Picture Perfect
Picture Perfect
PG-13 | 01 August 1997 (USA)
Picture Perfect Trailers

A young advertising executive's life becomes increasingly complicated when, in order to impress her boss, she pretends to be engaged to a man she has just met.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
bigbadwolf666 After watching leprechaun and thinking Aniston was cute as a kid. Once I saw this I thought she'd be one of my favorite actresses. You could say this was a better story than Sex and the city. I've always been a fan of this movie but looking back at it at a mature prospective unrealistic. I suppose as a boy you'd think society would be more open, friendlier, and have a sense of humor. Reality bites. It just happens that she falls on the lap of a wedding photographer who happens to be the only other male in the movie or the wedding to hit on her. Aniston is too attractive in this one. Then some story comes to play where this guy who takes a picture with her is her husband to better her career. She could've just came with the truth then or found a replacement. Somehow this guy shows up in her life having a crush. The guy of course is not ugly because the story wouldn't be perfect if he was. Then of course he is single and head over heels. Anyone one with a brain would've ran the other way when she told him the fake story, not to mention the cheap thousand offer and seeing him as disposable. The other half would've been very interested in her going along with the story in the pursuit of her. Example when he grabs her butt and puts her in her office. I'm sorry, the noise and bumping you would've heard would've been all over town. Who wouldn't? He was sleeping in her house, pretending to be her bf, and she was friendly towards him. Thats why its a movie. To add injury to insult he is a likable guy and you cant help but feel sorry for him because she is a wreck. I like when she is about to tell Bacon( character) the truth he shows up and acts like her bf and reads she has a thing going on with him. He did little to act like the jealous bf to point out that she was to be his for real. But in real life that would've been the start. For a hottie like Aniston I would've been taking on all of NY. I liked what he did to try to outsmart her and try play down the brake up. Though he should've resisted her nagging. He had chances and could've easily acted dumb and make it seem like it couldn't happen increasing his chances to change her mind. Im sorry but one little kick and a couple of hissy phone calls and nags wouldn't be enough to deter me. I would've acted zombie, drunk to downplay her silliness, and smashed the phone. Then proclaiming she is the most beautiful girl in the world and that I only had eyes for her. All the while acting oblivious to her claims and saying that marriage is a good trait of a long term partnership( business). He could've made it seem like it was someone else on the line. The elbow in the eye was an easy one to get to change her mind. Beat up Bacon and please her after he tenders her wounds. Since he was a nice guy and "sex" wasn't on his mind. He worked on her unstable mind and decided it was best to get out. I really like how he is not accepting of her in the beginning of the end. It showed that he was a real great guy and that he had no interest in her superficially but more of a good relationship with her. He knew she was toxic and their was no curing her. Unless of course she broke all the rules which she did and proved that she was worthy. He had a great deal of respect of himself. A trait not common in movies. He was very angry at her. Being dismissive and not bothering to give her a sec. But that showed to me that he cared a lot, too much and that he was deeply bothered. Though great acting, story, and apparently light. There were many underlying themes like this that made the movie great for me and memorable. I liked that they kept adding her mother to it. One of the most memorable things about the movie for me that I really like and remember to this day is the watch story. Bacon was good in this though I found unrealistic about the character was that he was shallow and though he could've had a great relationship with her he was too shallow to consider. Most shallow men like this don't have a happy ending like they did with her of Im not bad but we can still be friends and I care a lot. The boss when he found out he was perfectly okay with it though through the movie he was condescending. I like that the movie had 3 stir of echos actors in it. One of the most interesting aspect of this movie is its allegory with the real Aniston as she is also so obsessed with her career and never would end up with a guy like Jay Mohr more like Brad Pitt, and dated tons of dead beats. She can easily find a great guy and have a great life without the stupid bloodsucking movie industry. But no her career is more important than anything in the world, including ironically her mother. Probably dated with all those guys to help her career. No wonder unliked Pitt when from her to Jolie. Both are comparable but Jolie with her all nuttiness was less selfish than to think what lines, movies, make up, red carpets am I going to attend next? She didn't need all that surgery and tons of enhancements to look good. What has Hollywood been feeding her? Collegen and peroxide. What a Perfect woman. Picture Perfect.
HoarseWhipped Coming to this movie with an open mind… and with a wife who is rather partial to anything soppy and romantic! - knew I was in for one of those 'bog-standard' americanized ham-fisted attempts at romantic comedy… and in that respect I wasn't disappointed.I have never been over-awed with Jennifer Aniston - yes, I don't deny she is attractive and appealing - but her on-screen performances always leave me non-plussed; she is invariably agreeable and wants to be 'likeable' and maybe it is that "desire to please" that I find objectionable? in the end her performance is "woolly" as she blends in to the 'public consensus of moral opinion and social atmosphere' of the day.In terms of that 'social atmosphere' this movie is very much a reflection of American values - or lack thereof; permissive attitudes, selfishness disguised by ingratiation, and capitalistic corporate obeisance.As is so often the case (with American movies), they just do not get subtlety, nuance - or comedy for that; this movie resembles - or tries to emulate - the great British romantic comedies such as Four Weddings… except without the charm, class, appeal, pace, sympathetic characters, attractive setting - or comedic relief!No wonder I was only watching this because it was part of a multi-movie compilation DVD.and sorry Jen - I much prefer ANY Sandra Bullock movie.
barbecuedbanana A consistent homage to all the 'values' that have brought the credit crunch to the USA and UK.Selfishness and shallowness portrayed as acceptable and lovable characteristics.The underlying theme being that it is fine to lie, cheat, get into debt, deceive your closest friends and it will all work out fine - as long as you really really want whatever it is you are prepared to lie, cheat and deceive about.A career woman, uses a nice person, a stranger she meets at a wedding, shows no interest in him as a human being and despite saying 'I don't want you to feel like a thing' goes on to treat him exactly as a 'thing'. A prop to help her get what she wants.What she wants is to sleep with a serial womaniser, to get promotion and higher pay and that's about it really.Then when she gets them she decides they aren't as shiny as she thought they'd be and wants the 'thing/stranger/wedding guy' to be her permanent plaything instead.She still has no idea about him as a person other than he took the time to get to know her (and for some incomprehensible reason given her behaviour and lack of any redeeming characteristics) and bought her a watch to replace one she lost as a child.Yet based on this tenuous reason she admits the subterfuge to her bosses and risks her job. Given she has already decided the job isn't all that great - it isn't that much of a sacrifice.Then the 'new improved' female gatecrashes a strangers wedding, risks the business of her intended 'plaything' by ensuring he will be remembered as the guy who ruined his clients wedding by being stalked by a nut job.For some reason this selfish, irresponsible act endears the used, abused 'plaything' guy so that he agrees to be 'the one' for her - kiss, kiss, end of film.The main guy character has in effect fallen in love with a selfish, controlling, manipulative, scheming narcissist and signed up to be treated badly until she finds something more shiny to distract her in the future.So given how stupid a lot of people are that bit is probably true to life at least.But touching, funny, heart warming - no it isn't.
CountZero313 It may be unfair to label Picture Perfect a RomCom. It certainly sits at the less frivolous, more acutely observed end of the spectrum within the genre. There are some small but brilliant moments here, mostly to do with rom rather than com. When Aniston attends the wedding and the bouquet is to be thrown, she steps forward to find herself the only single woman in the room. It is quite poignant, and her retort - "Oh, just hand me the damn thing!" - plays the scene out beautifully. The fight in the restaurant, when it does come, is a masterclass in infusing sub-text into dialogue. Aninston holds it all together with ease, Kevin Bacon is superbly vacuous as the office beefcake, and Jay Mohr does a decent shift, especially when called upon to hint at deeper feelings for career-driven Kate. The ending reverts to by-the-numbers RomCom proceedings, but there is enough in the build-up to have you give up some smiles and tears that you'll feel the film earned.