Just in Time for Christmas
Just in Time for Christmas
| 05 December 2015 (USA)
Just in Time for Christmas Trailers

Lindsay is faced with a life-altering decision as Christmas approaches: Stay in her tiny hometown and marry boyfriend Jason or accept a coveted post teaching at an Ivy League college on the other side of the country. What to do? Fortunately for Lindsay, she has some big-time help in the form of a magical messenger who is able to transport her three years into the future to see how it would all turn out.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
ThiefHott Too much of everything
GazerRise Fantastic!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
TruEarthEntertainment I watched this special show with my daughter while she was home for Thanksgiving. This story is inspiring and actually not so easy to predict as most stories of its genre. The magical "It's a Wonderful Life" type structure of the story and superb casting made this a tearful and joyful as well as entertaining movie to watch.
Jack Vasen Christopher Lloyd says "Maybe it's time travel". For me that was the funniest part of the movie, and maybe the only funny part.For most of the movie there are none of the warm, or nostalgic, or ah moments. I'd hope for more from a Hallmark movie, but especially if it is a Christmas Hallmark movie. Actually, except for the so-called sleigh ride, this movie could easily not be a Christmas movie.One thing I hate about movies where the protagonist suddenly has a life with a whole new history, and no memory of it, is that she is expected to know all that missing history, which of course is ridiculous. I suppose it is meant to be funny, but it doesn't work for me. This movie managed to get past most of that when she quickly gets to her grandfather who fills in most of the missing pieces. But then there has to be a scene with a recent former student who asks her to quote something from the missing past. It wasn't funny; it was painful. And it wasn't necessary.The reunion and rehashing moments with Jason and Lindsay were painful as well. Lindsay nearly destroys Jason's new life.I will admit that the possibly predictable "Stop the wedding" doesn't happen. Resolution comes in a different way, which is alternatively predictable. She should have known what getting out of the carriage would mean.So we have our happy ending and we get some of those warm moments that the rest of the movie lacked.A little BTW, don't writers of these things understand time zones. Her mother calls from Stockholm while she's at an evening party in Connecticut. That means it is wee hours in Sweden. Another BTW, don't underestimate how big a deal a professorship at Yale is. That is really the Big Show in Lindsay's world.I am sure this was a good movie. The actors were convincing. Despite the pain, or maybe because of it, I identified with the characters. I just didn't enjoy it despite the ending.
gehewe This was a great surprise. Excellent job by Lead actress who was also in "Christmas with Holly" a film I barely remembered- but it was good. The lead actor was great in his role. Excited to be in love and this really helped the film. Movie also has Christopher Lloyd and William Shatner in supporting roles- so it has to be high quality. Also it has a fantasy aspect which really adds excitement.The description does not do the film justice. Yes it is what happened but there is so much more. Through the fantasy she was able to gain perspective and was able to make changes. They paid attention to the little details. A photo with the Dalai-Lama. The scene in the book store where he helps her by asking a question. Well Done. This may be the only first time watched Christmas movie that I give a 10 to this season.
djkash Loved this movie. The characters are sweet and charming. Truthful and loving without being sugary. Acting is excellent and as someone who loves any movie with a time travel component and Christmas movies in general, I found this to be the best of both worlds. You just can't help but love Eloise Mumford from the moment she steps on screen. Her smile and gentleness are completely captivating. Michael Stahl-David is a wonderful sweet and funny leading man, and Christopher Lloyd is the perfect companion for the journey, I also love the Back to the Future trilogy and the reference although subtle is not lost. Enjoy this feel good story about finding what is really important