Parasyte: Part 1
Parasyte: Part 1
NR | 29 November 2014 (USA)
Parasyte: Part 1 Trailers

Alien pods come to Earth and, naturally, start taking over Human Hosts. One such pod only manages to take over one human's, Shin Izumi, right arm. Together they grow and co-exist, all the while the other aliens are making meals of other humans; Shin feels he must put a stop to it all, but his alien, Migi, doesn't see why.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
siderite I've seen the anime a long time ago and, since an article recommended the movie, I've decided to watch it, too. Success! This is not only a good Japanese movie, it's a good movie in general. The actors are OK, the special effects are good, the story is cohesive and the underlying moral dilemma of categorizing humans as parasites or mere careless predators is preserved.To me, the greatest character was Ryôko Tamiya, and the actress was also quite good. At first I thought that she was doing the stone faced alien thing too much, but after a while I realized that it was the right way to play it. I wish Shôta Sometani would have put in more of an effort as the lead character, but he was sufficient as it was. The Migi character was well done, maybe a little too nice.Overall, the movie presents an interesting idea, which combines body horror sci-fi with a critique on current society. Well done, as direction and special effects go, acting, too. Also, they didn't go too Japanese, which would have made the movie less digestible for the rest of the world. I wonder why do few people watched it. With what I suppose was a tiny budget, they did great.
viligeidiot I haven't read the manga this is based on, but I HAVE seen the anime of it which was one of my favourites in the past few years and while the plot in this movie adaptation is very sped up, it is extremely well done! The story is cohesive enough even though plot points had to be edited and the special effects are superb considering what they COULD have been... beat the socks off San Andreas which was nothing BUT one long CGI sequence. Hollywood, take note... sometimes less IS more.I can understand people who are new or haven't been exposed to the story possibly having a tough time 'getting it', but there really is enough to hang a story on... even with a giant chunk missing here and there. As for the detractors going on about how the original has been butchered, give it a rest would ya?? The anime clocked in at somewhere near 9 hours in it's entirety and yes, it was condensed from the manga, but what the heck do you need to be satisfied with a movie adaptation? Five to six full length movies? a few 3 hour movies?? get real here... there's an old saying that goes 'A movies length should be no longer than the average viewer's bladder capacity'. Get off your fandom, 'purist' snotty attitudes and accept it for what it is... a wholly ORIGINAL and satisfying experience that Hollywood could do FAR worse to emulate!
Historia Lenz I loved Hitoshi Iwaaki's manga and I loved the anime just as much, so after hearing about a Parasyte live action, I got curious and decided to see if it would turn out bad or good. I wasn't disappointed, the story did progress a bit fast for my tastes but not to fast to make me dislike it. The creators really didn't hold back on gore in this movie, everything was clear and visible, from insides to cut open heads.The CGI wasn't bad either. the way the heads morphed into the blades and eyes looked pretty realistic. I was happy that quite a few original characters were kept in this movie, but I wished it did follow the manga a little more, but it did keep some important points. Overall, it wasn't a bad adaptation, they cut the movie off at a really good part that makes you want a sequel in which I'll be looking forward to.
moviesmaniax To be honest I never read the Japanese comic book version before but now, I think I should start reading one. Even though Parasyte Part 1 seems to have some unsettling moments going on, but at the end it all wraps up really well from its thoughtful and amusingly entertaining storytelling. All the actors here did their roles really well thanks to the script that leaves room for character development resulting in an effectively touching moment in the last act. The effects in the film is also impressive in an Asian film level and it gets really bloody, GORY, and disturbing throughout as well. I may not be able to compare it to the comic since I never read it but overall here, Parasyte Part 1 is an accomplishment in entertainment value while being able to add in thoughtful social context and creating a character where audience can actually care about. It's a film that you can be fully satisfy once the credit rolls but still make you crave for more sequel.>>A-<<