Norm of the North
Norm of the North
PG | 15 January 2016 (USA)
Norm of the North Trailers

Polar bear Norm and his three Arctic lemming buddies are forced out into the world once their icy home begins melting and breaking apart. Landing in New York, Norm begins life anew as a performing corporate mascot, only to discover that his new employers are directly responsible for the destruction of his polar home.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Daniel Dell I love polar bears, but this was scarring!!! Mainly because it stars Rob Schneider. Not only that, this movie feels like one of those cheap $1 movies whose DVD covers you see at Walmart. This movie is just a desperate attempt to be hip and cool with the kids. I'm even a 2000s kid, and I was offended by this film. Yes, this movie is even offensive to 2000s kids. Heck, even kids in GENERAL loathed this movie. The lemmings are basically the annoying little pooplets!!! This is so crappy. It is THAT bad. Nostalgia Critic even shaved his head because of this!!! WHAT KIND OF MOVIE IS THIS??!! IT'S LIKE GROUNDHOG DAY, EXCEPT IT'S SO UNFUNNY, THAT INSTEAD OF WATCHING BILL MURRAY, WE'RE WATCHING ROB SCHNEIDER!!!! Mr. Green is just as over the top as Chester V from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. This movie is its own asylum knock-off. That's how bad it is. Stay away from this movie.
kingsaladnoob this movie is so good my daughter was so mind blown by how amazing this movie is, she actually asked if we could leave early, and it was only 10 minutes in the movie! that just screams amazing! the best part about this film is the lemmings they make the movie 10x BETTER! I just don't understand the negative feedback of this great masterpiece!
Samuel Hauser Oh my gosh this movie is so bad omg I want to die it's so bad right now it gave me cancer and autism and aids cause it was so bad omg this movie sucks so hard it gave me aids cause it's so bad stay away avoid this piece of junk at all costs omg this movie is so incredibly terrible I don't know how or why this movie got made omg this actually got made omg this movie sucks so hard omg it made me want to die omg this made me want to die so so bad omg it gave me cancer on my face it was so bad stay away from it please.
ryanp-48552 Norm Of The North is probably the best movie ever. Not just in my opinion. But in everyone's opinion. Rotten Tomatoes even gave it a 9%/10%, which i think is an understatement, but whatever. There is only 1 bad thing about this movie.1. It's not long enough. IT SHOULD NEVER END! EVERRRR!Now the good things.1. Rob as Norm. With movies like "The Hot Chick" and now Norm Of The North under his belt, It's no wonder why he is one of the most respected actors in all of Cinema. He is an amazing voice actor!2. The complex setting and plot. This movie has the overused film cliché "THEY ARE BUILDING HOUSES IN THE NORTH POLE!" but does it really well. The setting is also good.3. The character design. THE HUMANS LOOK SO REAL! I THOUGHT SHARK TALE HAD GOOD ANIMATION, BUT THIS IS A WHOLE NEW LEVEL! STUPID, CRAPPY, LAZY ANIMATION, LIKE THE KIND SEEN IN "The Lego Movie" SHOULD BE BASED IFF THIS KIND!4. THE LOVE STORY! IT ISN'T FORCED IN AT ALL! 5. THE MUSIC! Never mind. I can't even pretend this aspect is good.6. THE REALLY GREAT ACTION SCENES. FROM THE OPENING SCENE, ALL THE WAY UNTIL THE ENDING, IT HAS AMAZINGLY SHOT SCENES. MOVIES LIKE, EVERY MOVIE EXCEPT THIS ONE, SHOULD TAKE A HINT! Conclusion: The people who gave this movie a bad review are being paid by Marvel. This movie is just to deep and smart for them. 11/10 best movie ever!