Orgy of the Dead
Orgy of the Dead
NR | 01 June 1965 (USA)
Orgy of the Dead Trailers

Horror novelist John and his girlfriend Shirley are taking a night drive, in search of an eerie graveyard that will hopefully inspire John to come up with his next story, but instead stumble into the wild rituals conducted by The Dark Master and his faithful servants.

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
AllNewSux Even Ed Wood should be embarrassed and ashamed of this train wreck! This is not even really a movie per se, but instead is just an excuse to get 9 or 10 girls topless. Now as a heterosexual male, my eyes didn't mind those scenes but I was here to watch an Ed Wood horror/sci-fi movie and instead just got a showpiece for lousy dancers. Criswell acts like he's really drunk or high and Fawn Silver out acts him by a mile! She at least comes across as moderately creepy and weird which is a lot more than I can say for the Wolfman and the Mummy. Holy cow are those two an embarrassment to any Universal monster or mythical creature that preceded them! The Wolfman makeup you buy at Wal-Mart would be better than this and the Mummy sounds like a guy with a traffic cone over his head, reading lines offstage. And you won't BELIEVE the stupidity of these lines. I'm an Ed Wood completist. I had to see this film, but you don't. Had Ed Wood directed the film I think it could have been something special. Instead some obscure Bulgarian Z grade movie director behind the camera combined with Wood's awful script (I use the term script very loosely here) equals pure disaster! Honestly if they would have eliminated ALL dancing scenes they would probably have had a pretty funny and enjoyable film. The problem is they'd also have only 14 minutes...
Golgo-13 Almost a great gem of bad cinema, if it weren't for all the awkward nudie-dance segments (skeleton and streetwalker girls were the best), which has to sound at least somewhat contradictive to those of you who haven't seen it. See, those ten dances make up about 80% of the movie, leaving precious little time for the absurd plot, dreadful dialogue (and delivery), and choice moments like the guy playing the Wolfman exposing his neck under his mask while howling. A nutty, spaced-out Criswell ever staring on, bobbing his head approvingly at all the amateurish shimmying, counts for a lot though. And the soundtrack was pretty sweet…ah, who am I kidding, this Ed Wood-scribed flick is a hoot of a car-wreck!
Michael_Elliott Orgy of the Dead (1965) BOMB (out of 4) I spend my time watching a lot of really bad films because I really love those bad films from the past. Quite often I'm asked which is the worst of the worst and this film here always comes up in my mind. With direction by A.C. Stephens, a screenplay by Edward D. Wood, Jr. and Criswell giving out predictions you just know this thing had to turn out really bad. The movie is disguised as a horror film but in reality it's just a nudie flick but a very bad one at that. A writer takes his girlfriend on a drive to visit a cemetery so that he can get fresh ideas for a new story. Their car crashes and they awake in the cemetery where The Emperor (Criswell) forces them to watch various ghoulish girls dance around naked. We are tortured with a Hawaiian dance, a Skeleton, an Indian, a Slave, a Street walker dance and various others. In a film like this you expect all sorts of goofs and there are plenty. In the opening sequence you'll notice that the couple are driving around at night but there are several edits where it turns back into day only to turn back into night. When the girlfriend is tied up you can clearly see, at times, that she isn't really tied up but instead is just holding her hands behind her. Neither of these things bring any laughs, which is the real downfall of this turkey in that it's simply bad and never reaches a so bad it's good level. A mummy and werewolf eventually show up but they are just silly looking and are only used to dance around and act dumb. The main purpose of this film is to show nude dancing but the "dancers" are so bad at what they're doing you won't be a least bit interested. There isn't too much dialogue in the film, which is a shame since Wood usually comes up with zany lines to keep you entertained. The only mildly interesting thing about this film is the fact that Criswell is wearing Bela Lugosi's Dracula cape from Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.
Mack Fantastic Nothing happens. Not a little bit, not some, it's not got a thin plot. Nothing happens. The film is a succession of bored, plain-looking women dancing around in their knickers. No nudity, no plot, barely any dialogue. I've been to funnier and more enjoyable funerals.Considering there's a ten-line minimum on these reviews and there's less than 10 lines in the film, this will be a struggle. But here goes...a couple goes driving and crashes. They end up in some limbo place where Criswell, the legend of "Plan Nine From Outer Space", a man in a bad werewolf outfit and a mummy, sit with them and watch the dancing ladies. The end. Oh, are they really dead or not? Doesn't really matter. Avoid this if you are a human being.