Once Upon a Time in Rio
Once Upon a Time in Rio
| 25 July 2008 (USA)
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Situated just above the awe-inspiring Ipanema beach in Rio is the Cantagalo slum. Every day, floods of Cantagalo residents make their way down the mountain, only to disappear into their surroundings as part of the invisible working-class that cleans apartments, works in restaurants, and sells food along the scenic, sun-drenched shores. Young Dé (Thiago Martins) is just such a man. Dé lives with his mother Bernadette (Cyria Coentro) in a cramped Cantagalo apartment, selling hot dogs on the beach in order to make the rent. His brother Beto was killed when Dé was just a young boy, and his adopted brother Carlão (Rocco Pitanga) has been jailed for a robbery that he didn't commit. One day, while working on the beach, Dé meets Nina (Vitória Frate). Nina is the only child of a successful lawyer named Evandro (Paulo César Grande), who's none to happy to discover that his daughter is dating a member of the lower class. How...

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Cem Lamb This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
caiosigmaringa Strongly based on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, this movie had everything to be cliché. The old story about the rich girl who falls in love with the poor, ignorant boy. Add to that the fact that it is another one of those " favela ( slum ) movies " that appear each time more in Brazil, and you could say " I've already seen that ", before even watching. Except it isn't cliché, nor it is a favela movie. It's beyond that. It speaks out loud, on characters reactions to the main stars relationship, so many opinions, prejudices, that most of us have inside us, but don't even realize, because a story like this doesn't happen to everyone.It shows how " This side ", the rich side, because of its prejudices and fears, oppress, misjudge, and ends up destroying lives, or even creating the criminals we fear.Some people say the main character decisions are stupid. They aren't. The main character is someone who grew up in the favela, in fear, thinking he would never be like someone from " the beach ", the other side of town, and in the present is this oppressed person, who is embarrassed even to reveal to the girl he likes he works at the beach stand. And this affects he's decisions, since he always thinks the rich people will not understand him, and that he must fear them.The ending has caused many controversy. Many people hated it, thought it was fake and over the top. I don't agree. Had the ending been the other way, it would still be a nice movie, but that's it. It wouldn't be this incredibly strong story. Maybe in real life things wouldn't have happened exactly like in the ending, but that's not the point. The ending was supposed to be poetic, and synthesizes many of the points brought up during the story.Overall, it's a story full of clichés, but still refreshing and beautiful, with a very strong and poetic ending, although not very easy to swallow, and not the most feel-good either.
diegopaes Here we have a classical story of a simple hard-working poor boy, falling in love with a rich spoiled girl. There aren't many things you can do with this plot. That's because most of it have already been done. That is the classical "date movie", when two people struggle to be together in the end. People feel good about it, and even with the feeling "I think I have seen that before", people still enjoy it. Just like 10 in 10 Brazilian soap operas. Despite the dreadful edition, the movie director does a really nice job using almost all the clichés that he could remember. But what really bothered me is that you CAN make this kind of movie without getting into the Romeo and Juliet set up, when really bad choices by the characters (like "playing along" with the police) leads them to certain death. Overall it is a nice movie, but nothing beyond that. In terms of Brazilian cinema, where creativity and excellent ideas are used to surpass difficulties such as low budgets and horrible actors, this movie disappoints. Ps. Thiago Martins does a really good acting here, and Victoria Frate does the exactly same face 90% of the movie.
heitorch This is the greatest Brazilian drama movie since Central do Brasil and could be compared to Sheakspeare's Romeo and Juliet.If you live or have lived in Brazil you know that there is a lot of poverty around you and this movie portrays it really well. It shows how the rich people live next to the poor and the the barrier between both social classes. Aside form the amazing portrayal by Breno Silvera, of what Brazil is, the story really gets your attention from beginning to end. The end is shocking and realistically demonstrates what could happen in a real life situation.The actors Rodrigo Costa, who lives in the Morro do Canta Galo (where the story takes place), and Cyria Coentro interpreted their characters as if the story was real. Later, Rodrigo Costa revealed in an interview with Maria Gabriela that he lived through a similar experience when younger.
keepchila Im Brazilian and I usually like the Brazilians titles like Tropa De Elite or Cidade De Deus that are grade 10 movies ...But Era Uma Vez... is for sure the worst title I have seen in the last 5 years! the story is really bad and the end is ridiculous! Seriusly, if I tried to do a worst end I wouldn't be capable of ... The thing that really upset me is that during the film there are many smartest thing to the characters to do but they always choose the stupid options ! If I had seen from minute 1 to 80 I would give a grade 6 ... but after those last 10 minutes I just didn't gave 0 because the minimum is 1 ...Well this is mine opinion ... fell free to comment
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