Night of the Damned
Night of the Damned
| 10 September 1971 (USA)
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Jean Duprey and his wife Danielle are famous journalists with a special interest in unsolved mysteries. They receive a request of help by an old noble friend of Jean, Guillaume de Saint Lambert, who is about to die by an unknown illness. He lives, obviously, in ancient castle with his wife and the servants. Soon Duprey discover that his friend's wife is a witch (originally burnt in the 18th century) and that Guillaume is under her wicked influence. She practices the art of black magic and by making die slowly all members of the Saint Lambert family she gains eternal beauty. When Duprey breaks the marble casket containing the ashes of the witch she shows her real aspect before dying.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
HeadlinesExotic Boring
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
jrd_73 Typical for the period horror film, Night of the Damned features a castle, a curse, some nudity, and a few murders (mostly off screen). A reporter visits a sick friend who believes himself cursed. Relatives of the friend are being inexplicably bumped off under strange circumstances. Is this a supernatural phenomenon or the result of an all too human inheritance plot? The film goes down easy enough but is not overly memorable. The color cinematography is warm but there is little atmosphere. The trippy climax is enjoyable but the film could have used more psychedelia. Bottom line: die hard fans of Euro-horror might want to give Night of The Damned a look. Don't expect The Reincarnation of Isabel/Black Magic Rites - a much wilder ride.
HumanoidOfFlesh Amateur detective Jean Dupris(Pierre Brice)is summoned to the home of his friend Gil.Not long after Dupris and his wife(Patrizia Viotti) arrive Gil dies in his sleep.Gil's companion turns out to be a witch who kidnaps women,engages them in sex orgies and then kills them when she's through.Dupris decides to hang around and help solve these range murders.Unfortunately he doesn't notice that his wife has fallen under the control of the lesbian witch,who enjoys scratching female breasts."Night of the Damned" is a pretty sleazy Italian Gothic horror with beautiful women and a good amount of nudity.The action is pretty slow and there is not much suspense,but if you are into Italian horror give this one a chance.7 out of 10.
melvelvit-1 Famed journalist Jean Duprey (Pierre Brice) and his wife receive a letter from an old friend, Prince Guilluame St. Lambert, imploring them to come to his castle at once. The Prince fears he's dying from a curse placed on his family three centuries before but his beautiful young wife, Rita (Angela De Leo) is convinced he's merely losing his mind. St. Lambert tells Duprey he's found out something horrible in the library and when the journalist investigates, he discovers one of his friend's ancestors had a beautiful young woman burned at the stake back in 1650 and insanity and death have plagued every generation since. The terrified Prince dies in his sleep and is interred in the family crypt but soon after, the body of a young woman is found near the castle drained of blood. The police ask Duprey to stay on and help solve the crime as his wife, who's been begging to leave, falls under a strange spell...Despite the low budget, there's some good Gothic atmosphere with the gloomy, candelabra-lit castle providing a perfect setting with plenty of armor in the hallways and windstorms that billow the draperies all night. It's revealed early on that the Prince's haughty wife, Rita (a big-haired Cynthia "Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls" Myers clone), is the witch and she sacrifices her victims during Satanic rituals by raking her nails down their breasts. There's no graphic gore but a bit of nudity and lesbian overtones help compensate and, at the end of the day, NIGHT is enjoyable, juvenile nonsense that doesn't overstay its welcome. Undiscriminating Italian Horror hounds will probably appreciate the effort put forth provided they don't expect too much.
dddvvv The other comment here could not be serious. This title deserves all the attention a cult movie should. It has all the elements proper to the genre it represents. A witch, a castle, a malediction, an 'investigator of the occult', some morbid sexual themes, a rich and grainy photography focused on warm and thick colors like red and orange so that it resemble that of another great movie: 1962's Riccardo Freda's masterpiece "L'orribile segreto del dottor Hichcock". The plot could not be so original but this is not the main thing to appreciate in a product like this. Remember: it was filmed in 1971 on a low budget. If you're into Jess Franco or Mario Bava don't hesitate to search for this movie, it will worth the time and money. To me it's an 8/10.