This film evolved from the true story of Anna Brewster Morgan and Sarah White, frontier women who lived near Concordia, Kansas. Their stories can be found in the non-fiction book Pioneer Women: Voices From the Kansas Frontier by Joanna L. Stratton. The screenwriter has taken dramatic license with some of the facts, but it makes for a very enjoyable film. Anna, a newly married woman, and Sarah were captured by the Sioux and lived with them for a year until Gen. George Custer negotiated their release. During the year of captivity, Anna (who is played by Jeanine Turner) learned to admire the Sioux, and she fell in love with Tokalah, a handsome chief played by Michael Greyeyes. Viewers may remember him from Crazy Horse, the TNT film. You will enjoy this film if: you are a fan of romance novels, you are interested in American frontier history, and/or you are interested in Native American culture. It is shown on a fairly regular basis on the Lifetime Network, but is not available commercially for sale.
jcqqd I love this movie. I was captured at the first glance of Michael Greyeyes' eyes. His gaze had melted me completely. I just love him instantly. Janine Turner and William Lightning are also very lovable. Do I believe in soulmates? Yes. I do. THIS one is. Like an old story, a woman marries an earnest but dull man. When she meets her match, she burns. Anna married Daniel. When she met Tokalah, their eyes gazed into each other and ignited each other. I would like to found out the true story behind this movie too.What a wonderful performance. A love story that was truly believable. A Must-See!
Kallithrix There are lots of romance stories based on the abduction of women from the frontier lands, who then fall in love with their Indian captors, and struggle to re-adapt when they are subsequently 'rescued'. Such stories inevitably result in the white woman deciding her heart belongs with the gentle, spiritual people who snatched her, rather than the morally suspect/hypocritical/emotionally restrained fiance/husband she was snatched from. So this film covers no new territory, but nor does it treat its hackneyed material with any particular depth. Feelings are not developed and motives not explored sufficiently to gain real empathy with any of the characters, whether it be the female protagonist, her indian lover, or the men she left behind and are desperately searching for her. Therefore the finale falls a little flat, unable to produce the emotional satisfaction of an anticipated reunion, or the closure that would have resulted from a more neat resolution of the plot (there are still too many questions left unanswered, and the viewer is left feeling that this is rather a falsely convenient ending) Although it could never have risen above the 'Dr Quin: Medicine Woman' drama league with its 'meaningful glance' acting and saccarine dialogue, this might have been a good romance, if only it had achieved a little more depth and character focus.