Panic in the Skies
Panic in the Skies
| 13 October 1996 (USA)
Panic in the Skies Trailers

The cockpit of a Boeing 747 is struck by lightning during takeoff for a flight to Europe, fatally injuring the flight crew. Laurie, the senior flight attendant, enlists the aid of passenger Brett Young. They determine that the autopilot can bring the plane in for a landing, but soon learn that the autopilot is locking onto the transponders of airfields at random, including signals from small airports with runways too short to accommodate the jumbo jet. Meanwhile, federal officials on the ground who have lost radio contact with the jet debate whether the plane should be shot down to prevent a more disastrous crash in a heavily populated area.

TinsHeadline Touches You
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
sol **SPOILES** The made for TV-movie "Panic in the Skies" starts off interesting enough as were introduced to the cast who are about to embark on the fateful New York to London flight 115; a top movie action hero who has a string of eight blockbusters hits a basketball all-star guard for the NBA New York Cobras a cute little girl on her first flight on an airplane a mysterious businessman, who later not only turns out to be wanted by the police but becomes the hero in the movie, as well as a newlywed couple and pregnant woman and computer geek among others. Once airborne all hell breaks loose when the plane is struck by a lighting bolt and all the crew ends up dead with planes control panel destroyed. Flying on automatic-plot the Jumbo 747 is clueless, like everyone else, to where it's going. During the rest of the movie the plane goes from as high as 60,000 feet to tree-top level until the plane finally crash-lands on a little airfield outside of Vancouver Canada. In between we see some of the most unbelievable ham acting, as well as unrealistic situations, ever in a motion picture.With panic spreading all throughout the plane head flight attendant Laurie Ann Pickett has passenger Brett Young, who seems to know what he's doing, take control of the plane which is unusable with it's controls destroyed. We also wonder just what Brett has to do with flying a Jumbo 747 since he never flew as much as a model air plane before he came on board! and why Laurie would allow him to get into the planes cockpit to fly it!Brett putting all the loose ends, and wires, together with the help of computer geek Joel Rose and computer whiz kid Carl get the plane on a flight course north/west to the Pacific Coast not east across he Atlantic Ocean to London England where it was scheduled to fly.It turns out that Brett & Co. are not really in control at all of flight 115 since it has a mind of it's own. The Jumo Jet get's so out of control that the USAF is alerted by ground control to blow it out of the sky, together with it's 400 passengers aboard. If it strays into a heavily populated area like the city of Chicago. All this time with flight 115 going some 3,000 miles off course the only persons who are tracking it is the air-traffic control tower in New York! With what would be scores of other, and closer, air-traffic control towers in both the US and Canada, as well as NORAD, not at all interested in the planes' erratic and dangerous flight pattern.On the plane the passengers seem not at all that terrified in the fix that they find themselves in with their acting being so unconvincing, trying to show that their in fact terrified and frightened. In some scenes it looks like they were cut prematurely because the actors in them just couldn't keep a straight face long enough, cracking up and giggling, before they could even end. The movie makers must have been in danger of running out of film and just kept them, after what must have been scores of takes, in to keep from going well over budget. We at first learned that Brett wasn't kosher when a NYC police detective tried to arrest him before he got on the flight. Later we ,and Laurie, got the real deal from Brett himself. He's a whistle blower the firm he worked for was selling defected laser equipment to the Pentagon and was framed in order to keep his mouth shut.At the end of the movie we see hero Bett walking, free as a bird, into the sunset suitcase in hand as Laurie tells the awaiting police that he died together with the flight crew in the planes cockpit! As if his death after examining the all the DNA and other evidence wouldn't show that she was badly mistaken or purposely lying about what really happened to him. Funny in an unintentional sort of way "Panic in the Skies" can't be taken seriously even for a moment since it's so ridicules and phony. You can only hope that those in it survived in real life, like in the movie, the disaster that they found or got themselves into to live, and be able to make make movies, another day.
smiley-32 I was watching this movie not too long ago.. Obviously it's one of those Airport disaster scenarios again..Well, this one has an all star cast.. Well, most of them. After the plane takes off from London, in the air.. disaster strikes when a lightning bolt hits the front of the plane, killing two the pilots.So, with no-one in the cockpit.. The question is.. who is going to fly the plane? Well, in this film.. It relied on Kate Jackson who plays one of the stiff upper lip air stewardess, who tries to keep the situation under control. Ed Marinaro, who's some kind of a wanted fugitive.. who's also caught up with the drama. Billy Warlock and Brandy Ledford who are also stewards on the plane backing up Kate Jackson's character..With other names like Robert Guillaume and Erik Estrada (who I remember him from the TV series 'CHIPS') plays as this hot shot actor who's also getting airsick on the flight.I must admit, the movie is worth watching.. But I want don't believe is.. how can a jumbo jet carry so much fuel if the plane is to fly a full 16 hours in the air? That's impossible..!Anyway, it's all fiction. But at the end of the day.. the passengers did land safely. I was hoping for more suspense an a few more deaths.. But all in all, this was nothing really..Enjoyable hokum.. 5 out of 10!
Peter-171 Some people here seem to think this movie is bad. I wonder if any of them have seen Airspeed which in my opinion was stupid, boring and laughable most of the time. This movie might not be 100% realistic but at least it seems to have gotten a little more thought and was more entertaining than Airspeed. This movie gets a 6/10.
actress-3 I saw this movie after the Payne Stewart incident. Even though some of the special effects were fake it made me think about what the people would be feeling. It was pretty good. Of course I tuned in because of Kate Jackson and was not disappointed! She was solid as usual. I would definitely recommend it. Thumbs up!