PG-13 | 04 October 1991 (USA)
Paradise Trailers

A 10-year-old boy spends a summer in the country with a childless couple and a precocious girl.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Wuchak The first half of 1991's "Paradise" is great. It's essentially a coming-of-age story of two 9 year-olds (Elijah Wood and Thora Birch) on the Atlantic coast near Chrarleston, SC (shot on location). The locations are breathtaking and illustrate that every area has its unique beauty. The film's also about a couple who Elijah is visiting for the Summer (Birch's character is a neighbor). The couple (Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith) are on the verge of divorce due to a tragedy a few years earlier. Wood's visit is instrumental in reviving them as individuals and as a couple.The first half is so well done that I thought I stumbled upon a hidden gem but, unfortunately, the second half falls into mediocrity. The awkward and contrived scenes with questionable acting/dialogue could've worked if the filmmakers simply worked out the kinks through rewriting, reshooting, better editing, etc. but it's clear that they had to finish the picture on a limited budget. They got the job done, and that's great, but if they spent a little more time, a little more money and tried a little harder they could've had a near masterpiece.This is the only movie that I can remember where Don Johnson plays a major protagonist (I've never seen Miami Vice) and it shows that he should've been a major ultra-cool masculine actor, like Clint Eastwood, Thomas Jane, Charles Bronson and a gazillion others.Sarah Trigger plays Birch's hot half-sister, but she's barely seen, which is a shame because she's so beautiful. They probably cut some of her scenes out. If you don't remember her, she played Steve Martin's redhead babe in "Grand Canyon." BOTTOM LINE: This coming of age film has numerous great moments, particularly in the first half -- moments of wonder, beauty, discovery and companionship. It's too bad they drop the ball in the second half. Regardless, it's a very worthwhile movie and Johnson shows his greatness. Like the movie, he coulda been a contenda.The film runs 111 minutes.GRADE: B
Michael Neumann The bittersweet 1987 French drama 'Le Grand Chemin' has been reworked into a vehicle for Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith, taking the same story and turning it into a big screen pacifier for undiscriminating moviegoers (with an aversion to sub-titles). The original version was drawn from director Jean-Loup Hubert's childhood memories of the summer he spent with an estranged, small town couple, learning about life while they come to terms with the death of their own son. The watered-down American model is based on nothing except the overwhelming desire to make a sugar-coated box office hit, presenting the young boy as a cuddly matchmaker for his surrogate parents. Writer director Mary Agnes Donoghue does her best to make the experience as painless as possible, but in the process smooths out all the rough edges of the story. The film, as a result, should have been easy to dislike, but it really doesn't provoke any strong emotions, pro or con: it's too bland, too generic, and (thankfully, for the filmmakers) too harmless.
katia-bosman it's a great movie,i enjoy to watch it and Don Johnson is a great actor and he's still my favorites i been a fan a long time, and that not gonna chance, i hope that can see his new movie,berry soon moon-dance Alexander so for you and all the fans off Don Johnson i hope that he's also ferry happy that he have Manny great fans stuck and still faithfully and i'm looking for his new song-album too so faithful to him,i now that his passion is singingand he never let his fans down.So what can i say more,that great fans off him will understand my point off viewgreetings to all,katia
obi-3 I remember Siskel & Ebert giving this film a thumbs down. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it, and how moved I was by the story. Don & Melanie are wonderful together. A bit slow moving in the story department but more than makes up for it with emotion and heart.