Satan's School for Girls
Satan's School for Girls
| 13 March 2000 (USA)
Satan's School for Girls Trailers

A young woman enrolls at an all-girls college in New England to investigate her sister's suicide and is slowly lured into a witchcraft cult by a quartet of students wanting to make her their fifth member of their evil circle.

ada the leading man is my tpye
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Leofwine_draca Ostensibly a remake of the 1970s TV witchcraft classic of the same name, SATAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS in reality turns out to be a cheesy variant on the usual CHARMED storyline. Indeed it could be a feature length version of CHARMED and nobody would notice the difference, especially given the ultra-cheesy CGI effects and the presence of leading actress Shannen Doherty.The film opens promisingly with the apparent suicide of a young woman who's a student at an exclusive girls' school. Her older sister subsequently enlists at the same school in order to investigate the death, and she soon becomes a member of a witch's circle where great magic power is wielded. Sadly none of this power translates much to the screen, where everything seems subdued and laboured.The film is dull and cheesy, the worst kind of TV movie cheese there is. Incident in the storyline is limited to a couple of minor characters dying bloodlessly, and it all builds up to an ending chock-full of hilariously bad effects. It's fair to say that the acting is hardly remarkable, with a young Julie Benz (RAMBO) particularly irritating as a fellow student. Still as this is an Aaron Spelling production, the producers are happy to sit back and film the female students in (and out of) various figure-hugging attire, so they're happy.
myspecialparadise To be honest, for personal reasons, I don't like Shannen Doherty at all. Believe me, she is nothing like the people she plays in these television movies and series. So, that was the first problem with this movie. Type casting is very important to movies ... and the casting was screwed in his case. However, I did enjoy seeing Kate Jackson, but she was miscast also. Personally, Kate is a very nice person ... even though it is believed that she is bi-polar and manic-depressive. Kate has the "IT" Factor and most of her fans were a case of love at first sight.The special effects left a lot to be desired, and the last 20 minutes of the movie was a huge letdown. So, basically, if you want to see a good movie, watch the original Satan School For Girls ... that one is a classic as far as I am concerned. Yes, it had a few problems too ... but the casting was a huge improvement over the remake.LadyShalene
MechaGodzilla This movie had everything going for it as far as being a one of the awful horror movies that is so bad it's funny: it has a really horrible storyline, an even worse script, cheap special effects and some of the worst overacting I've seen in years.The only downfall of this movie was Shannon Doherty, who, though extremely hot, wretched the entire "crappy movie" experience for me with her unnerving indifference. It's like she knew that this was a bad movie to begin with, and so she didn't even try, she might as well have been reading her lines from a teleprompter (which I think she was.As I said, this ruined the experience for me, nothing is more funny to watch then people trying to make serious horror films and failing miserably.
Jusenkyo_no_Pikachu I woke up this morning to find a note from my younger sister asking me to tape the movie because it was on while she was at school. So I did.I didn't think it was too bad, but it would have been better if thy had done it with a different ending.Shannen Doherty plays your seemingly average girl, Beth Hammersmith. However, after her sister apparently suicides, she receives a message saying "Our Deepest Sympathies--The Five". And out of curiosity, she enrols at her sister's college. On her first day, she gets a note saying "Join Us--The Five".She meets the Dean (Kate Jackson). And her roomate allison (Julie Benz). And her roomate's friend Paige. And "Sabrina the teenage b tch"--a girl named Lisa (along with her four goth "droogs", if I may use that term).I'm not going to reveal anything more about this movie in the case that you the reader have not seen it yet.However, I will tell you that the ending is a little too saccharine for this kind of movie. Had they changed it, the movie would be a lit better (and yes, I do understand that this movie was based on a 1970s TVM that also featured Kate Jackson)