Black Book
Black Book
R | 18 May 2007 (USA)
Black Book Trailers

In the Nazi-occupied Netherlands during World War II, a Jewish singer infiltrates the regional Gestapo headquarters for the Dutch resistance.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
mariacatherine22 This was so god-awful, a tacky exploitation film wrapped in a virtuous package about a Jewish woman in World War II Holland working with the Resistance. It had nothing to do with any of that. It's the exact same cliché-ridden formula of every stupid, violent, sexist action film that is churned out by the dozen every year. You could stick the plot and the characters in any setting, any time period and it would be exactly the same. I really despair for the intelligence of the IMDb community--this movie was so dumb, so cheesy, words just fail me. Plus it was extremely insulting to Jews and women, SPOILER ALERT: as if a Jewish woman who'd seen her entire family mowed down by the Gestapo would fall in love with the head of the Gestapo????!!!! Give me a break!!!
bap_tsagio I am trying really hard to remember a World War II movie that is worst than this one! And believe me... I have seen a lot, from many different countries.Really poor acting by Carice Van Houten and some other actors combined with a boring script that tried really hard to be subversive but didn't make it. The 5 stars I gave were ONLY for the production, the director of photography and the acting of Sebastian Koch & Christian Berkel.If you want to see a good WWII movie about Europe I would recommend "The Cranes Are Flying" (1957), "Come And See" (1985) or even "The Pianist" (2002) but definitely NOT "Black Book".
Tejasvi Hegde Honestly, I did not expected the movie be so good.Thought it is just another military and spy story.Looking at the ratings, thought to give a try and glad that I came across this movie.The never ending unfortunate story of Jews is very well narrated.All actors act carried out their role very well.Carice van Houten is one of the finest actor around.Sebastian Koch is elegant as always.Movie keeps you glued to the seat.One of the movie to watch
fvwyk1-804-458094 I have always wanted to see this film, and managed to get hold of it last week. Unfortunately I could only find the original Dutch version, with no English subtitles. Luckily I understand some Dutch, but even though at times the dialogue was difficult to follow the acting is SO superb that you never lose concentration and you always know exactly what has happened and where the story is going.This is based on true events and the plot keeps on unraveling and surprising the viewer up on to the last minute. Van Houten is just absolutely marvelous! I would rate this one of my top 5 World War Two films of all time. It should not be missed!