Old 37
Old 37
| 21 March 2015 (USA)
Old 37 Trailers

Two brothers intercept 911 calls in their Father's beat up old Ambulance to exact revenge on a group of careless teen drivers.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
venusboys3 It's all bait n' switch with some movie companies. You can hire a couple of 'name' stars and a competent film crew and churn out some garbage that desperate fans will show up for... and walk away cheated. But hey, you got some cash out of them and word won't spread fast enough to keep you from making back your investment plus a bit to see the next bit of cinematic snake oil. Really, I thought the basic idea could have worked... and the actors were decent... and with modern technology and film schools churning out tech-competent students desperate to pay off their loans it's hard to make a bad looking movie... but geeez! Who wrote this crap?!!! It's dumb and dumbest right from the start. Does Moseley even read the scripts for the movies before he signs up?Truly a waste of time, talent and energy.
Bloodmarsh Krackoon What's a good way for a director like Alan Smithee to get people to watch his horror film? Releasing it right before Halloween is one way - and casting Kane Hodder and Bill Moseley as serial killing brothers, is another. I've never met Kane Hodder, but I'm willing to bet he's probably the nicest guy on the planet, because for some reason directors want to work with him. This is a guy who is best known for walking around with a hockey mask, with absolutely no dialogue. The reason for that is quite simple - he's the most wooden actor I've ever seen. He has no screen presence/charisma, no sense of timing when it comes to line delivery. He just snarls and bullies his way through every single role, without a care in the world. He does a pretty mean chicken dance, though.'Old 37' is dull slasher film about two serial killers (Hodder/Moseley) posing as paramedics (Uh, I think it's about a boob job, too.) If you think this is a pure horror film, you're wrong. It's more teen drama than horror. It takes entirely way too long to get to the killings/torture. The character development is something you'd see from 'I Still, Still, Still Know What You Did Last Summer.' There's absolutely no reason to add any type of character development to this film, because the characters are dull, bland rip-offs of previous 'teen' slashers. You will be pleased to know, or at least you should be, that Brandi Cyrus doesn't manage to last 20 minutes into the film. If you're like me, you probably feared she'd somehow land the main role as the helpless victim. You won't be pleased to know, that if she hadn't been killed off, she would have ended up being the best actor/actress in the film - and that's not meant as a compliment.Random Ramblings of a Madman: 'Old 37' is mind numbingly awful, filled with bland characters, awful acting, and the worst drivers ever put on film.
Jamie Bonnema A refreshing horror movie to watch in a genre that seems over commercialized, or over done recently. It's thrilling, captivating, and even has its funny moments. What I like most about OLD 37 is that the plot doesn't drag, yet the gore never fails. The plot of this movie is interesting because it plays into the idea of the anti-hero. I'm also a fan of the plot because it's not cliché in any way. Sometimes I think horror movies can borrow too many ideas from other horror films and it sort of seems like you're watching the same film over and over again. Have no fear, the creativity doesn't lack in this film. Nevertheless, your typical slashing will of course be present.Overall, YOU HAVE TO SEE IT. OLD 37 is the perfect film for Halloween and if you're a horror fan, it surely won't let you down. The opening scene will leave your stomach churning and the ending scene will leave you surprised and asking for more!
philarmitage21 Where to begin without spoiling too much?There is a prologue, then the opening titles (which feature a great score and an interesting credit:Directed by Alan Smithee), and it's all downhill from there.It becomes quickly apparent that things won't be very promising with almost immediate bad dialogue given to badly-written characters who do stupid things in unrealistic, only-in-movies cliché'd manners. The actors didn't really stand a chance with this script.Nothing works. Not the antagonists' motivations (revealed in numerous flashbacks) or their M.O., the unfortunate ''character development'' which takes up so much screen time and only succeeds in being incredibly unbelievable, (once again) cliché, uninteresting and unoriginal. Not the storyline, which throws in ''revelations'' that are completely unnecessary and illogical and doesn't bother trying to do anything remotely original. I could go on. NOTHING works.This is one of the worst films I've seen recently. It may sound harsh but I was marvelling at how much I disliked everything with every passing minute.This is lazy filmmaking. No attempt to try to do something original, or to create good, interesting characters. If there was, then something happened and it prompted the director to take his name off the credits.I can't blame him.