Peter Kay: Live at the Bolton Albert Halls
Peter Kay: Live at the Bolton Albert Halls
| 10 November 2003 (USA)
Peter Kay: Live at the Bolton Albert Halls Trailers

In Live at the Bolton Albert Halls Peter Kay performs his 'Mum Wants A Bungalow Tour' in front of a home town audience.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
John Pearce Simply wonderful observational humour! Before you watch this try and remember what it was like at family weddings; and then let Peter Kay tell you.Imagine what it would be like to be an old lady whose family still surround you and gently smile at your little ways; and then watch Peter Kay tell you about his gran - who is in the audience and laughs as much as anyone.Peter Kay analyses people and reduces them down to the scared little kid in us all and bursts the bubbles of pretencion in anyone. We all know that deep down we would like to be the kid who slides across the floor on his knees at a wedding and it makes us laugh to realise that.Peter Kay has the ability to craft a show about us and show us why we are all really scared little kids in big peoples clothes and we love every minute of having our egos and pretencions destroyed.Peter Kay takes us to a world that we would all love to live in and it is only afterwards that we realise that we already do.Wonderful!
bob the moo Peter Kay appears in front of a large audience of his Northern brethren and goes through a routine that runs just under an hour. Kay runs through a range of observations made against his own life growing up in the North (where it, as I understand it, is grim). From drunken dancing at weddings, watching Bullseye or taping the top 40 charts off the radio, he covers a range of subjects – but this is also a weakness.Outside of the group that will be familiar with what he is talking about (not many outside the UK I'd reckon) he isn't going to get many laughs, but I suppose I'm in the UK so it shouldn't matter – but it does. The problem I had with the show was that it never gets close to the inventiveness and wit of Kay's TV shows (specifically Phoenix Nights), instead it more or less just picks easy targets – dancing at weddings, drunken relatives, rubbish television shows and so on. It is amusing in a 'oh yeah' type of way but I must admit that I wasn't roaring with laughter as much as the (badly timed) cuts to audience were. I say badly timed because the odd time it is apparent that the individuals are not actually laughing at that specific joke but I suppose the important thing is that they were laughing at that moment.The material won't travel well but it is worth seeing if you are in a relaxed mood. Ironically Kay seems happy to be just a notch above the working men's clubs that he lampoons so wonderfully in Phoenix Nights but the crowd (a rough looking lot) seem to enjoy it a great deal and I suppose that if you're a fan of his type of humour then you'll enjoy this too. I did identify with the people and situations he joked about and I did laugh a handful of times but basically I didn't think he stood out from many other stand ups who also do the 'have you ever noticed…' stuff but do it better. Kay is better than this.
geege2004 I saw this guy for the first time on the DVD "Live At Bolton", and would now rank him in the top three comedians I have ever heard in my life! Everything about his show was funny and uplifting, From his running for a bus to, well....I won't spoil the surprises, I swear he will have you and your whole family in Knots. A truly naturally funny man in every sense. He also does some superb impersonations including Jim Bowen(presented bullseye) and a very good one of a typical drunk uncle at a party. Another notable talent he has is that he hardly swears during his show. I say notable because a lot of comedians use swearing as a driving force for their comedy but this guy doesn't need to. There are only a few other British comedians out there that can touch this guy, one of them being The Big Yin himself, Billy Connolly and Lee Evans being the other one and I think with his upbeat personality and well timed wit he will go far! Out of 10.... 9.5, Superb!
dave-greg Only kidding of course!!! What can you say about this show, apart from it's brilliant. The 'Blackpool Tower' show was a good gig, still is in fact, but this one is in a different league. He's definitely the most naturally funny man on the planet. It's not so much what he says, it's the way he says it. His observations of life, his delivery, his funny shape ,with that northern wit and Bolton accent combine to great effect. To be honest i don't want to see this vd again for about another year or so, because i've seen it so many times, but i still laugh hard at it. The tour was a virtual sell-out, so he must have made enough money to 'buy his mum a bungalow' by now!!