Pee-wee's Playhouse Christmas Special
Pee-wee's Playhouse Christmas Special
| 21 December 1988 (USA)
Pee-wee's Playhouse Christmas Special Trailers

Pee-wee Herman and pals are celebrating Christmas in the Playhouse in their own creative ways: Pee-wee makes a list for Santa Claus 1 1/2 miles long, teaches Little Richard how to ice skate, goes for a sleigh ride with Magic Johnson, commands Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello to make Christmas cards, receives a long phone call from Dinah Shore, even has more musical fun with k.d. lang, the Del Rubio Triplettes and Charo! Finally, Big Red arrives and announces that Pee-wee's Christmas list was so big, he didn't have enough presents for all the children of the world. Will Pee-wee follow his own advice and help others?

PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Mr-Fusion You've gotta hand it to a holiday special from the late '80s to make all this stale Christmas material fun again; one that at least gives it just that weird spin to freshen things up. "Christmas at Pee Wee's Playhouse" packs in the guest stars, musical numbers and unwanted fruitcakes - it's got duds, sure, the Del Rubio sisters and KD Lang don't really fit. But get a look at Pee Wee in his (awesome) snow suit. My kid lives to see him spaz it up (we both kinda bond over this), and that alone makes this a fun special.The damn thing even comes with a message, and it's one that doesn't ruin the fun. Nice job.7/10
MistyNoble1987 Let me start by saying I have very fond memories of watching Pee Wees Playhouse when I was younger, so needless to say this has been a staple in our family since the year it came out. Staying tried and true to the quirkiness that is Pee Wees Playhouse, come join Pee Wee, Globey, Chairry, Randy and the rest of the magical objects, characters, celebrities, and musical guests as they take you through a world of imagination, love, comical quips and enjoy being a kid again through the wonder world that is Pee Wees Playhouse. Teaches kids a great lesson about the gift of Christmas. Another thing I like about this show is it has the right amount of adult humor (Nothing over the top, though) that makes it just as enjoyable to watch it as an adult as it was to watch when I was a kid. Admit it, you know you want to travel through the wonderful wacky world of Pee Wees Playhouse!
melismatica67 Why isn't this available on video or DVD? Fortunately, I taped it when it aired one Christmas when my kids were toddlers. The date above says 1988 which surprises me because I was under the impression it only aired once. My youngest was born in '87 and I'm pretty certain she was older than 1 when we first saw it. The year I taped this, and every year since they have watched it over again, rewinding certain parts to see them played backwards. This was hilarious to them. The Christmas special has the same kitchy, glitzy sets and props of the Saturday morning show with all the regular characters as well as several great drop-ins. Some particular favorites of mine are k.d. lang performing a frenetic "Jingle Bell Rock" and Charo singing "Feliz Navidad". There is even a touching moment when Pee Wee explains the true meaning of Christmas with the aid of an old educational film of children performing a Nativity pageant. We just watched that original tape I made for the gazillionth time. My kids are now 15, 14, and 12 and they catch the sly camp humor that eluded them when they were younger. My copy is old and deteriorating. I can't believe this hasn't been released for purchace by now. Are people still so hung up on that minor picadillo that future audiences will be deprived of ever seeing this truly entertaining, good natured Christmas special? I surely hope not. I don't know how many more viewings my copy will endure.
eEJe13 Pee Wee Herman and friends join in the holiday spirit tour de force in what might be the greatest holiday special ever. The regulars are all there, from Capt. Carl (the late, great Phil Hartman) to Reba the Mail lady. In addition to the already sensational cast, numerous guests are in attendance including (but in no particular order by any means) Frankie and Annette, the Derubial Triplets, Charro, Grace Jones, and Little Richard (and I'm positive I'm forgetting a few, and I'm sorry for that [I want to say k.d. lang, but don't quote me on that]).Now, the special does focus its attention on Christmas, but it also brings Hanukah into light for a moment (hence my persistence on dubbing it as a 'holiday special') - and it does so both educationally and entertainingly (if that's a word).This single episode of Pee Wee's Playhouse is forever held dear to me, not only because of the sheer amount of comedic goodness, but also because I feel it best sums up entirely the greatness of what was arguably one of the greatest shows ever!