Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad
Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad
NR | 26 April 2008 (USA)
Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad Trailers

In the year 20xx, scientifically created zombies roam the world in record numbers. Despite this, Aya is determined to track down her father's killer, a person who was once close to her. With sword in hand and wearing nothing but her trademark bikini and cowboy hat, she sets off to settle the score.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
masercot If you watched all of the movies involving both bikinis and samurai and took the time to absorb their message, you probably have more time on your hands than is good for you. This movie is the standard of its genre, you must remember that its genre isn't very good.The movie seems to be shot on video tape. Instead of squibs, special effects handle most of the blood and bullets. It isn't a bad effect for such a cheap one. Since the work is based on a comic book, they might even say that they planned the effects to look somewhat gaudy. And, more power to them.The movies starts off well, with some great magic sword effects and splatterly gunshots; however, it devolves into a wizard of oz type scenario, where each character finds who they are looking for...albeit ironically. By the end, it looks more like an episode of power rangers. The acting is sincere, but this movie is definitely one best chosen when the only other alternative is infomercials.Not for kids. Amazingly unappealing exposed breasts...
brettyler This movie can't be taken serious in any way at all, but it dosen't either. so the blood spatters on the screen, and the horrid effects, just make this film More enjoyable. The movie dosn't really follow the game, the sequel does though, but has an interesting plot, and can really be enjoyed. The actors do their job, and has some funny moments. It also had a part where my wife had cried so, this movie has a little bit of evreything. I can't wait for the sequel to be dubbed so i can watch it. So if your a fan, or someone wanting to watch bikini zombie slayer this movie is definitely for you.! 1 2 3 BIKINI ZOMBIE SLAYERS UNITE!
unbrokenmetal I write this review 5 minutes after watching the movie, because I'm not sure I'll remember much about it in a few hours except there was a chick with a katana. Aya is on the hunt for her sister (who helped killing their father) and Doctor Sugita who created hordes of zombies. Helped by another lady with a gun, they are mowing down the zombies and then face the above mentioned for revenge - nobody could come up with a more simple story line. It wouldn't be much for a manga you could read in 30 minutes, but it is very little to fill 90 minutes of a movie. No surprise it feels a bit stretched, some fights are lasting too long.Fortunately, it looks really good at least. I liked the digitally enhanced flash of the blade which was very comic-strip like, the little (also digitally painted) blood drops on the camera lens, the well placed flashbacks and slow motion shots, such as the moment when the girl in the white dress is shot, you see the cloud of smoke - and then, already the zombies in the background come nearer. Due to its clever style, it's fun to watch once, but regrettably not the kind of cult flick you'd want to see again and again.
whirling-darkness Pacing, is the answer. This movie is terribly paced.This movie is essentially two movies in one. Zombie flick and family drama. It could probably work, but in this movie it doesn't. The setup is terribly corny and if it strikes you as odd, and strangely familiar, that a little group of people can take down a guy that supposedly has filled the world with zombies, you're not alone.That's not really giving away too much. There are a few predictable twists and turns you can see for yourself, but here's my list of what would have made this movie a little better: 1. Focus on either the family drama OR the zombie killing. Director/writer too inexperienced to handle both properly and the result is a messy concoction.2. The main character wears a skimpy outfit. And to be fair, it's the main attraction of the movie. So, why isn't she showing it off more? I remarked to my friend that the movie would have been lots better if it was just her doing pole dancing for 30 minutes. Maybe with zombies :)3. The final showdowns are too long and simply too boring. LOTS of action, to be sure, but you're bored watching them. Tighter editing and pacing would have helped some, but you really don't care about any of the characters due to poor development and pacing throughout the movie.4. The characters in the movie are two dimensional, extremely so. Precious film time is wasted on many occasions and unfortunately that leaves less time to flesh out the leads. That includes the long winded flashback sequence that runs throughout the movie at intervals.There's more, but you'll see all that for yourself if you watch it.It's shot on video. While that in itself is not a problem, when everything else is amateurish, it makes you feel like you're watching something hacked together in a high school film lab. There's a lack of contrast throughout the movie that makes it drab and bland to look at.There are two high points of the movie. The first is the fight scenes. When they're good, they resemble something out of a violent video game. The fast action actually makes the rest of the movie pale in comparison. If only the whole movie could keep that high speed and action. The second high point is, again, her skimpy outfit. It fits a crazy universe, but it also underlines that the rest of the movie is underdeveloped.The movie deserves a 4 for being mildly entertaining, but add an extra star for the two high points.