Pound Puppies and the Legend of Big Paw
Pound Puppies and the Legend of Big Paw
G | 18 March 1988 (USA)
Pound Puppies and the Legend of Big Paw Trailers

Based on the popular line of plush dolls, this fun-filled feature follows Pound Puppies Cooler, Whopper (and Big Paw), and company as they try to track down a mystical object known as the "Bone of Scone" that allows children and canines to communicate with each other. As the dynamic dogs attempt to retrieve the item from a group of thieves, they experience the adventure of a lifetime.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Diagonaldi Very well executed
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
lpdreamweaver94 Any cartoon or TV series based on a toy line is bound to receive vehement criticism in the animation world. Many people see them for exactly what they are: toy commercials, dribble, and fluff. However, I don't see how creating a show or a movie about a toy is a terrible thing. If children like a certain toy and it means a lot to them, then there's nothing wrong with them enjoying a cartoon/movie about their favorite toy. They may not enjoy it forever, but it would form into a fond memory, and be a fun thing to smile and laugh about later on down the road.Now that's that out of the way, let's talk about the main topic of this review: The Pound Puppies Movie. It certainly isn't a powerful or remarkable piece of animation. It's easy to tell where the animation is faulty and the writing is sub par. Still, it's a movie for children, and children aren't as prone to be bothered by such factors. I, as a matter of fact, loved this movie throughout my childhood, and sneaked secret viewings of it up until I was about thirteen. I wasn't quite ready for the magic to die, I guess you could say.I believe I loved this movie so much because it had talking animals and music. I had that in all of the Disney movies I owned, so it was easy for me to get into this one. Also, I saw it when I was young enough. My memory stretches back to age three, but I was probably watching the movie a bit earlier than that- I (once) had the movie for as long as I could remember; I think it belonged to my older brother first. If I had seen it when I was ten as opposed to when I was a toddler, it probably would've made a difference. Getting further into why I loved the movie, I really liked all of the characters. They were all funny and cute to me, and the villain in particular had two cronies- one skinny and one fat- who would always get involved in silly slapstick humor that left me in stitches. The giant dog, Big Paw, was endearing to me as well. Everyone thought he was vicious, but he actually turned out to be gentle and lonely. I liked that as a child. Also, the memory I take away most from the film is this: the music. I was always filled with anticipation and excitement when the first song began ("At the Pound", based on the '50s hit "At the Hop" by Danny and the Juniors), and I danced to virtually all the others. I became interested in '50s music thanks to this movie, as a matter of fact.All in all, The Pound Puppies Movie is a cheesy, far-from-perfect animated film that kids will probably like, providing they see it when they're little enough and love movies with talking animals/musical numbers. It's not a movie for all ages, but a good one for kids. I have outgrown the movie (though I occasionally look up the songs on YouTube for old time's sake), but I thank it for the memories it gave me, and for introducing me the the music of the '50s.PS: I'd also like to note that when I was little, Pound Puppies weren't in as in style as they were in the '80s, and I also had a video of the original cartoon, which was vastly different. Didn't stop me from loving the movie. ;-)
thesevensamurais Hello,I did vote to help the film's cause a bit,cause I directed it,and the total schedule time was no more then 5 months and a half;Now imagine Disney trying to make a film that fast,we had 2 months and a half to prepare designs,storyboard ( 6 weeks ),locations,art direction,etc.,etc....Then we had 3 months only to lay it out,animate it,do BG's,shoot it....And we only pencil tested no more then 10 scenes for a dance sequence,the rest was done with me guessing by writing the exposure sheets and checking drawings,and actual cells to find the in-between mistakes.The editors we're going crazy to get the film finish on time for the screening,so many mistakes we're made that we had fixed,but they ended up in the final cut anyways.So I would just like to say that it was a hell of a challenge,and we produced it in Taiwan,so we did not have Disney caliber talent,but I am glad no matter what, it was an experience I don't regret even if it did make mean having to work 7 days a week and an average of 14 hours a day.My blessings go to everyone that was involved with the project,they all worked very hard to do their best.Thank you. Pierre De Celles
brian_walmer The movie is done very well, and the animation makes the characters more believable, the songs are great to dance and sing to.This movie is great for all ages, because it shows that the old saying is true, that Love conquers all! Mini-Spoiler: For example when most of the Pound Puppies (except for Cooler and the Purries) are turned mean coursty of Mcnasty's Mean Machine, it takes one Colette's puplings to say to her that they love her just as she growling and about to hurt them to change her back, so Cooler notices this, say's it to her friend Reflex and then by the ringing of a bell, has Reflex saying to all the Pound Puppies by hugging and kissing them.So if you want a good family film without the volenice to enjoy. Get this one.
lauramca1989 This film takes me back to my childhood.Every Saturday when i was my turn to rent from a local video shop, i always headed for this film much to my parents and elder siblings annoyance (they don't seem to get the appeal of giant singing dogs.) Full of happy songs guaranteed to put a smile on your face and keep you singing them the whole day through.To watch it now, i realise it may not be the best quality animation by todays standards but i feel the storyline wholly makes up for this. Remembering it gives me wonderful memories that are priceless! A wonderful example of childhood nostalgia and a must for any child or adult alike to see at least once! My only regret is not hanging on to the video.