In truth, any opportunity to see the film on the big screen is welcome.
This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Mehdi Hoffman
There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Horst in Translation (
"Outside the Box" is a German movie from 2 years ago (2015) that was written and directed by Philip Koch and is certainly among his more known works already. This mostly has to do with the cast including the likes of Bruch, Lau, Zischler, Wilson, Finzi, Ramadan, Gersak... all names that German film buffs have certainly come across on other occasions. It is a relatively short movie as it only runs for slightly over 80 minutes, but in this case it is a good thing as it was not a convincing, let alone memorable, watch at any point really. It is basically all about the modern business world for this one and this is really where the entire focus of the film lies from start to finish. It is a mix of comedy and drama with some thriller moments even, but that is nothing too uncommon as you will hardly find big-screen releases in Germany these days that are really only 100% comedy without drama, while the other way around still happens a lot for whatever reason. I guess you could call it the Schweiger effect or Schweighöfer effect as these films always have to deliver a deep message and be contemporarily relevant etc. so that "intellectual" German movie-goers don't realize how simple they actually are. It's pretty funny in fact. What's wrong with enjoying a movie that is 100% comedy. Nothing at all. Anyway, back to this one here. I believe the script was so-so only unfortunately and I would maybe call it a poor man's version of another recent German film, namely "Zeit der Kannibalen". Everything that you find in that latter movie you will also find here to some extent, just weaker executed and more poorly produced. A bit of a shame as the film here has potential with some of the characters and plot developments, but I personally felt it was never really fulfilled and that makes it all a bit gimmicky and comical (and not in a good way). I have to give "Outside the Box" a thumbs down and don't recommend it. Let me finally say a few words on the title of the movie which is one of the worst terms out there really. Everybody who is truly "outside the box" and free in mind and spirit would never use this term. This term is for those who are at the very center of the box, but are way too deep inside to realize how they are the exact opposite of what they are. And this certainly also fits the characters of this film. Watch something else instead.
Which makes sense for a company movie like this. But in this case it's also very predictable in trying to show how society is working. It's a noble effort and it's really nice to see a movie trying to entertain and make a statement, politically and socially. But apart from not telling us anything new, by serving clichés all around, it also loses any edge and suspension.The actors are decent and they do their best with the things they get handed too. It's not a bad movie, especially with as I stated before the message it carries. But it could've been a lot better if it didn't rely on the usual. The jokes are hit and miss too. Not a must see
This theme has been tackled many times, but this film does the hatchet job on these ridiculous management training events rather well. We all know the sort of thing, and I've had to endure them myself. I still hold a grudge against the idiots who think that being able to climb a rope ladder or fire a paintball gun means you are a good manager. If the busted banks had spent more time checking figures instead of sending their managers on corporate training events like these, then we might all be a bit richer (what am I saying...the bankers are rich anyway, despite their catastrophic failures). Interesting that although the film is in German, all the clichés about management are in English. Altogether an entertaining farce with a message few, other than the frauds who run these sorts of events, would disagree with.
A pretty weird German comedy about the insanity of the cut-throat corporate world. Short overview of the plot: 4 worthless yuppies from some consulting firm are dragged to a mandatory survival training course in a forest. What they don't know is that it is also a showpiece event for a bunch of journalists and investors who see the whole thing through hidden cameras (for whatever reason). It is supposed to peak with a fake hostage drama but those broke-ass Italian actors hired for the job decide to make it into a real hostage situation and demand 1 million euro. And so on...The plot and acting performances are pretty good and the whole thing is wrapped up well after all those twists and turns. It is not easy to make a comedy which aims for something higher than being a collection of gags and cheap laughs...this one doesn't cut any corners and stays true to form from start to end. My guess is that this movie will become quite a box office success once it gets a wider release.