Osmosis Jones
Osmosis Jones
PG | 10 August 2001 (USA)
Osmosis Jones Trailers

A white blood cell policeman, with the help of a cold pill, must stop a deadly virus from destroying the human they live in, Frank.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
cinny85 When I first watched this film, I thought it was amazing. I have recently seen the film again and it was rather disappointing. The idea is still really good and if they'd re-film it, use more experienced people, I think it could be really good. Although the voice actors are people I really like, the performance was very poor. It all seemed to be too amateurish. Young kids, especially the boys, will still like it because it is rather disgusting. No really, it is absolutely disgusting. Under no circumstance watch this film if you are eating. It will take your appetite away.... at very least. The best thing in the film was Bill Murray, but it's a film he could have done without.
OllieSuave-007 This is a very cool live-action/animated movie starring Bill Murray as Frank Detorre, who after eating some bad food contracted a life-threatening virus. In the movie, the internal organs of Frank's body is an animated world known as the City of Frank, and is where a policeman white blood cell named Osmosis Jones (Chris Rock) and a cold pill Frank took named Drix (David Hyde Pierce) attempt to stop the virus known as Drax (Lawrence Fishburne) from claiming Frank's life.I thought this movie is very clever and imaginative, putting the human body into a whole new perspective. It makes your "insides" seem like an entire and adventurous different world, where in the film the white blood cells are law enforcement officers, lymph nodes are police stations, veins are highways, blood is water/lava, stomach is a bus station, a rowdy club is a pimple, and the germs and bacteria are the criminals.Marc Hyman wrote a fun, imaginative and adventurous script for the movie, cleverly depicting (in animation) how the human body fights infections and sickness. Brothers Bobby and Peter Farrelly did a fine job directing the film, making you suspend reality and imagining your body working like it is depicted in the film. Kudos to the team who did the animation work - bright, colorful and vibrant - nothing like some of those dull-looking and washed-out CGI animation you see nowadays. And, the live-acting and voice casting were great - realistic and believable.As this movie is raged PG, there is also quite a bit of bodily humor, puns and jokes, especially involving digestion, going to the restroom, passing gas, popping pimples from the face, food in the mouth.. (you get the drill). Therefore, you may not want to eat anything while watching this movie. But overall, it's a fun movie for both kids and adults - very entertaining! Grade B+
bazmitch23 When you mention the title of this film to someone, they just look at you and say "What?".Yeah, nobody went to see this film when it came out. I think it's because how do you market a film like this? Since this takes place in the human body, there's all kinds of gross out humour in it. Some of it is too much for a PG rated film. That's my biggest problem with this film and why it wasn't marketed very well. It's gross. The scene where the nose dam breaks and a giant tidal wave of snot comes out is not what you're mean to see in a family film. Especially on the big screen. The scene where Frank vomits on the teacher and it is shown in a newspaper headline, we actually see the vomit. You don't show people vomiting in a PG film. Not only that, but it's part of the story. Making gross out gags part of the story is not a good idea.Also, the scene where the zit is ready to pop, we get a big giant close up on it which is enough to make anyone cringe. It's almost like Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. A show loaded with gross out humour. But that was for adults. This is meant to be a family film.Now, the stuff I do like about it; the animation is great, it's very creative, (making the stomach the airport, the brain is city hall, the armpits are the steam room, I could go on)Laurence Fishburne was fantastic as Thrax. I kept forgetting it was him. Even if you don't like this film, you have to admit, Thrax is awesome. The music's great too. I like all the body puns as well.Not a film for everyone, but has gained a cult following on DVD.
jDriftyx82 Osmosis Jones may not be the most entertaining movie of the summer of 2001. I don't think it's the funniest (That award probably belongs to 'Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back'), but it's well written and performed, and the animation is wonderful.The film is a mixture of animated scenes and live action. The live action (directed by The Farrelly Brothers) stars Bill Murray as Frank, a disgusting, slovenly pig of a father, who'll eat anything, including soft boiled eggs! Even more gross, this particular soft boiled egg has spent some time in the paws and cage of a rather feisty monkey, and as a result a nasty virus enters Frank and begins to turn his body into mush.If you like animation, Bill Murray, are into science and bodily stuff. You should check this out. It's on YouTube. Just search Osmosis Jones Part __