Prelude to War
Prelude to War
| 27 May 1942 (USA)
Prelude to War Trailers

Prelude to War was the first film of Frank Capra's Why We Fight propaganda film series, commissioned by the Pentagon and George C. Marshall. It was made to convince American troops of the necessity of combating the Axis Powers during World War II. This film examines the differences between democratic and fascist states.

Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Bella Prelude to War (1942) is a Historic War Documentary which is a famous propaganda pieced used to train the U.S. Army during World War 2. The main message of the film is why America is at war. The film begins with war footage while naming countries and asking which one is to blame for this war. The film convinces viewers of the importance of war by naming America 'the land of the free' and other countries 'slave countries'. The narrator highlights growing fascism, socialism, and militarism in other countries and states that America is the free world where individual rights are cherished. The narrator uses music and quotes that Americans will recognize such as "Give me liberty or give me death"-all to convince viewers that this fight is one for liberty. The narrator criticizes Japan by calling Japanese people a human heard because they refer to their leader as "God Emperor". They talk about fascism in both Italy, Germany, and Japan and discussed the symbols that were worn and what the narrator wants to think the citizens of these countries were hoping for and what they got in return. The narrator tells audiences that all media is controlled by the government and freedom of speech and association is going away. The footage is clear and concise. The editing is great. The message is clear. The film succeeds in convincing Americans of their importance World War 2 and making America look great. All in all, a good watch for any history nut.
artpf This famous propaganda piece, used as a U.S. Army training film in WWII before theatrical release, asks 'why we fight.' The answer compares the 'free' and 'slave' worlds. Included: development of dictatorships in Italy, Germany and Japan, while anti-militarism and isolationism rise in the USA; a look at enemy propaganda; and the first acts of aggression. Walter Huston narrates a combination of archival footage, maps, and other graphics.Wasn't WW2 great? We actually fought the socialists instead of putting them in the White House! This is a neat documentary. Some people call it propaganda but is it propaganda when there are real bad guys? Obviously 70 years later the socialists are re-writing history!
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- 1942, A film showing and speaking of the conditions that made WW2 to many perceptive folks, inevitable. This film is often called- "Why We Fight, Part 1" *Special Stars- Narrator: Walter Huston *Theme- War comes to a country when it's least prepared.*Trivia/location/goofs- Public domain film, no copyrights left, never renewed. Free.*Emotion- An enjoyable documentary made up of live action combat or newsreel footage. But it is extremely educational and does what a narrative simulated war film can do.
ma-cortes ¨Why we fight ? ¨ , results to be a series of seven information films Special Service Division Information Film , produced by the War department , SOS , with cooperation of research Council Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences . This film the first of a series has been prepared by the War Department to acquaint members of the Army with factual information as to the causes , the events , leading up to our entry into the War and the principles for which we are fighting.E. G. Marshall chief of staff tells : ¨A knowledge of these facts in an indispensable part of military training and merits the thoughtful consideration of every American soldier ¨ . ¨We are determined that before the sun set on this terrible struggles , our flags will be recognized throughout the world as a symbol of freedom on the one hand , an overwhelming power on the other ; no compromise is possible and the victory of the democracies can only be complete with the latter defeat of the war machines of Germany and Japan¨. And Vice-President Henry Wallace says : ¨This is a fight between a free world and slave World ¨.Meanwhile in Germany, Italy and Germany is prohibited the reunion , public assembly of more than five persons is strictly forbidden, violators will be prosecuted ; only the application of brutal force used continuously and ruthlessly can bring about the decision in favor of the side it supports : ¨Mein Kampf¨ . As foes of Putch slain in Munich, the ex-premier crushed Hitler's attempt to seize power in 1923 ; in Italy Giacomo Matteotti socialist leader murdered to silence him and slain by Italian Fascisti ; in Japan General Watanabe and Viscount Saito are assassinated by Tokyo clique and Japanese statesman murdered in bed by rebel force of Army officers, plus Inspector General of Military Education slain by group of young rebels and Inoyuye Minister of Finance is also slain . Furthermore in Germany Roehm assassinated in Nazi purge with hundreds dead . Hitler attempts the Christian cross is to be removed from all churches and cathedrals and is to be replaced by the immortal symbol of Germany, the swastika. Berlin , 1935, 700.000 members of the Protestant youth organizations were forced to disband , Nazis storm cardinal Faulhaber's palace and bricks and clubs are hurled at windows . Pastor Niemoller is sent to prison camp and other Pastors are imprisoned in homes ; Nazis jail priests , friars and nuns , arrest follows search and rampage of convents and monasteries. Nazis vent rage on Jews , riots all over Germany, mobs kill , loot and burn . The fascism , Imperialism and Nazism have their own slogans as Hitler says : ¨I want to see again in the eyes of youth the gleam of the beats of prey ¨ ; as Japanese Army slogan : ¨To die emperor is to live forever ¨; as Mussolini : ¨Three cheers for war , noble and beautiful above all ¨ . The film terminates with a patriotic words : ¨Victory of the democracies can only be completed with utter defeat of the war machines of Germany , Italy and Japan ¨. The story is interestingly written by Philip and Julius Epstein , Casablanca's writers . This documentary-propaganda is well directed by Frank Capra and by Anatole Litvak , though uncredited .