The Wedding Pact
The Wedding Pact
PG-13 | 04 February 2014 (USA)
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Two best friends in college Mitch and Elizabeth make a pact that if in ten years after graduation they are both not married they will marry each other. Ten years later Mitch (still single) finds out Elizabeth never got married so he decides to travel across the country, find her and follow through on their pact. What he soon realizes is it wont be a simple as he thought.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
chrisc145 Overall bad reviews of a great little film. Just hits a juicy and original vibe. Each scene has its own unique angle - even if the plot point it is carrying is no big surprise but then who cares? a movie comes at you one scene at a time - and each scene is fun - kind of like Friends. And I really warm to the two main actors. Genuine gems and surprises to be found. Napoleon Dynamite is the pinnacle but this is at least climbing the right mountain. Chris Cook I need to say a bit more. Well let's look at the scene where Mitch is taking a wee and a random randy woman approaches him - it's just very fresh how this pans out - it reveals his true feelings for Elisabeth but in a slightly surreal way - then the woman's brother arrives and does something strange in the garden. The whipping post scene is another good'un. Do check this out and Watch Without Prejudice.
Baybars Boundukuri Choosing the marriage partner is something that can tell a lot about a person. It would be best to get it all, a warm and generous personality, strong and honest character, loyalty, impressive intellect, a knock-out appearance, sophisticated mannerism and last, tolerable age difference, and last, but sadly not the least, financial security. The trouble is that it is winning a jack pot is near impossible most of the time. What happens when one needs to compromise? Well, like thousands of other pictures, this one deals with exactly that.Now about the movie itself. The storyline is highly predictable, the characters are shallow and the parody on real life does not really work in this movie. So, the burning questions would be why bother watching it? If you feel mentally and physically exhausted, but do not feel like sleeping or surfing the net for latest gossip, this movie could do. Otherwise, it is a total waste of time. This could be said about most rom-coms though.
talsharden nonsensical, illogical, contrived, overacted, poorly written, and a complete waste of time. there is no basis in the real world involved with the making of this movie. the character interactions are absurd. the situations are beyond senseless. there is no character development at all. the dialogue is inane at best. racial stereotypes abound. follows the same rom com plot line you have seen a hundred times only badly acted. horrible in every way. worst of all, it's not funny. not even on a 'it's so bad it's funny unintentionally' way. do not watch this. The acting is bad, the plot is ridiculous, the characters are cliché. i have nothing good to say about this film.
larab69 What a refreshing change for my husband and me to sit down with our teenage daughter and what a romantic comedy that is free of gratuitous sex, nudity and foul language. The story is simple, the characters genuine and it had a lot of appeal to the romantic mind of my 16 year old who completely believes in true love and happily ever after. Yes, the story is cliché but it recognizes it in a humorous way. Although my husband found it to be a bit juvenile, definitely more "made for TV", he agreed that is was a cute movie and applauded Chris Soldevilla's performance saying he was likable and could picture him on a sitcom. However, if not for the beautiful Angie Everhart he probably would not have watched it at all.I felt the pairing of Haylie Duff and Chris Soldevilla as the main characters to be believable and everyone for the most part was well cast. Scott Michael Campbell as the fiancé did a great job at making you dislike him. In every movie there should be one person you love to hate and for me it was him. Great acting on his part. I especially liked that this writer/director took a higher road and wrote from the heart instead of his privates. Of course there is enough sexual innuendo to keep things interesting but you can still watch it with kids and keep your morals in tact. In my opinion, its a good movie for a girl's night and is completely appropriate for mother/daughter night, a sleepover party, a casual date or a group of ladies looking to chill with a glass of wine and a nice film. It offers a funny perspective of love from the man's point of view while appealing to a woman's romantic side. Overall, I say grab some popcorn and a spot of the sofa and rent this movie