Pavilion of Women
Pavilion of Women
R | 04 May 2001 (USA)
Pavilion of Women Trailers

With World War II looming, a prominent family in China must confront the contrasting ideas of traditionalism, communism and Western thinking, while dealing with the most important ideal of all: love and its meaning in society.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
jllewell Willem was totally wasted here, as were quite a few of the cast. I think that's why he wasn't up to his usual mark, I suspect he was aware of the 'we're gonna dumb down to rock bottom levels on this one!' attitude that prevailed in this production.I suspect he really needed to pay some bills.The musical score was woeful, really hideous.It was filmed beautifully, all wasted.What was with the voices? It seemed like Mr Wu and friends were badly dubbed with crassly exaggerated US accents.I accepted that it wasn't going to be as poignant as the book. Whenever an American movie of this type puts 'adapted from' on anything, it always means 'light years away from', and you know it's going to be an immature travesty. Yup, it was.It could still have been great, even with the story changes, but it was so clumsily executed, with such a heavy hand on everything. The characters were made into caricatures, and the ending was a very strange thing. It was like a bad outfit, where you just say, ''what were they thinking?''.I thoroughly enjoyed all the costumes, and would give a kidney to live in that house with that garden. All the stone and stunted pine had me drooling. Just goes to show how much you can enjoy a good set, when the movie is immature pap, being spoon fed to the mob.Even, so, if it had been treated properly, it could have been a much better film, even as it was. If Merchant-Ivory had done this, it would have been a stunner.
Fabiana Lopéz Pavilion OF WOMEN (2001) – A WONDERFUL JOURNEY TO ANOTHER CULTURE I was pleasantly amazed by this film. When I read the title and saw the poster for the first time, I thought it would be about some kind of sordid story between a western man (Dafoe) and an eastern –chinese- woman, above all because I associated "pavilion" with a jail. Of course, when one watches the film, it becomes clear that it indeed refers to a jail, although in metaphoric terms….So, first of all I think the landscapes shown are really beautiful. On the second place, one can realize without doubts the role women played in Chinese society and family, the absolute lack of consideration for love in marriage, and the fulfillment of the married woman duties towards her husband.The discovery of real love by this woman, who, after 25 years of serving her husband, decides to call for a young girl in order to better satisfy him and to relieve herself from her conjugal duties… One could say that she was lucky that her society allowed her to give another wife to her husband…although it wasn't all she needed to be happy, of course. On the other hand, the fact of love growing between her and the western Priest, it was so subtle, she wasn't "searching" for anyone –at least in a conscious way, in my opinion-. The hint of a search for freedom in a society where women were under men's rule is shown in the fact of the two women attending the Priest's classes…. I think they discovered that the world was more than sewing and serving a husband....I must admit that I bought the movie just because Wilem Dafoe was there….his particular features and ways have always attracted me. After watching the movie I can say that this is an excellent performance from him. One has to consider that he and the Chinese woman are the most important characters around who the story develops, and they both catch the audience's attention, her performance is excellent too.Well, as I don't want to be a spoiler, I won't write about the end, but I only want to say that it provoked in me a sort of impotence and sadness, for a while I thought about the relevance of a feeling, a caress, a glance, I mean, as a still photograph and without looking forward for much more… and about the vulnerability of human life.There are several superior values expressed : boldness, courage, respect for tradition, but in the same way the conflict between a too closed ancient tradition and freedom of choice, or free will, arises, as in the young son's decision of leaving home in order to pursue his political ideas and the woman he did love; the Chinese woman's choice of not going with her husband and the rest of the family when the war exploded, among others.There's only one detail : I think there wasn't any conflict shown between the fact of Andre being a Priest –and consequently, a celibate- and his love for the Chinese woman – perhaps only when he prays "God, forgive me, because I have sinned", but it was all. I wonder if he would have left his religious position, married or at least lived together with her…. Well, but these are only speculations of mine, which don't add to my review, I guess.
Jalea but it is not bad. This movie seems to play like an opera. There is much exaggeration. Except there is no singing. If there was singing, it would excuse the simplification of the story. Also, there are no scenes were the camera pulls back and allows the viewer to appreciate the landscape and sceneryHowever, the film is still entertaining. It has some touching moments although the ending was definitely over the top. It is worth watching if you like melodrama.
dromasca Director Ho Yim's movie is based on a novel of Pearl Buck. 60-70 years ago, this writer's books were cross-cultural best sellers, bringing to the US and Western audiences the image of the Far East which soon will have become part of the daily lives, when WWII broke. The film story line has all the elements of the time - melodrama, clash between the Western and Chinese traditions, and a missionary message which is probably the most problematic part of the movie.However, this is a good movie. Certainly, we have seen much better and original ones, coming directly from China without the intervention of the Hollywood producers. Having the film spoken in English may have won some US audiences, but certainly lowers the credibility. However, the filming is exquisite, the historical background is very well re-created, and the acting is fabulous. Is this really Luo Yam's first or second role? This is what IMDB's information says, I simply cannot believe it. She is giving an Oscar level performance, and I am certainly flattering some of the ladies who won feminine role Oscars lately.Worth seeing. 8/10 on my personal scale.