PG | 05 December 2014 (USA)
Yellowbird Trailers

Yellowbird lives in the ruins of an old house. He lacks the confidence to leave his home, no matter how much Bug, his labybird friend, tries to convince him to go out into the world. Attempts to toughen him up have had little success, so Bug seizes an opportunity that leaves Yellowbird unexpectedly finding himself the new leader of the flock that is migrating to Africa. Still, lacking faith in his own abilities and with danger and imminent failure lurking around every corner, our feathered hero is forced to either find the strength required to work with the team or bow out and stay hidden away forever.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
graves-scott My son (16) and I watched this movie because my wife put it on. We were flabbergasted by it's stupidity and moral flexibility it showed in what was supposed to be the hero. I will mark this as containing spoilers but if you've seen any kids movie you could write this one. Father bird bites it in what has to be the most action packed and emotionally powerful part of the movie. It's all downhill after that. Father's last words to the cowardly yellow bird is to pass a message on to the new leader of the birds. JUST PASS THE DAMN MESSAGE!!! So the yellow bird's best friend and parental substitute, the lady bug, tells the yellow bird to LIE to the other birds and LEAD them to Africa... Yes. That's your moral right there folks. Cheat to win. Endanger the many to get what you want. Lie to succeed. Who the hell wrote the script? Teddy Kennedy? I've read here that the movie is actually French. It makes a lot more sense after reading that. Never mind this movie. If my son was under 8 I'd have turned it off once the lady bug told the yellow bird to lie.
Reno Rangan This 'Yellowbird' came between 'Free Birds' and 'Angy Birds'. I liked all the three. They all about the birds, but different from each others. This is a French film in English language. It tells the story of a yellow bird who was raised by a ladybug. All his life he lived in a small safe enclosure, but the destiny chooses him to lead a flock of birds to migrate during the eve of winter. Without any experience how he manages to accomplish the mission is what covered in the remaining parts.The animation standards were high. The character models and backgrounds, all were impressive. Even the colours and texture were so good. But the story was weak. The adventure did not have any major impressive scene. It has some decent jokes, but not an adventure to define the film. It was a simple story about a lie and doing the right thing after realising that. I am sure not everyone would enjoy it, but kids would.For me, it had lots of ups and downs throughout the narration. At least it ended decently. Animation films won't release every weekend and I have seen almost all the top ones so far, so what's next are these ones. For the animation fans, this won't be a bad flick if you welcome quality ones, except the story which was just okay. That means it is for the selected viewers.6.5/10
fantacockta It was a really great movie! I know many don't find it so great, but it does really do a very good job for a smaller studio. The music was excellent and the character design and animation superb. Now, the story itself might be rather common among animated movies, you know, traveling to another place and having these accidents and small plot twists, but I never get tired of that. Besides, it was pretty unique. I don't really remember many movies that portrayed so many unique cinema scenes and motives (but, that would be a spoiler if I told you now, eh?)I think this movie is similar to Rio in some ways. It does show love between two birds, even though that ending should have emphasized that a little more. It also shows how eventually love was getting stronger and how at one point they had a plot twist/fight.Anyway, people say it's for 7-year-olds or similar, but I'm 15 and loved it!
cipnrkorvo The story isn't bad, and the graphics are acceptable, especially considering it comes from a small studio. What kept me from really enjoying the movie, though, is that the characters felt fake, from beginning to end.The accent of the ladybug almost feels like something that would create a great character, but never really does. Same goes for every character. They say things which are very obvious, just to make you understand what's going on, which adds to the fake feeling. Like some other reviews said, that makes something acceptable for small children, but really not great for anyone else. It's made up a little by the fact that most of the music is nice.