New Worlds
New Worlds
| 01 March 2014 (USA)
New Worlds Trailers

The 1680s bring a new king, Restoration and more tyranny. In Massachusetts, a robber's son falls for an anti-monarchist. In England, young lady falls for an outlaw.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
dragokin New Worlds won't keep you on the edge of your seat, yet it might be a fine pastime during a coupe of hours.I wouldn't discuss the historical accuracy of New Worlds since i've perceived it as an adventure without the ambition to describe the era. So we're moving from Old World to New World and follow several interesting characters.There were moments, though, where i wasn't particularly amused. For example the family in England raising their daughters liberally, albeit in a new age commune style. Then there was inverse Pocahontas story of sorts...But i'm complaining too much about a show which was nice although far from being great.
symphony78-1 Wanted to watch it with hoping it will give a glimpse of the colonial times, but it turned to be bad acting, mediocre screenplay. very simple series.
pensman I'm willing to enjoy a bit of "historical" fiction when it sidesteps history—I get a kick out of the CW's Reign with its prom dress wardrobe—but you really are pushing it when a) a group of Puritan settlers in Massachusetts look like they stepped off the catwalk and b) those same settlers with a handful of almost impossible to load 15th Century firearms not only unload/reload them as it they were hand-held Gatling guns and fight off a hoard of Native Americans who are overrunning the stockade they are using as a fortification. The scenes in Restoration England are a bit better but obviously no one was planning on establishing an accurate period piece. Other than that, there is plenty of blood, treachery, and "fun." Just don't look for an intelligent plot to account for any of the action.
may antrobus OK,it's not completely gripping,and some of the story lines were clipped a bit thin of time,but hey,I get sick of historical series being turned into no more than characters getting frisky,whilst this series reminded me of the good old fashioned swashbuckling series of old,whilst very aptly showing the moral dilemmas of the age,though for me Beth was a bit of an improbable character,she sort of looks on mildly whilst she's abducted,and watches someone close to her be abducted too with a look that is to say the least bovine.if you are looking for a series that gives you good old entertainment(even includes a scalping,then this is ideal).