Little Women
Little Women
NR | 10 March 1949 (USA)
Little Women Trailers

Louisa May Alcott's autobiographical account of her life with her three sisters in Concord Mass in the 1860s. With their father fighting in the civil war, the sisters: Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth are at home with their mother - a very outspoken women for her time. The story is of how the sisters grow up, find love and find their place in the world.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
atlasmb It's difficult to watch this version of "Little Women" without comparing it to the 1933 film starring Katherine Hepburn. One can understand why they chose to remake the film, especially since this version benefits from color film.There are other aspects of this film that compare favorably to the earlier film. Although June Allyson, as Jo, is not as convincing as Hepburn for me, her portrayal is very earnest. Other actors in the cast are noteworthy, especially Margaret O'Brien, who plays Beth, the shy musical sister. Janet Leigh and Elizabeth Taylor play the other two sisters, completing a stand-out foursome.C. Aubrey Smith also deserves recognition for his portrayal of the elderly neighbor Mr. Laurence, who befriends Beth. It is one of the warmest moments of the film.This is a wonderful coming of age story based on a classic novel.
grantss Superb adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's novel. Wonderful, moving, bitter-sweet, often funny story, beautifully told. The sense of family and sweet innocence is palpable. Makes you long for simpler times.Solid direction by Mervyn LeRoy. The film moves along at a brisk pace and is constantly engaging.Great performances all round. June Allyson is superb as Jo. Elizabeth Taylor, only 16/17 years old at the time, shows the talent that would make her one of the greatest actresses of all time. Janet Leigh, in one of her earliest roles, is great as Meg. 12-year old Margaret O'Brien almost steals the show as the sweet and precocious Beth. Solid support from Peter Lawford, Mary Astor and Rossano Brazzi.0A classic.
Scoval71 I saw this on TV the other evening and liked it so much, I bought the DVD. I never saw any other version of Little Women, but after seeing this adaptation, I don't need or have to. Granted, this is a rather old fashioned story about a lovely and very close northern family during the time of the Civil War. Dated...yes, but, then again, maybe not so much if you think about it. Don't we all know people like the March sisters? I was glued to the screen and throughly enjoyed this movie. Very pleasant and watching it makes you forget your own troubles and self as you are transported to another period of history so long ago. Do see it.
edwagreen Even Louisa May Alcott would have been disappointed wih this 1949 remake.With her hoarse voice, June Allyson lacks the exuberance of Katharine Hepburn. Elizabeth Taylor is as sour at the beginning as can be. She is almost cruel and as self-centered as they come. Did it make sense to all that while her young sister was dying, she went off to Europe with her maiden aunt, nicely played by Lucile Watson. Watson did an excellent job in reprising the role so memorably created by Edna Mae Oliver in the 1933 original. However, must they have made the trip in order to catch up with Peter Lawford, who had been abandoned by Jo (Allyson)?Janet Leigh, as the sister who married, and "dad" Leon Ames are totally wasted here. Leigh appears but says so little and does anyone realize that when Ayres appeared, the great Civil War must have ended. What happened there?Rosano Brazzi is way out of his league as the foreign-born professor who brings culture and love into the life of Jo.