Pete 'n' Tillie
Pete 'n' Tillie
PG | 17 December 1972 (USA)
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A fun-loving bachelor woos and weds a secretary, but the bonds of this marriage aren't strong enough to stop his philandering from continuing.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
jzappa The main accomplishment of Pete 'n' Tillie is the skill put into it for hitting the symmetry amongst the hilarious and the heartbreaking, between moments of earnest gravitas and other moments of priceless high comedy and even slapstick. What happens in the story is supposed to happen. Life's like that. In one go, Pete 'n' Tillie is an entertainment feat, with its high comic panache, its dexterity with bittersweet dramaturgy and its star turns for its two tremendously talented leads. The special thing about this movie is the way it merges those two tonal styles, with even more subtlety and naturalism than the films of later periods.Indeed, this is a sharp, surprisingly heartfelt and charming movie of the early '70s, with a skillfully lasting and subdued tone of melancholy. Writer-producer Julius J. Epstein has seized hold of priceless dialogue and a theme of togetherness. The title characters are two sardonically mileage-developing San Francisco pragmatists who meet at a party and like one another virtually in spite of themselves. Owing to their age, they're seasoned enough to realize that "love without irritation is just lust." They get going, wed, raise a bright son and experience a paralyzing family predicament whose subtle, poignant handling is the most appreciable thing about this offbeat love story beholden to George Stevens' superior Penny Serenade.It's a straightforward comedy that soaks up tragedy without an awkward wrinkle. This owes to the always subtle, sophisticated and refined direction of Martin Ritt, normally helming much less sentimental material, shrewdly of course. Then there is Geraldine Page, as Burnett's well-heeled friend, whose succinct, horrified charade at a police station and the subsequent catfight pack that beautiful release of laughter after a tragic peak. Like most great comics, Burnett, held in rein by a somber, down-to-earth story, is impressive, even in graver moments that feel as if the material was contrived to the point of bathos. Matthau has given more cumbersome performances but none more disarming since The Odd Couple.
mdm-11 Carol Burnett and Walter Matthau are middle aged singles at one of socialite Geraldine Paige's famous "parties". Seemingly inexperienced Burnett is unsure whether the wise-cracking and somewhat "obviously interested" Matthau is the real deal. Eventually they hit it off, get married, and have a son, whom they both adore. Time passes, Burnett learns that Matthau freely shares his sexual talents with other women, which he does not attempt to hide. When their school age son is diagnosed with a terminal illness, Burnett breaks down. The couple separates, all friends and acquaintances suggest Burnett get a divorce.The ending may be somewhat predictable, but it's a much needed "up" from the depressing 20 minutes preceding it. The brief interlude with Burnett and Paige in a "cat fight" is another welcomed distraction from compounding dramatic scenes. Matthau's constant witty remarks become an expected staple, although he does show emotion about the loss of his son.This is definitely an "adult film", although rated PG. Many issues about urban life and society in general are tackled. Pre-teens would certainly be confused and unable to make sense of some of the plot. Fans of the leads will enjoy this film
Brett Walter I checked this movie out from the library, because it's a free video rental. I liked the three major actors in it, so I figured it couldn't be that bad. And it wasn't all that bad. It just could have used some editing. It was long in some parts and moved too fast it places where it shouldn't have. Ironically, with two comic leads some of the more funny moments come with Geraldine Page, who was then the First Lady of the American Theater. She also had a fairly memorable film career in which she recieved 8 Oscar nominations, not winning untill the eighth try! She earned her fifth nomination for this film, but unfortunatly her character is wasted! She only has about four scenes, alothough memorable, the movie doesn't make the best use of her talents.
moonspinner55 Walter Matthau and Carol Burnett as a married couple and it's not a comedy? I can't remember if "Pete 'n' Tillie" was advertised as such, but I can certainly believe word-of-mouth on this was bad. The film has a washed-out sense of 'realism' as two single people meet and marry, have a child, and soon face tragedy. It strives to give us sort of a day-to-day examination of married life in the suburbs, but first we need to fall in love with these characters and, despite the charisma of Matthau and Burnett, we don't. They are both brought down to scale (Burnett more fiercely than Matthau) and their comedic tics are mellowed out (Matthau plays a piano nude except for a hat, and it gets a laugh, but then it's back to business). There are colorful moments--and a surprisingly vicious/funny knock-down brawl between Burnett and Geraldine Page--but the script has nowhere to go, the possibilities far exceeding what we see on-screen. An interesting attempt, but perhaps filmmakers who live in Beverly Hills should stay out of the suburbs. ** from ****
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