On the Silver Globe
On the Silver Globe
| 10 February 1989 (USA)
On the Silver Globe Trailers

A small group of cosmic explorers, including a woman, leaves Earth to start a new civilization. They do not realize that within themselves they carry the end of their own dream. They die one by one, while their children revert to a primitive native culture, creating new myths and a new god.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Ventsislav Dyankov Crazy original film.. trying to encapsulate almost everything about the human condition.. from simple human emotions, trust, love.. to opposition, hierarchy, religion, politics..how we perceive the world, the relationship between man and a woman, heavy philosophical and transcendental scenes.. the first 30 minutes are almost unbearable though.. at one point it got so boring, i could not sit still, i was going mental.. some people left the cinema.. mainly because of the heavy overly poetic and dramatic dialogue.. the rest is a joy for the imaginative mind.It is based on a Sci-Fi novel, written by the grandfather of Zulawski. The novel had a great influence on Stanislaw Lem as he was growing up. Mind-blowing stuff. A must-see for the serious cinephile.
tony randall only a truly gifted artist could make something this uncompromisingly weird-it makes lost highway look like an episode of meet the press.okay,let's take a story about a few astronauts leaving earth and landing on a distant planet.the astronauts die off relatively quickly and their children grow up at an accelerated rate-the children spring into being btw,no copulation is ever hinted at much less shown-so quickly as to reach their tenth (or so) birthdays in a matter of days.the children welcome the next visitor,presumably from the planet poland,as a god...and i'm not sure what happened after that...that last sentence which probably took you about ten seconds to read is the only synopsis for this 2hr30min minute film i can muster.and i have no idea if what i wrote is even remotely accurate.to say i didn't really follow this movie is besides the point,its greatness lies not in its storytelling abilities so much but in the tough to discern netherworlds of aura and atmosphere.whatever the holy mountain,electra,my love,mulholland drive,blood of a poet or the other 2 giants of polish sur-reality,the saragossa manuscript and the hourglass sanatorium have-this movie has too.i lack the ability to describe sufficiently all the films i've just mentioned so all i can really tell you is that after i watched on the silver globe i knew that i had liked what i had seen.yes,it's totally insane but it's not bad...just don't ask me why....
mk7007 A SF Movie that was started in 1977 - as long as I know from a polish group of people that worked at the Arts Academy.The project was then stopped due to problems. 10 years after, in 1987, somebody collected the original tapes which were about 75% of the script.What you see is this tapes glued together. The other 25% you see somebody driving around in a polish city holding a handcam out of the window of the tramway or running around with it and a speaker is reading the corresponding part of the script.It is a SF Movie that deals with Men and contact to other races, men land on an distinct planet. They live there. They leave their land to see what is behind the sea. They fight with the other race. They got sex with the other race. They get cruzified.The basic in this movie is the Question "why?".It is a low-cost production with very effective pictures, sometimes bizarr. 3SAT, a german cable television channel made german subtitles and aired it in about 1995. I was lucky to videotape it and looked for it since then in Search engines. 2004 is the first time that I found information on IMDB.
berger-11 This is one of the most impressing films I ever saw. Not only the fantastic sound of the polish language (i saw the film with german subtitles)but the great scenery of the mongolian landscape lead me to this opinion. This film is one example of films which are not just the "american standard cinema movie".