PG | 03 December 2011 (USA)
Neverland Trailers

Raised on the streets of turn-of-the century London, orphaned Peter and his pals survive by their fearless wits as cunning young pickpockets. Now, they've been rounded up by their mentor Jimmy Hook to snatch a priceless, some believe, magical treasure which transports them to another world. Neverland is a realm of white jungles and legendary mysteries of eternal youth, where unknown friends and enemies snatched from time welcome the new travelers with both excitement and trepidation. These groups include a band of 18th century pirates led by the power-mad Elizabeth Bonny, and the Native American Kaw tribe led by a Holy Man, which has protected the secret of the tree spirits from Bonny and her gang for ages, and that has meant war. But as the fight to save this strange and beautiful world becomes vital, Hook, Peter, and the ragamuffin lost boys consider that growing old somewhere in time could be less important than growing up, right here in their new home called Neverland.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
griz-259-175100 One gets the feeling that writers and producer have a great respect for JM Barrie's original work. They've exercised their personal artistic vision well (the crocs, possible logistics of the power of flight and how Peter came by them, the hooded figure, "Captain Bonnie", friends becoming enemies, Peter's life before "Pan"); while paying a kind of homage to the original work by taking the time to fold elements of it into their story. Things like the possible origin and depths of the animosity between Hook and Pan; what happened to Hook's hand and how the croc got a "taste for him"; why Peter can have such fits of forgetfulness and lack of concern with his past -- remain "forever child-like and innocent; why he had to return to the real world to eventually encounter Wendy and her brothers (I LOVE how they fold this in at the end!). Everywhere one looks, one sees respect for the original story. It was also a pleasure to see Bob Hoskins once again -- and for the last time -- revive the character of Smee as only he can. Well acted, well written, well conceived. Most of the negative reviews seem to hinge upon the story or characters not being what the reviewer wanted them to be. One of the essentials of watching this kind of movie is the ability to put one's expectations on hold for long enough to see just what the writers and producer have in mind and respect that this COULD be a valid prequel to a well-loved story.
Vincent Black This is a portal science version of Peter Pan. The story explains away all the fantasy with logic and reason. Instead of J.M. Barrie's "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning." You find an ancient scientific invention and get teleported to a planet called "Neverland".Peter Pan the never-ending male child adventuring on the small island of Neverland as the leader of his gang, the Lost Boys, explained away as street gang of old England.A Native American tribe found the device and poof! Pirates found the device and poof! Even the "fairies" are explained as the native lifeforms on the planet. Fairies don't need to be explained away by science, they are the stuff of childhood fantasy.So after watching this on Netflix, I came to the decision this was written by the same mean man (Nick Willing) who you see in parks popping children's balloons, stealing their ice cream, and telling them there is no Tooth Fairy.Peter Pan remains a great book for fathers and mothers to read to their children. Childhood fantasy is what makes us dream of better worlds and enhances the imagination. This movie is a stale "adult only" remake, made to suck the life and art out of the masterpiece.
bbcommunication I have watched everything in history about Peter Pan. I loved many versions and even enjoyed the history of how the story was created. But, this is absolutely my favorite of them all! This actually has depth and emotion. This explains many of the unanswered questions we all have when we watch the "Disney" version. This takes the fairy tale gloss off the finished product, but yet still has that fantasy flair and imagination.It never surprises me that high quality production, story, and acting gets overlooked and this never took off into further production. With passing time, the actors and production staff are getting older and into other projects.... oh how I wish people would spread the news about this great series and get it brought back or even better yet.... to the big screen. WE NEED A MORE GRITTY AND A DEEP PETER PAN! I was left wanting more!
Armand Nice but more loaded with details. Charming to the limit of boring. Brilliant to be boring. A movie about beginning of a hero. But, in fact, only a spider web of felt.To much and to strong. A song with many nuances of cry. Savior - Bob Hoskins. But the ambition to say everything is not the best idea.Special effects are good solutions if the limits exists. In this case , the multicolored ball is not expecting cake. Ad usum delphini, it is a tangled game. So, story do not respire and the mixture of science, Amerindians, pirates and lands are only cages for a good impression. But it is not an exception. In our time, fas film is only piece of fast live. Appearances are all. And key for a chaotic culture.