Perry Mason: The Case of the Maligned Mobster
Perry Mason: The Case of the Maligned Mobster
| 11 February 1991 (USA)
Perry Mason: The Case of the Maligned Mobster Trailers

A gangster who has commited all kinds of crimes is accused to have killed his wife. As he was not the murderer in this case Perry Mason intents to find the killer...

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
jamesraeburn2003 A lawyer friend of Perry Mason, Frank Halloran (Mason Adams), persuades him to defend a reformed mobster - or is he? - called Johnny Sorrento (Michael Nader) who has been accused of killing his wife. The police believe he did it because just before she died she announced her intention to divorce him, which would have cost him millions of dollars. There is also a lot of circumstantial evidence pointing towards his guilt. Mason's list of suspects includes Johnny's 21-year-old son Jeff (Sean Kanan) who despises his father for his womanising and kicking him out of their home over his past drug addiction. Then there is the Calders (Pamela Bowen and Howard McGillin) who had done a business deal with Sorrento to open a fitness centre. Under the terms of the contract, they would stand to come into a fortune if Sorrento were to be convicted. Also, a heavy called Dave Barrett (Richard Portnow) took the rap for the murder of a drug baron who some believe was really murdered by Sorrento and it transpires that he was paid $250,000 whilst he was in jail. Did somebody pay him for confessing to a crime he didn't actually commit and does it relate to current events?A fun and largely successful attempt to vary the series formula by having Perry question his own professional ethics as he decides whether or not to defend a former gangster. He accepts the case after his colleagues, Ken Malansky (William R Moses) and Della Street (Barbara Hale), remind him about a speech he gave to a law seminar in which he said that everyone should have the right to a proper defence no matter how lowly or despised the client might be. While Della believes he should take the case, Malansky thinks he should reject it out of hand prompting Perry to ask "Well, who should we represent? Only college professors, presidential candidates or Nobel prize winners?" We are shown another side to Perry's character. Being a high powered attorney, he is entitled to ask for a lot of money for his services, but he always had a concern for the little guy and often agreed to defend people who didn't have a penny to their name. Here, to the astonishment of his friends and colleagues, he defends Sorrento, which shows that he does not simply jump to conclusions about people and is willing to give them the benefit of the doubt despite what their past might be.In addition, Perry attempts to reconcile Johnny with his young son Jeff, which doesn't really stir our emotions that much because the performances from Nader and Kanan are not really strong enough for it to do that. But, there is a moving moment at the climax where Sorrento may be facing another possible murder charge over the drug baron for which someone else did time for. "Do you want to handle it for me?", he asks. Perry calls his son Jeff over and asks "I don't know, do we trust him Jeff?" The son says that he does not and Perry replies "You see Johnny, that's the way it is, we don't trust you" as if refusing the case. But, Perry then urges Jeff to make it up with his father suggesting that he does believe in him - room for a sequel, do you think?It is, on the whole, a satisfying and gripping thriller, but it is a complex one and requires the audience to concentrate hard or risk losing track of what is going on. Even though one or two of the performances aren't sufficient to bring out the emotional element in the story, it is still a very good try at moving the series away from the routine formula and I would recommend anyone to see it.
Leofwine_draca THE CASE OF THE MALIGNED MOBSTER is a very typical PERRY MASON mystery with one nice twist: Perry's client is a real-life gangster who has a criminal career behind him and is very much a bad guy, even if he's innocent of the one particular crime he's been accused of. Thus the story has a moralistic angle usually missing from this film series, even if in every other respect it's quite ordinary.The opening murder scene has shades of De Palma's BLOW OUT in the portrayal of a wife murdered in a car wreck, although it's dealt with rather hurriedly as the emphasis is instead on the questioning of the various gangland-related suspects. William R. Moses once again has some predictable action stuff to deal with, while Burr furrows his brow a lot to look worried. The great Stephen Tobolowsky is far too underutilised to make an impression although singer Paul Anka has a nice cameo. I did appreciate the fairly dark ending although the journey to that point is strictly routine.
sol1218 ****SPOILERS**** This turned out to be one of Perry Mason's, Raymond Burr, most heart-breaking as well as baffling cases. A case after it was finally over with Perry, as you would have expected him to, getting his client off hoped that he never had anything to do with it.Called in by his good friend financial expert and attorney Frank Halloran, Mason Adams, to handle his client ex-mobster Johnny Sorrento, Michael Nader, capital case in the murder of his wife Maria, Swynyth Walsh, Perry is very hesitant at first in taking it. Against his better judgment and the judgment of his private secretary Della Street, Barbara Hale, and assistant an d human punching bag Ken Malansky, William R. Moses, who always,in every one of the Perry Mason mystery movies, takes a licking but keeps on ticking Perry takes the murder case that almost has him ending up being a murder victim himself! It was Maria catching her cheating husband in the arms of part-time model and aspiring actress Karen Tatcher, Beverly Leech, that had her throw a fit get herself good and drunk at the Calder Estate where her husband,now a big time and legitimate businessman,was finalizing a business deal. Jumping into Johnny's sports car Maria driving drunk ends up falling to her death, after her cars tires were shot out, down a 250 foot Rocky Mountain cliff . Being the #1 suspect in his wife's murder in him threatening her in public at the Calder Estate, as well as finding his high powered rifle at the murder scene, to kill her if she tries to devoice him Johnny is now facing life or even worse if he, with his long criminal record,is convicted.Even though Perry did his best to get his client Johnny Sorrento off the hook Johnny himself stupidly and brainlessly did everything in getting himself convicted in his wife's murder! The not that bright Johnny goes so far as to pay a couple of hoods who once worked for him to stage a fake drive-by shooting,in order to gain sympathy, that almost had his lawyer Perry Mason killed in the process! We also get to see Johnny's estrange 23 year-old son Jeff, Sean Kanan, who want's to have nothing to do with him blaming Johnny for his mom's, Maria Sorrento, murder with Perry playing "matchmaker" in trying to get father and son back together again. This leads to a strange reunion at the conclusion of the movie where despite finding out what a low down and dirty rat his father really is and always was Jeff's somehow finds it in his hear to forgive him!***SPOILERS*** The most shocking as well as mind boggling sub-plot in the film is the actual murderer of Maria who was in fact responsible for the murder of drug dealer Ray Dominic some three years earlier. This had to do with Jeff's then drug addiction that Johnny held Dominic, Jeff's drug supplier, responsible for. Using the same tactics and hit-man who was himself knocked off later in the film, in order to keep him from talking, had the some thing done to Maria! A real bummer for Perry Mason who had no trouble exposing Maria's killer, who in fact hired someone to murder her,in him leaving a paper trail with his fingerprints and signatures on it that stretched as far as Seattle to Boston! The guy found out the hard way that Perry was a hell of a lot smarter then he gave him credit for.
Mark-129 Probably the worst entry in this series. Perry Mason defends a reformed mobster framed for the murder of his wife. There's something unpleasant about Mason being involved with this type of defendant and his cronies. There has to be something wrong when Perry has harsh words for both Della Street and Ken Malansky. Even NBC chose not to screen the movie during sweeps.
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