Point Doom
Point Doom
| 14 August 2001 (USA)
Point Doom Trailers

A Hollywood talent agent's girlfriend thrusts him into a world of strip clubs, drugs and deadly motorcycle gangs.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
usagal1971 i saw the movie and thought it was pretty good. also having 3 sexy guys like Sebastian Bach,John Enos and Richard Grieco in 1 movie ..to me is awesome. and yeah there was no sex or nudity in the movie which to me is great..life is about more than that so sit back and enjoy the movie. i know i did. the ending wasn't what i expected either so it kept me on the edge of my seat. all the actors did a great job. so buy the movie or wait to see it on TV. i know u will find it pretty good also if u r not the sex or nudity freak. i also thought Angie Everhart would be the main lady in the movie and she wasn't, it was Jennifer O'dell, which surprised me. i tell u the movie will keep u guessing on how the outcome will me.
Nilblogette nilblog.typepad.com/nilblogette Starring Richard Grieco, fresh from an eyebrow waxing, Andrew Dice Clay, and Angie Everhart, POINT DOOM seemed like a winner. Anyone who hasn't seen at least a frame of Everhart and Grieco's last coupling (they've made 3 films together), LAST CRY aka DANGEROUS DESIRES aka SEXUAL PREDATOR, apparently has a bedtime of seven o'clock. I've seen frames of it in at least four different cities (under each title). After the first credit sequence, we get a phenomenal scene between drug-dealers Zach Galligan, who can actually act, and Ice T, who can't, but who I love anyway for being in BREAKIN' 2 and John Wayne Bobbit's FRANKENPENIS (ohmigod!). Then we get ANOTHER credit sequence before meeting nice guy talent agent Richard Grieco and strip club owner Andrew Dice Clay (reprising his role from PRETTY IN PINK). Grieco whines that he doesn't want to be forty and hanging out in strip clubs, at which point I snicker, and Angie Everhart strips on stage. Now I'm confused, because Grieco looks right past Angie and starts coming onto his blonde waitress with a bad crimping job. You call yourself a talent agent? Angie Everhart is right behind you! Then we get a THIRD credit sequence. Grieco follows Crimpy to the Marmalade Café and advises her to get the chocolate shake instead of the strawberry before admitting, "I want you to come in and read for me," and convincing her that his request has nothing to do with her looks. I'm inclined to believe him, because of the CRIMPING! Crimpy goes home to her sister, Everhart, who wears overalls and barely talks. In all honesty, Crimpy talks about Angie like she's retarded, prompting Angie to re-iterate my thoughts from earlier and say, "I'm standing right here!" Crimpy's Biker boyfriend asks for "the clicker" and settles in for a long dangerous night of watching television. Eventually, Crimpy and Grieco fall in love, and Biker kidnaps Angie, because unbeknownst to her, she has some of Biker's drugs (refer to TRUE ROMANCE for more details on this plot).Bottom line: You will be tempted to watch because of the cast, but resist.
filmz2004 Point Doom is not a chick flick, far from it. It is a hard rock extravaganza with heavy metal music, rappers, strippers and believe it or not some great drama. From the moment Ice T opens up the movie with a couple of beautiful women snorting cocaine from the camera lens you know you're in for an e ticket ride. The plot is very simple but the stylish direction and performances are outstanding. Andrew "Dice" Clay proves that he can act and Richard Grieco comes across at first as another pretty boy but we eventually learn how much depth there is to his character. Angie Everhart plays against type and carries it off well, playing a role that is opposite of her supermodel persona and she really pulls it off. None other than Sebastian Bach (Skid Row) who's gone from playing on screen villains to Jesus Christ proves that he too has some real acting chops. What more can I say about this film except, that this incredible cast coupled with some really cool action makes Point Doom a winner.
Flmcrtic Point Doom had the potential of being a pretty good movie. It had a great cast: Richard Grieco, Andrew "Dice" Clay, Angie Everhart, Ice T, Zach Galligan, Jennifer O Dell. Great action. Stylish direction. Cool cinematography but it had no real script. The actor's did a phenomenal job with what they were given. But there are times in the movie when you get the feeling that they were making it up as they went along. It's unfortunate that the script was so lacking in substance and plot. A real screenwriter could've turned this average action thriller into a really good film. Never-the-less it is still worth watching.