R | 06 October 2000 (USA)
Bootmen Trailers

Sean Odkin loves to dance—much to his fathers distain. When the woman he loves cannot return his love, he goes in search of the only thing that can make him whole again—dancing.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
baybee I was born in Newcastle where this film was set, and was still living there at the time when this was filmed and when released was very interested in watching it.All I can say is that Adam Garcia was fantastic and showed his amazing dancing skills - he is also a great singer as well as shown on An Audience with Kylie Minogue last year and he is definitely such a versatile performer and one to watch in years to come.Seeing areas of where I grew up in Newcastle was surreal and I even recognised some local faces as extras. The theatre they used when Adam's character was in Sydney was really the Civic Theatre which is located in Newcastle.Sophie Lee has come a long way the past few years and definitely deserves higher recognition - I'm not saying this because she is also a Newcastle girl but I thought she outshone Kate Winslet in Holy Smoke and gave Toni Collete a run for her money in Muriel's Wedding and it was a shame she didn't have a bigger role.Australian movies are really hit or miss and this is definitely a hit, along with The Dish which was released around the same time. The dancing sequence is heartpounding and this is definitely one film worth a look.
babysquid I took tap for a good portion of my life and am very excited to see a movie showing the kind of tap that is really done. Not that hokey "putting on the ritz" type. And these dancers---- WOW! They made me want to get up and dance again. And there was a plot, too. A plot that did not get lost under the taps. A good movie with incredible dancing. See it just for the ending at least!
muppet-11 This film is amazing. The dance scenes will leave you breathless, and the acting will have you reaching for your Kleenex!Adam Garcia has really come into his own, and this film really lets him showcase just how deep his acting and emotions run. He was good in "Coyote Ugly", but it didn't let him really do much besides look and sound adorable (except for when Kevin fights with Violet by the car outside the bar). This movie has the gammit of feelings - joy, sorrow, heartbreak, sarcasm, humor...Sam Worthington is very good as Mitch Okden. Dein Perry did an excellent job directing the film, and there are some beautiful shots in the movie. The dance scenes are filmed very well, and the scenery of the Sygna and the aerial shots of Newcastle are beautiful as well.Definitely worth your time and money to see - and see again!!
webby_tw What else can I say but wow! I thought the story was really good, not at all unbelievable. I loved the whole brother thing with Sean and Mitch, they were so typically Australian! Go the flannelettes! I was really there for the dancing (and Adam Garcia) and it took a while to get there, but i loved it when he dropped the hammer at the steelworks and heard the sound and as they say, the rest is history! It was awesome when they started putting the show together, there was so much energy! And when "that thing" happened with Mitch, that was really sad and I thought it was cool that Sean kept going with the Bootmen thing. Ok, the dancing... Once! I can't believe how good they were! When they started doing the more macho dancing I was totally covered in goosebumps! And the sound of the taps on metal! It was brilliant! The energy coming out of those dance scenes was overwhelming! So 10/10 on the dancing easy! Adam Garcia... What can I say, the man's a legend! Not only is he absolutely, totally, indescribably hot! but he's an awesome (and I mean AWESOME!) dancer! I'll have him over the guy from Riverdance any day! This is the first movie I have seen with Adam in it and I hope it won't be the last! In case I haven't made my thoughts on Adam clear, here it is nice and simple... HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT!So an easy 10/10 for the totally delicious (and talented of course) Adam Garcia! The only tiny thing that brought it down was the not-so-spectacular dancing at the beginning, but that got better half way through. But I'd rather have dancing than dialogue! In short (ha!), brilliant movie, great dancing, great actors, great body (thank you Adam!) and enough energy to blow the roof off! I wanna see it again! (and again and again and again...)