Odd Girl Out
Odd Girl Out
| 04 April 2005 (USA)
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A mother and her daughter confront the intimidation of teen peer pressure and the emotionally brutalizing social rituals of high school.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
elshikh4 I think they should have dedicated the movie for "all the stupid teens" where you're not stupid because you're teen, only a teen as long as you're stupid. Thus that girl got to discover the fakeness of what was around here, then be brave to face it, get rid of it and move along; so she can grow up and stop being dumb anymore.I loved dealing seriously with a subject that many may consider plain or usual. This sadistic relationships do exist in the adolescents' community. And the movie's biggest victory is portraying "The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls" as the title of the book which the movie was based on. However, what I didn't like at all is that the character of the lead wasn't dumb only, she was so dumb!There was a bit too far exaggeration while showing the lead's naivety; specially her strange ability to believe everything was said to her (to have us commenting all the time "she brought it to herself" !). Well, frankly any girl that got an absolute trust in the one who hurt her the most over and over again is someone deserves all what happens to her ! I felt, for instance at the party scheme, that whether this girl is a masochistic character or the dumbest ever! This point weakened the drama and turned the viewer off, as we were watching very odd girl more than odd girl out !True that the flare-up scene was a perfect climax. But I was having a flare-up of my own over the lead's behaviors up to this event. It was a smart movie, but this characterization permitted a proportion of superfluous melodrama that hit it badly. Adolescent move if you asked me.
max1128 This movie tells a true message of how high school life is. Straight and to the point, people who think things like "Oh, that could never happen to me" will think differently after they see how the movie conveys it's hard but important lesson. The brutality of girls in high school are finally shown to everyone, and their horrible bullying and harassing pushes one lone girl into a great spiral of depression and misery. When you see how ruthless the girls in the movie are, you'll wonder how things like this really happen in the real world. And you'll see, in the end, how the girl who has suffered so much learns one of the most important lessons of her life.And it also makes me grateful that stuff like this doesn't tend to happen to guys as much. Like one of my favorite quotes from the movies says: "Girls are brutal. They hurt each others' feelings and tear each other to bits over the smallest things. Guys smack each other, and then go get a beer."
ZacAttackFeelsGood On a scale of 1-10, I give this movie a 7. I can't say I enjoyed the film, because this is not a film that you "enjoy". You DO like the movie, but there are times in the movie that make you feel disturbed, depressed, and even nauseous, because of some of the things that Vanessa (Alexa Vega's character) had to go through.I've always liked Alexa Vega (notice how I said "like" and not "love"), especially from the Spy Kids films. I saw her in Sleepover, which wasn't all that good, though I didn't expect anything better.Alexa put on a pretty good performance. The thing I like to look for in a movie with high profile actors/actresses (such as Alexa Vega in this one) is that I hope that I can believe they are their characters, and not just themselves playing the characters, if that makes sense.Her performance as Vanessa was solid, believable, and (I'm sure for some people, myself not included) tear-rendering. I'm a guy, but I know a lot of girls that would cry during this movie.The rest of the cast did a pretty good job too. Leah Pipes seemed like the typical popular girl. Like many popular girls at my school, she talked a lot of trash, yet didn't really mean what she said. In the end, she was the one left alone, and you DON'T feel sorry for her.The biggest surprise for me was the rock-solid performance by Alicia Morton as snooty, wannabe Tiffany. The last time I saw Alicia in anything was several years ago in the Disney remake of Annie, which she wasn't bad at, but I didn't really think about her having been Annie as much as I thought I would. She, like Stacey (Leah Pipes) was very much like the preppy, popular girls at my school.Though she put on an okay performance, Elizabeth Rice, who played Nikki, Stacey's best friend and Vanessa's former friend, stood out the least. Though her acting was convincing, I didn't really think of her character as much when it came to the "mean girls" in the movie.Before I saw this film, my brothers, who had seen it before and didn't especially like it, told me it was like Mean Girls, though more dramatic. If you're looking for a movie like Mean Girls, this is NOT the movie to see. It is NOT funny, for one thing, and it has a very different storyline.If you think you will enjoy the film, you are wrong. You WILL ,like it though. Anybody who has been to high school can relate, whether you are a guy or girl.
nicola89 wow! hey guys, this is a real movie! it's not a typical Hollywood commercial movie about girls. no, it's something incredible that touches you deep inside. your heart will beat faster and faster, you will start crying, suffering, and in the end you will be full of life! an unbelievable movie about bullying with a more than great Alexa Vega who's the best young, new actress in the world! yes, she is. without a doubt! her best friends start bullying her, she doesn't know why. then she doesn't want to go to school anymore. why should she go? everyone hates her! no one wants to sit near her during the launch, in the corridors everyone laughs when she crosses them, during the lessons no one spokes to her. trust me guys, it doesn't matter how tough you are, this movie will touch your heart, you will cry and be happy, happy because you will discover what life is. i don't know why this movie wasn't shown all over the world. all i know is that it gives you something real, something true, it gives you life! and what's more important than life?