Perfect Body
Perfect Body
| 08 September 1997 (USA)
Perfect Body Trailers

Obsessed with perfection, young gymnast Andie Bradley nearly starves herself to realize her dream of making the Olympic gymnastics team.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
sanamo86 I've had a read of some of the reviews about how 'unrealistic' & 'cliche' this film is. Firstly Id like to say coming from someone who has suffered from Anorexia for 3 years, was hospitalised for 8 months, this by far is the most accurate portrayal of the development, suffering & isolation a person with ED goes through & the effects it has on the family & their body. I personally can relate completely with Andy's experience. Although I wasn't training to be a gymnasts, I was studying to be a doctor at university where my perfection streak went into overdrive and I started to diet, then ultimately starve myself. The convo her best friend has with her on the swings about how she "looks like hell", or the scene where she wakes up early to jog & then fill a bowl with cereal so that she looks like she has eaten breakfast, or her mum trying to get her to eat a skinless chicken breast, have practically all happened to me and Im sure to many other anorexics. If you want to see the emotional reality of anorexia without the gore & glamour this is the film to watch
TinorialPeredhil The entire point of this movie was to show how desperate girls can be to reach their dreams, how they think that they're helping themselves, and how they ultimately crush those dreams all on their own. The gymnastics may not have been realistic -- I'm not going to pretend that those girls were ready to compete in Beijing -- but I really liked the eating disorder part. We followed Andie and we saw how she got to be that bad. We went on her journey, felt her fears, understood her mindset. I also don't think that she cleared up her problems in the end. She says that it is going to take a while; we just don't *see* it taking a while because movies are short. I thought that this was a good portrayal and an eye-opener. It is definitely worth viewing, maybe more than once. Is it anything that teenage girls these days don't hear? Maybe not. It could very well go in one ear and out the other, but it's worth a shot.
Catherine_Grace_Zeh PERFECT BODY, in my opinion, is a very touching and kind of heartbreaking drama about the consequences of being anorexic. Anytime Andie (Amy Jo Johnson) threw up, I wanted to vomit myself. It's kind of hard to explain why. If you ask me, she should have been more cooperative about things. However, I did enjoy seeing her do her gymnastics routines as well as get lectured by her parents. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say, "If you ask me, PERFECT BODY really shows you how being anorexic or bulimic can affect a person's body. " Now, in conclusion, I recommend this movie to everyone who hasn't seen it. You're in for some tears and a good time, so the next time it's on TV, kick back with a friend and watch it.
Vickie Phillips I have seen this film many times, and it still upsets me the thought that people have to lose so much weight, just to be accepted into society. I think Hollywood need to make more films about young people with anorexia/bulimia to maybe help the millions of young people in the world with these illnesses. It is a brilliant film, and I would recommend it to anyone.