| 06 September 1983 (USA)
Phenomenon Trailers

One soviet programmer has problems in his job. He is laughed at by women, they think he is too awkward. His chiefs are giving no rest to him. In addition to that they give him very difficult project to be done very soon. Overcoming himself he does impossible. After closing away in his office and spending there several days and nights without sleep he finds some solution and immediately fells asleep. After waking up after very surrealistic dream he surprises of what has happened while he was asleep. And the miracles have just started for him…

Supelice Dreadfully Boring
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
andreygrachev One soviet programmer has problems in his job. He is laughed at by women, they think he is too awkward. His chiefs are giving no rest to him. In addition to that they give him very difficult project to be done very soon. Overcoming himself he does impossible. After closing away in his office and spending there several days and nights without sleep he finds some solution and immediately fells asleep. After waking up after very surrealistic dream he surprises of what has happened while he was asleep. And the miracles have just started for him. When he comes to his work place he finds out that all his co-workers saw the same dream . The same thing happens the next night. The main character suddenly realises that while hard working on that program he opened magnificent ability to invent dreams and to send them to whoever he wants. He feels weird in the beginning but later on the dreams become more and more insolent and outright. His wife and co-workers ,komsomol members can not stand weird fantasies and Unikum is sent to sychiatrists and he is immediately fired from his institution.While walking in the streets he meets his old time girl-friend who decides to help him to transform such rare talent into real art. At first they work and make living on inventing dreams for city bohemia. Later they create an vaudeville play, where they first take audience into hypnotic trance and then show dreams to people. Their play is respected and successful everywhere. But fame makes Unikom even more unhappy and shut off, finally he leaves tour and comes back to his wife. He makes his mind to return to family life, still doesn't forget about his fantastic gift. Very bright and funny sci fi.By Pavel Svetomusica-Mikhailov