R | 06 September 2013 (USA)
Populaire Trailers

Rose Pamphyle lives with her widowed father and is destined to marry a son of the local mechanic. When she travels out of town and applies for a secretarial job with an insurance agency run by Louis Échard, he learns that Rose can type with extraordinary speed - using only two fingers. He tells her to compete in a speed-typing competition if she wants the job.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Aryana Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
nastuharudska One of the best recent romantic comedies! French cinema went somehow sideways after certain point in the 20th century, but this wonderful movie proved that it might flourish back again. Action happens in the 1950s, which is excellent for those, who keep dreaming about times when full skirts, record players and pastels were all the range. You get to see awesome cars of that decade, great interiors, etc. But most importantly - story is pretty interesting and not that predictable, which is quite an issue with romcoms. There are no corny jokes and it's a pretty pure, nice film with a strong female lead in it, showing that anything is possible if you work hard for it. If what you want an old-fashioned romcom Cinderella-style, you got it. That's the one.
karima42 This is a French romantic comedy, I enjoyed watching it but it also has some problems. The good parts: The best part about the movie is the nice set design and the costumes. It's great to see a movie that is not set in a contemporary US city like most other comedy movies. I liked the female lead actor.What I didn't like: The two actors don't seem to have real chemistry. Both main leads are supposed to have certain features. She is supposed to be a klutz, he is supposed to appear a bit mean but should be a good man on the inside. This characteristics are used to explain why they act the way they do. Unfortunately the director spends about one and a half minute on these characteristics and that's it.
secondtake Populaire (2012)A French comedy, set in the late 1950s, and centering around a typing championship? Yes, bizarre, and warm and funny. I liked it a lot.The star here is the completely delightful Deborah Francois, who is cast and who acts a bit like an Audrey Hepburn type, which is a total compliment. Not that Francois needs that kind of comparison—she takes on the task of learning to type with enormous focus and humble prowess. With two fingers. And she almost wins a competition that way. Enter the other star, a bigger name in France, Romain Duris. He's a comic oddball, meant to be very handsome but not a hunk (sorry Romain). He depends on his wry, underplayed humor to win the hearts of the females in each movie—and in the audience. He takes on Francois with the idea of teaching her to use all her fingers and maybe, with some serious athletic training, compete for the big time. At typing.It's a farce, but overflowing with charm. The sets and colors are wonderful per- 60s "gay" and light. French style. There is an ongoing critique built in (in a watery way) about how women in that era have typing as their ultimate goal. And typing for men. The irony (and falseness) are apparent.There is inevitably a troubled romance that gets stirred in the mix—and it's a classic mismatch made in heaven.In all, well done, funny, and smart. And styling right to the end with the big finale—well, I can't say where or why. See it.
Rold-Ickam Populaire is the shiny pearl type of movie. Simple enough to be worn regularly and noticeable enough to be more than a touch of color. The typical 50's pastel and soft colors are everywhere in the movie, except when the tone of the story turns less glamour and kitsch to become more intimate. Then the colors turn brighter, sharper and more intense... following the scene moods. I had no idea about what kind of movie my friends dragged me to but I have to recognize this was a very pleasant surprise. The lead actors (Deborah François and Romain Duris) are carrying the whole movie and it turned way more thrilling that I could expect at first from a type machine competition movie.There is some sense of Pygmalion and My Fair Lady where love is in the air even though it wasn't the initial purpose. When a young, pretty and innocent girl is coached by her boss, she turns into an accomplished and genuine beautiful Lady.If you're planning a nice movie sessionflick with your soulmate, without complicated plot or senseless violence and you want to ensure you'll finish smiling at the end, go for Populaire, worths it !!!