Plan B
Plan B
| 01 January 2001 (USA)
Plan B Trailers

A bookkeeper who thinks she killed three mobsters is subsequently promoted by her boss to be a hitman.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
gradyharp PLAN B has the appearance of a quickly made, unedited, sloppy script for a movie with the attempt for an outing for the actors involved - an outing that should have been nixed from the start. It is just another Mafia-based 'comedy' that has nothing new and lowers the standard for those participating.Joe Maloni (Paul Sorvino) is the crime boss more concerned about clothing and appearances than about his business of control. His personal assistant Mario (Anthony DeSando) is dumber than dirt and his ignorance is supposed to be funny. Maloni has whacked one of his debtors (who just happens to be married to bookish Fran - Diane Keaton) and Maloni takes Fran on as his assistant to work off her dead husband's debt by being Maloni's 'hit man'. Fran is afraid of her own shadow and is unable to carry out Maloni's assignments, electing instead to transport her 'whackees' to Florida to hide at her brother James' house until she can figure out what to do next. This alternative to killing the three candidates is called Plan B, Plan A being to kill them! The ending is wholly predictable just as is every line assigned in the script to the characters.Diane Keaton has made a lot of fine films and is one of our most talented actresses and comediennes, but here she screams and rants and twitches her way through a ridiculous part that quickly becomes annoying to watch. Paul Sorvino is, well, the Paul Sorvino type cast from other mobster films. The supporting cast is likewise allowed to play to the balcony in the broadest slapstick, pratfall fashion imaginable. What is supposed to be a comedy ends up being just silly and overdone. Director Greg Yaitanes needs to go back to TV sitcoms: had this flimsy story been compressed into a half-hour gig it might have had a chance. Grady Harp
mpackard-4 The plot line is very funny, and right away you know this movie is going to be good. Diane Keaton is perfect in her role, and the concept is kind of like taking a Woody Allen movie and merging it with a Mafioso theme, all in a really clever and funny way. I can definitely watch his movie over and over and find new things to laugh at. Paul Sorvino is also really good, and Natsha Lyonne was in her prime and still on track for a good career for this one. I have a weakness for movies based in New York City, but this one is especially fun because you see good visuals. Strong cast and the movie progresses well. I love quirky comedies and this one is a must see :)
Holly Magdalene I really loved this movie and I am not even a Diane Keaton fan! There are so many mafia movies like Goodfellas and Godfather that when a really funny mob comedy comes out like Plan B (or Analyze This) its a lot of fun to watch. This movie is a lot of fun and follows Fran, a bookkeeper played by Diane Keaton, as she finds herself involved with the mob in a lot of crazy situations. The story gets pretty wacky but is so much fun to watch. I was laughing out loud so many times and my husband was laughing too; that doesn't always happen. I would rate this movie about even with (or maybe just below?) Analyze This and definitely better than Analyze That and The Whole Nine (and Ten) Yards! The movie never gets boring and its fun to watch Bob Balaban, Burt Young (from the Rocky movies) and Paul Sorvino have so much fun working together. I give this one an A-
TD-TAS Simply put, this is the worst movie since "Police Academy: Mission to Moscow" (if you liked that movie you will probably like this one).What were they thinking ? Some ideas should stay just that, an idea. The fact that this idea could itself to film should be a criminal offense.What was so bad about it I hear you ask. One word ... EVERYTHING.Cost to Hire: $4.50 Cost in Time to Watch: 89 MinutesI want a refund on both!