Non-Stop New York
Non-Stop New York
NR | 28 November 1937 (USA)
Non-Stop New York Trailers

A young woman finds herself as the intended victim of a murder plot on a transatlantic flight from London to New York.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
blanche-2 "Non-Stop New York" is a delightful film from 1937 starring Anna Lee, John Loder, and Francis L. Sullivan.Anna Lee (Lila Quartermaine on General Hospital) is pretty Jenny Carr, a young British actress in New York City with a flop play. So soon, she'll be on her way back to London. She meets a man who sees she's hungry and offers to buy her a meal. That man is later murdered, and a bum is arrested. He is due to be executed in a matter of days. He says that an English girl knows he didn't do it, but no one can find her. She's already home. Once she sees a headline that she's being searched for, she realizes she has to get back to the US immediately. She and her mother find a plane that goes London to NY in 18 hours, and her mother pretends to be drowning while Jenny boards the plane.Little does Jenny know but the real killers are out to stop her.This plane is something to behold. It's a clipper, and apparently this type of plane did exist. Wish it still did. The inside is more like a train, with sleeping compartments, dining room, and one can step out onto a terrace like thing outside the plane. It also flies rather low. Totally amazing.Francis L. Sullivan is excellent as the slimy gang head who wears different disguises in his quest to get rid of Jenny. Apparently - could this be true - he was 35 years old when he did this. If you'd told me he was 65 I would have believed you.John Loder, who was married at one time to Hedy Lamarr, is the handsome investigator who really doesn't believe Jenny.This film is available on youtube. Try and see it - it's very enjoyable.
Robert J. Maxwell Anna Lee is a cute English blond, who kept her looks as she aged, stranded in New York after her show closes. She witnesses a murder. An innocent vagrant is convicted and sentenced to death, but Lee, who has by this time returned home to London, knows the real murderer. She runs to Scotland Yard but the Inspector, handsome young John Loder, dismisses her as just another publicity-seeking showgirl.Desperate to save the vagrant, who will be executed in two days, Lee stows away aboard a flying boat. Other passengers, by the most improbable coincidences, include Loder, the actual murder (Francis L. Sullivan), a small boy who is a violin virtuoso, a blackmailer, and assorted others.Sullivan is not the blustering hefty ham of his later years. Here, he's elephantine but soft spoken, almost effete, well greased. Anna Lee is no more than another pretty English girl. Nova Pilbeam or Madeleine Carol could have handled the role. But Lee's allure had an interesting feature in that its zenith lasted for twenty years or more. Her career, in fact, lasted 71 years, from 1932 to 2003.There are bits of drollery in the dialog, none of it overdone. The setting -- the remnants of the Great Depression in 1938 -- are neatly evoked. Lee can't afford the cup of coffee and the ham sandwich she orders at the drugstore counter -- total, twenty cents.And the airplane taking all those passenger to New York is a sight to behold. Private compartments, as on a train, a dining room, an observation deck. Surely Hitchcock would have handled it differently but this isn't to be dismissed as junk by any means. The plot is its weakest part, but it doesn't torpedo the rest of the film.
krishkmenon This unknown classic is a must see. It is fast paced in the Hitchcock style and well acted with a lot of droll sequences intertwined between. Anna Lee couldn't be prettier or more charming. The entire cast including the villain Francis Sullivan are great. The British attempt at American slang is slightly noticeable but otherwise the direction is top notch. I just love that luxury aeroplane and wish that it was a reality to the present air traveller to rid him of the monotony of long travel. The storyline may be a little slow paced but is offset by the acting. Certainly a movie far before its period and not necessarily a curio but most interesting to watch.
Arun Vajpey I first heard of Non-stop New York while browsing, of all things, the Aurum Encyclopaedia of Science Fiction films. The only reason that this film was included in that book was because it is 'futuristic' by 3 years; it was made in 1937 while the main action takes place in 1940. One interesting point is that the filmmakers did not know that WW2 had started by then and so there is no mention of it.For some reason, the film is very obscure, only 39 viewers (including me) having voted for it on IMDb at the time of this writing. But is a fast moving little thriller full of incisive British wit. The film is so quintessentially British that one cannot help but notice that even the 'Americans' are local actors wincing with their attempts at transatlantic accents. But for this one minor flaw, the film is thoroughly enjoyable with perfect casting and good, if lightweight performances. An added bonus, certainly from my own perspective, is that most of the action takes place on board a Transatlantic Clipper, one of those seaplanes that were so glamorous in the 1930s. A definite Collector's item and I am the proud owner of a good quality VHS tape.