Black Women and World War II: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion
Black Women and World War II: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion
| 23 August 2023 (USA)
Black Women and World War II: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion Trailers

In the midst of World War II, the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, an all-female African-American unit, undertook the monumental task of sorting and delivering a massive backlog of mail for the U.S. military. Despite facing deplorable working conditions and the pervasive dual discrimination of race and gender, these women served their country with unbreakable determination and pride. Led by the formidable Major Charity Adams, they not only achieved their mission in half the expected time but also broke barriers, standing firm against inequality and inspiring future generations. Tragically overlooked for years, the story of the 6888th sheds light on a remarkable, untold chapter of American history, reflecting both the triumphs and injustices that shaped the nation's path towards civil rights. Their courage and resilience continue to resonate, a poignant reminder of the societal strides still needed to fully recognize and honor their invaluable contribution.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
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