Addams Family Reunion
Addams Family Reunion
PG | 24 December 1998 (USA)
Addams Family Reunion Trailers

The Addams Family goes on a search for their relatives. Gomez and Morticia are horrified to discover that Grandpa and Grandma Addams have a disease that is slowly turning them "normal". The only chance they have of a cure is to find a family member hoping that they know a home remedy.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
mathijsschaap As a big Addams Family fan I wanted to see this movie ever since I first heard of it. But over here in Holland, it isn't available so I wasn't able to see it. Until today, when I discovered the full movie is on YouTube.Since Raul Julia's death I thought Tim Curry would be the perfect follow-up as Gomez Addams. I was wrong. Very wrong. Tim Curry surely has the looks to be Gomez, but his acting in this movie is lame and he doesn't get the heart of Gomez Addams. It's hard to imagine this was the same actor who scared so many people in his portrayal as Pennywise the Clown.Daryl Hannah as Morticia is just another example of miscasting. She does not have the Gothic heart to portray Morticia as Carolyn Jones and Anjelica Huston had.Even 'our very own Dutch' Carel Struycken is not able to reprise his role as Lurch as he did in the movies with Raul Julia and Chrisopher Lloyd and seems to have lost his Lurch-mojo here.Patrick Thomas as Uncle Fester is something I liked. This had some promise. He is way different from Christopher Lloyd's portrayal, but is more close to Jackie Coogan's interpretation of the character. But Patrick Thomas unfortunately also had to suffer from low budgets and bad directing/lighting/production fails and looks more like a guy who dresses up for Halloween in an attempt to be Uncle Fester than that he is convincing, But this is not because of his acting, but because of the cheap and bad make-up.The same goes for the wardrobe of the other characters: cheap, way too 'clean' and all looking like it was bought at the dollar store. Especially the clothing for Pugsley.The special effects are bad, but that's something I could accept as it is a made-for-TV-only movie. The lighting and editing are also very bad.
TheLittleSongbird Addams Family Reunion is the weakest entry of the three films, but it is better than the awful TV series(New Addams family). The other two films were truly excellent, and seeing that most of the crew were replaced, it was obvious it was going to be a failure. The worst scene was the scene with the postman, that was just cringeworthy beyond belief. Tim Curry is a brilliant actor, and he is the only actor I can forgive for being here. Raul Julia had died, so it was perfectly natural for him to be replaced. Tim Curry did quite well as Gomez, but Raul Julia was easily the better Gomez in terms of spirit and charisma. Curry looked a bit uncomfortable at times especially in that awful purple pinstriped suit they made him wear, but he had the best lines that at least he made some effort with. Daryl Hannah tried hard,giving an equally spirited performance, but she is too beautiful for the character. I also thought she was too young for Morticia. These two are really talented actors(I have genuine respect for them) and sometimes you find an actor that has a role that doesn't suit them , evident here. Patrick Thomas was just embarrassing. Christopher Lloyd was born to play Fester and Thomas badly overacted. None of his actions were reminiscent of the original Fester. The children weren't very good either. Nicole Fugere was bearable, but she rarely uttered a word, and her stare felt rather unpleasant. Jerry Messing was awful, so annoying. He was too big and too loud. To say the cast were entirely to blame is very unfair, believe me the script was so poor, I'm surprised the actors weren't shaking with embarrassment. One of the few bright spots was the brief chemistry between Tim Curry and Ed Begley Jnr, bringing back fond memories of Tales of the Crypt, when Curry played three members of a family, with Begley playing a salesman. The most embarrassing moments were the Jeffrey and Melinda scenes in the mansion, who served no real purpose to the poorly thought-out plot. That said, the director is entirely to blame for the failure of this movie; he had no idea how to direct them. The script was repulsive, really childish, and should have a razzie for worst screenplay. And the special effects were poorly executed. There was good chemistry between Curry and Hannah, who tried their best, with the poor material. The dance routine was quite interesting, although I have seen Tim Curry dance better in films like Annie and RHPS. I would've loved to have heard Curry sing, for he has a great singing voice, because Raul Julia sang a Mamooshka in the first movie. In conclusion, an embarrassment, but not the worst movie ever. 4/10 for the efforts of Curry, Hannah and Begley. Bethany Cox.
Bob Gale I've seen some bad acting before, especially in gradeschool plays I've been forced to see, but never before have I seen acting worse than on Addams Family Reunion. The first five minutes shows the worst acting ever portrayed on television along with the worst animation. It's hard to decide who to blame as well, when they use a director who has no previous comedic directing skills. They credit three writers, including writer genius Charles Addams, but besides the characters I can't find his element int his movie anywhere. Out of the other two actors, one never worked on comedy before and the other was responsible for such drivel as Casper and Richie Rich, which is comedy but is extremely childish. Those are the only comedy movies credited to him.Whether you blame the writers or the directors, the fact of the matter is the actors are not up to par. The main character, the famous Gomez Addams, is played by the equally famous Tim Curry ("Dale the Whale", Monk. "Dr. Sevarious", Gargolyes. "Long John Silver", Muppet Treasure Island. "Sweet Transvestite", Rocky Horror Picture Show). Though I have seen Tim Curry do some of the most startlingly different roles while still coming off as brilliant, this is not one of them. He does not act like Gomez Addams, he acts like a British lord pretending to be Gomez.Morticia is also butchered by the likes of Daryl Hannah ("Elle Driver", Kill Bill. "Celia Jones", Ring of Fire. "Lizzie", My Favourite Martian.). Morticia's character is supposed to be french. Instead she seems to be Ukrainian or perhaps Russian. When she's supposed to be acting turned on because Gomez speaks french, she looks as if she's about to puke. Getting even a glimpse of her when she's not the person talking is enough to spoil the movie.Pat Thomas (nothing of note) as Fester was horrible. Pat Thomas is a horrible actor, whose roles are usually of himself. Even in this role he's credited as "Fester as Pat Thomas". His voice was all wrong. He sounds like a bad guy in the ninja turtles movie. Why did they replace Christopher Lloyd, who may have been the greatest actor in that time period? He also talks WAY too much. And he overacts far too much. When he's not on screen you can still hear him and when he's on screen but not staring he's always fidgeting. "Oh, Boy, this is great!" Calm the hell down, your fester not an Anime supervillian. When he's "speed reading" he takes more time to turn a page then he does pretending to read. And why does he start howling? That's the stupidest gag I've ever seen in a movie. He's obviously a stage actor, which I have nothing against, but this is a movie, not a play. And what the hell was when he started shaking for no reason in the car? This joke isn't even explained, he just starts shaking and overacting, gomez says "Are you OK" and he says yes.There is really no good time to watch this movie, with the possible exception of renting it when you're blind and deaf. If you're ever offered ten million dollars to watch this movie I suggest refusing.
Paul Andrews Addams Family Reunion starts with Gomez Addams (Tim Curry) receiving a book through the post containing the name of every Addams that has ever lived. Gomez contacts a family reunion agency & receives a invitation back inviting him & his family to a family reunion to meet his distant relatives. Meanwhile it appears that Grandpa (Kevin McCarthy) & Grandma Addams (Estelle Harris) are suffering from 'Waltzheimers', a condition that turns the suffer normal. Gomez his wife Morticia (Daryl Hannah) their two children Wednesday (Nicole Fugere) & Pugsley (Jerry Messing), Grandpa & Grandma plus uncle Fester (Patrick Thomas) & Lurch (Carel Struycken) all set of for the family reunion at 'Primrose Resort'. It turns out that the family union agency mixed the invites up & the Addams received the wrong invite & are caught in a plot by Phillip Adams (Ed Begley Jr.) & his sister Katherine (Hilary Shepard) to get a larger slice of their rich father's fortune. Much hilarity ensues, not.This straight-to-video continuation of the Addams Family franchise was directed by Dave Payne & is a bit of a travesty. This is the third entry in the series after The Addams Family (1991) & Addams Family Values (1993) which were very good films, Addams Family Reunion isn't. The dark Gothic look, feel & droll jokes are gone, the creepiness, the morbidness & the dark black humour are gone. Intsead it is replaced with unfunny family friendly slapstick, an explosion which leaves someone covered in soot or an electric shock which leaves someone's hair standing up for instance, really unfunny jokes that are as old as time itself & the usual fish-out-of-water shenanigan's that one would expect from the Addams Family visiting a luxurious modern day holiday resort. At the same time the missing normal Adams Geoff (Rodger Halston) & Melinda (Heidi Lenhart) who end up at the Addams family mansion & that's just the same as what's happening at the resort but the other way around. This is squarely aimed at a pre-teen audience but I doubt even they would find much here to amuse themselves with. I also thought the 'Waltzheimers' disease joke was in very poor taste.Director Payne films like a TV film & while it's competent it lacks any style. The special effects are truly terrible, from a post box with a tongue of infinite length which looks awful to a vicious black poodle that looks like a five year old animated it. The CGI in the Addams Family Reunion is really embarrassing to watch, even the kids won't be impressed.With an obviously low budget the film looks very cheap throughout & loses the fantastic Gothic horror film inspired production design from the first two & replaces it with cardboard sets & cheap props. The acting is pretty bad especially from Curry who is awful & has no subtlety in his performance whatsoever. Hannah as Mortica is quite good & pretty sexy, a pity she is given next to nothing to do other than stand next to Gomez. Clint Howard makes an uncredited appearance & when he goes uncredited you know your in trouble.Addams Family Reunion is a miserable attempt at a kids comedy, the dark Gothic edge & undertones form the originals are sorely lacking & replaced with really unfunny gags & slapstick. Might keep undemanding kids quiet but anyone else will have have a hard time liking it.