Miles Ahead
Miles Ahead
R | 22 January 2016 (USA)
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An exploration of the life and music of Miles Davis.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
JasonT413 Don Cheadle Directs Himself as Miles Davis, Nice Job on what If I remember correctly is his directorial debut. The film ping-pongs back and forth from the early 80's, right before Miles comes back from a 5 year or so hiatus to the 50's/60's era when he was married to dancer Frances Taylor. The film has a madcap side to it with Ewan Mcgregor in a fun turn as a Rolling Stone reporter out to interview Miles and almost doubling as Miles' sidekick in a romp through the city (New York?) in the early 80's. I don't want to give much away but I recommend the film, it is pretty amusing and jazz + biopic fans will find much to enjoy!
Jack Spencer If you are expecting a bio of Miles Davis, you will be disappointed. If you want to see an actor portray Miles Davis as he was, you will love this movie.It is really just a two day adventure in the life of the Dark Prince, which may or may not have actually happened. But it is definitely how Miles would have done it. Don Cheadle did a jaw dropping portrayal.If you know about Miles you will not be surprised by the violent brooding personality displayed here. The film suggests it was caused by his pining for his beloved ex wife, I don't know, but it is very believable.As far as the soundtrack goes, we are treated to brief Miles Davis standards. The scene were the character of Junior is rehearsing in a club, is the best musically. This is definitely for Miles fans. You will have fun, but don;t expect to learn anything new about the life of the Dark Prince.
ReneWirtz Miles Ahead is a good movie (8 out of 10), as long as you understand as the viewer that this is not a biopic or biography. Nothing much but peripheral things are based on true events. However, this movie is to try to shine a light on the tight rope the eccentric genius Miles Davis had to walk: spotlight or recluse, fame or art, music or painting, love or lust. Don Cheadle is near perfect as Miles Davis and Emayatzy Corinealdi is a great counterbalance as Miles' muse. I'm unsure of Ewan McGregor's overall arc in this story, although he does play his dubious character with gusto. The music is great, still cool after more than half a century!
rzajac Lots of user reviews saying "Miles Ahead" ("MA") attempts to elevate filmic cubistic hash to high art... and fails. I don't think he fails.Cheadle made his decisions, and stuck with 'em. He decided to go with a groundwork of a slice of Miles's life during a lost period, punctuated with flashbacks, and the whole thing riven with sudden, jarring, splintered, surreal touches. Worked for me.Other factors. Heard 5h1t said about McGregor, but I think he was pitch perfect... and I figure he took direction well from Cheadle. Though one never knows. Loved Cheadle's direction; warm, direct, honest; and yet also with a touch of caricature here and there.Technically, it's a delight. The colors are intentionally stark and bright, the camera-work is great, the music is great. By now, there's no excuse for the film representation of musicianship not to feel genuine, convincing, inspiring. The edits are expert, the pacing just fine.There are countless moments which showcase a view of Miles as a deeply feeling man. This is a wonderful counterpoint to pop, post-modern, swanky press representations of Davis as a guy with a lizard soul. I love that Cheadle did that. There's a moment when Miles lovingly caresses the shoulder of his pianist as he walks by (Evans?). The lovingness and respectfulness of that moment filled my own heart. It's kinda funny: I often hold myself back from movies that are trying to reach out to push my buttons. There was something about the way Cheadle manages the tone of his portrayal--and that's through the entire movie, not just moment-by-moment--that invited me to open up and feel those moments of connection *with* his Davis.Anyway... Great film product! Lots of fun to watch. Nice balance of menace and connection.Check it out